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Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

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Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

Posted by Tish

I have a Golden Retriever and she is an absolute ANGEL. She is the most gentle dog I've ever met. I've had kids at the house who pull on her tail and accidentally step on her feet and she has never even growled at them. Sometimes she just sneaks away if she's had to much abuse lol.

I agree, Golden's are the best to have around children. Very loving dogs!

Posted 3/22/06 11:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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is not the girl you knew

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Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

Golden Retrievers are known to be good fmaily dogs, but i was attacked by one when i was 6 years old, and i hear its actually common that they attack.

tof my dogs my chihuahua LOVE LOVE LOVES kids, but they have to be careful with HER. kids dont know how to play appropraitly with toy breeds.

a mutt would probably be your best bet.

if you want a medium sized dog what about a Shiba Inu or Boston Terrier or Sheltie or something?

Posted 3/23/06 12:07 AM


Member since 9/05

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Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

I know Labs are famous for being good with kids but my sister's lab bit my nieces face when she was only 2 and they had to find him a new home. He was a stray that they had found on the street, so we didn't know his history and he could have been abused. It was very upsetting, obviously for what happened to my niece and they also felt very bad to have to get rid of him.

To answer your question, we had 2 springer spaniels when I was growing up and they are a beautiful breed and very loving. They are a great size, smaller than a lab and bigger than a cocker spaniel. Both of our dogs were very healthy and lived long lives. My parents call the springer they have now their 3rd daughter!

Posted 3/23/06 9:51 AM

just the girls

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Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?


Posted 3/24/06 10:03 AM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

I know someone also mentioned little shelter, but if you decide to go with a lab or a golden, there is long island labrador rescue and long island retriever rescue, they are both great organizations that will help you find a dog that is perfect for you...good luck! I've been around dogs since I was two...and some of my best childhood memories involve those bread that you might be interested in are wheaton terriers...they are medium size, they are really gentle yet playful, they like to swim...and they are herders, so that's great for around children

Posted 3/24/06 11:54 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

Keep in mind, there are no bad dogs, only bad owners. If you get a dog and are firm and patient with them, and get them obedience trained, most dogs will be manageable and if not overly friendly, at least polite and well-mannered.
Even a Golden Retriever can bite if not socialized properly as a puppy....

As for pure's a link to my thread about how to start. Make sure you do research. For as many shelter dogs that are out there, there are as many (not all) owners who put them there.
A lot of people think the doggie in the window is cute. Then they bring it home and its running laps up and down the walls!

Link: How to find a Pure Breed Dog

Good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 3/24/06 2:41 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

My dad has a boxer that is great with my little brother and sister. I had a husky growing up who was also very gentle, but he shed ALOT !!!

Posted 3/27/06 1:40 PM

My new 71 Super Beetle

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Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

My Chihuahua loves kids too -

Posted 3/28/06 7:50 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/07

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Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

a shihzu is great for families. docile and friendly.

Posted 7/5/07 4:48 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

i also have 2 black labs who have never ever shown to be a threat. My 10 mth old daugher beats the crap out of them too!!!

Posted 7/5/07 6:43 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/07

33 total posts


Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

My Tibetan Spaniels are great with kids, but I think any dog would be fine if it is raised right... I always grew up with mutts.... I love mutts...... Try Northshore.....

Posted 7/6/07 9:16 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

I have an American Bulldog that is fantastic with my toddler. Schnauzers are great with children as well.

Message edited 7/6/2007 10:13:20 AM.

Posted 7/6/07 10:12 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

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Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

We have a Bearded Collie, he is great with kids. The breed is known for being a great family pet.

Posted 7/7/07 12:59 PM

Skinny jeans are in my future

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Baby Momma

Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

Pugs are geat with kids...enen other pets!!!

Posted 7/9/07 7:53 AM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Which breeds of dogs are good with kids?

Golden Retrievers

just look at my avatar

BUT - as puppies, they are very hyper and very chewy - fair warning!

Posted 7/9/07 9:51 AM
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