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Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 5/12 update

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome

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Posted 3/22/06 1:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that a friend of the family had something similar during her second pregnancy. She actually lost a little of her vision in one eye and had to wear a patch over that eye for about half of her pregnancy. After the baby was born, shortly after delivery, her eye was back to normal. She said it was the strangest thing.

I hope you're feeling better soon!

Message edited 3/22/2006 2:17:36 PM.

Posted 3/22/06 2:16 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome

Did these both start at the same time?

The facial pain sounds like trigeminal neuralgia to me. Are any of the muscles in you face weak (smile and look in the mirror or try to close your eyes tight and see if one eyelid is stronger than the other). TN is more common in pregnancy and can result from previous dental work...I would see a PMD and if you doc has no idea get a referral to a neurologist.

Does the eye pain get worse when you look around? And is it only in one eye or both? Any blurry vision? If you have blurry vision you need to see an ophthalmologist or neurologist ASAP as it could be optic neuritis. But it could also be nothing.

I hope this helps!

Message edited 3/22/2006 2:27:03 PM.

Posted 3/22/06 2:24 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome

Deb, I am so sorry you are going through this. As if all the other pains aren't enough to deal with.

My girlfriend actually told me that her MIL had something similar happen to her that affected her vision. I think the opthamologist should be able to help.

I hope they figure this out. Sending you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 3/22/2006 9:30:17 PM.

Posted 3/22/06 9:29 PM

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Hope everything works out Deb.

Posted 3/23/06 1:05 AM

2 1/2

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome

I have.. while I was at lamaze class I got a HUGE migraine which made me very nervous.. I then lost feeling in my mouth and my hands.. I had a cat scan done, nothing they did all kind of blood work and nothing again..
they said the baby may have been sitting on a nerve the wrong way..
Next time you feel it coming on try to change the way you are sitting or standing.. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/06 3:10 AM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome

Oh Deb get to some kind of doctor, maybe an ENT, and see whats going on for your own piece of mind.....seems like it could be many things!Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/06 6:42 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 3/27 update

update in first post.

Posted 3/27/06 10:28 AM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 3/27 update

Oh man Deb. I was hoping you'd feel better by now! I dont understand why you cant get answers from anyone! Hang in there - hopefully its just pregnancy related and it will go away soon!

Posted 3/27/06 10:43 AM

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 3/27 update

keep reading and go to as many people you need to find some answers!

with all the "specialists" these days i can't help but feel like a hot potato myself sometimes...

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Posted 3/27/06 10:51 AM


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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 3/27 update

Posted by waytogo

Did these both start at the same time?

The facial pain sounds like trigeminal neuralgia to me. Are any of the muscles in you face weak (smile and look in the mirror or try to close your eyes tight and see if one eyelid is stronger than the other). TN is more common in pregnancy and can result from previous dental work...I would see a PMD and if you doc has no idea get a referral to a neurologist.

Does the eye pain get worse when you look around? And is it only in one eye or both? Any blurry vision? If you have blurry vision you need to see an ophthalmologist or neurologist ASAP as it could be optic neuritis. But it could also be nothing.

I hope this helps!

I was going to ask if they've done testing on your trigeminal nerve. I have had a similar situation for a few years now. I'm not preggo, nor was I when it began, but the left side of my face went completely numb and then slightly tingly about 4 years ago. Unfortunately we have never found a reason for it. It has gotten better but I have never regained full feeling in that side of my face. however, it doesn't really affect me as I don't normally 'feel' that I don't feel unless I'm very tired or I run a sharp object across each side of my face. Then it becomes apparent that I do not feel it on my left side as well as I do on my right.

Anyway, they were looking into bells paulsy (though I had no droopiness) as well as problems with the trigeminal nerve. How intense is the pain?

Posted 3/27/06 11:48 AM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 3/27 update


I wish I had some answers for you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I can only hope the doctors can find a reason and a cure soon so you don't have to be crying everyday

Posted 3/27/06 11:56 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 3/27 update

Wow. I am really sorry. This is awful.
I would want a CatScan though. Have you been tested for Gestational Diabetics? I know that can effect your vision.

Posted 3/27/06 2:26 PM

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 3/27 update

No suggestions or advice....just don't give up on trying to find an answerChat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Hope you feel better soon!

Posted 3/27/06 2:29 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 3/27 update

I hope you don't have long to wait for a referralChat Icon

Posted 3/27/06 4:21 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 4/27 update

Hey ladies,

Just wanted to give you a mini update.
Went back to some doctors and I still don't have any answers but I am still having problems with my face becoming numb.
Sadly, I am starting to become resigned to the fact that this just might be how I have to live my life for three more months Chat Icon
I go in tomorrow for my Glucose test so I will see what the OB says and early next week I am going in to have some x0ray's done on my face because as my doctor says "I just wnat to make sure that its not a tumor or something like that leaning on a nerve, but don't worry I am sure its not" Chat Icon Thanks Doc...not too freaked out now! Chat Icon
Thank you for those have have FM'd me looking for an update!
Chat Icon

Message edited 4/27/2006 9:03:41 AM.

Posted 4/27/06 9:03 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 4/27 update

Oh Deb - I hope they find some answers for you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/06 9:42 AM

Life is good...

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 4/27 update

I hope everything is OK. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Sometimes I think doctors know just as much as we do....nothing!

Posted 4/27/06 9:49 AM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 4/27 update

Chat Icon Deb i hope everything turns out OK...I am sure it willChat Icon

Maybe you need Don down there to slap you with some sauce...then you will be just right!Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/06 9:59 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 4/27 update

Posted by Moehick

Chat Icon Deb i hope everything turns out OK...I am sure it willChat Icon

Maybe you need Don down there to slap you with some sauce...then you will be just right!Chat Icon

Don't even laugh but aI am at the point where I would consider ANYTHING that MIGHT relieve some of this pain for ANY amount of time.

Posted 4/27/06 10:30 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 4/27 update

FINALLY! I have FINALLY been diagnosed with something. Man it feels good to have a doctor finally believe you and to know that I am NOT crazy (ok ok, it took Darren calling the doctors office and demanding some stuff, but they finally looked at the x-ray and got back to me). Anyway it seems I have some polyps/cysts that are lining the left side of my face and THAT is what is causing all these problems.
I have to go in tomorrow and see what we can do about all of it. Its just nice to know that this is not all in my head!

Posted 5/11/06 6:43 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 5/11 update

Deb...thank God you got an answer...FinallyChat Icon

Posted 5/11/06 6:47 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 5/11 update

Posted by Moehick

Deb...thank God you got an answer...FinallyChat Icon

Thanks Moe.
Its just really nice to know that I am not crazy or making these symptoms up. I have no idea how we will treat them or if any pain management can happen now but at least we are making steps in the right direction.

Posted 5/11/06 6:54 PM

Mommy of 2

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 5/11 update

Deb I am so glad that you got some answers!! I hope all goes well.

Posted 5/11/06 6:59 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice and/or comfort welcome 5/11 update

Deb- Im so happy you finally got answers, and that they will take care of it, and you will finally have some relief!

Posted 5/11/06 7:20 PM
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