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LIF Infant
Member since 12/05 128 total posts
Re: Advice Needed Re: Baby Names
This is so funny...Susan I just realized that your DH's name is my DH's name and my son's name...We call my son Joey, and DH is Joe and FIL is Joe. His grandfather is no longer alive. But DH's mother still calls DH Joey, which can get a little confusing. But all in all, it's not bad. And Joseph is a nice name, at least I think so.
Posted 1/8/06 10:37 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy of 3!
Member since 5/05 2967 total posts
Name: Mommy to two boys and a girl
Re: Advice Needed Re: Baby Names
If we ever have a boy- DH wanted him to be the was very sticky convincing him out of it....he finally agreed to a different name- but, somehow in the bargain, we are going to use the girl's name he likes...i like it but its not my favorite....
Posted 1/8/06 3:31 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Advice Needed Re: Baby Names
We had this same issue. DH wanted to name after someone in his family, preferably his father (he's deceased). DH is not named after his father, his younger brother is. And I said what about my family - why can't we name him after someone in my family (my dad is deceased as well). I didn't see the reasoning that just because it's a boy, you name after the father's side of the family. I really don't like the idea of naming a baby after anyone. I think a child should have their own identity. In the end, we chose our own name, and the middle name is DH's name. I didn't want a Jr, but I did like the idea of honoring my DH with the middle name.
Posted 1/8/06 4:07 PM |
Member since 5/05 30390 total posts
Name: really
Re: Advice Needed Re: Baby Names
My grandfather is Robert Joseph, Dad is Robert Joseph, Jr.... and my parents named my little brother Joseph Robert.
My Dad has a nightmare of a time when it comes to credit cards and legal matters, because he's always confused with his father. He said he wouldn't dream of doing that to his son, so they reversed first and middle names.
I think that is a perfect compromise.
Posted 1/8/06 11:39 PM |
Member since 5/05 1573 total posts
Re: Advice Needed Re: Baby Names
I love the idea of "family names". I'm fascinated by family histories and think that names with roots are wonderful. My husband and I aren't quite sure when we're going to have children, but we already know what their names are going to be. Family names are pretty big in my family - for both men and women.
Here's a thought for you though - technically, unless all three generations previous generations are living, your son technically wouldn't be a fourth. My brother is a third, but my grandfather was deceased at the time of his birth. So, technically he's a Jr. It is my understanding that in order for the suffix to be correct, all the namesakes have to be alive.
Does this make any sense.
Posted 1/9/06 10:23 AM |
Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Advice Needed Re: Baby Names
Posted by McSullivan
I love the idea of "family names". I'm fascinated by family histories and think that names with roots are wonderful. My husband and I aren't quite sure when we're going to have children, but we already know what their names are going to be. Family names are pretty big in my family - for both men and women.
Here's a thought for you though - technically, unless all three generations previous generations are living, your son technically wouldn't be a fourth. My brother is a third, but my grandfather was deceased at the time of his birth. So, technically he's a Jr. It is my understanding that in order for the suffix to be correct, all the namesakes have to be alive.
Does this make any sense.
This would mean that DH would have to change his birth certificate and everything to Jr and his father would have to erase all Jrs off of his things and my son would have the same EXACT name as DH has had his entire life (III). Talk about IRS/cc nightmares!
Thanks for your input everyone. I'm thinking I'm just going to go with the IV thing to end this craziness and call my son Joey.
Posted 1/9/06 8:01 PM |
Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Advice Needed Re: Baby Names
Posted by Shorty
My grandfather is Robert Joseph, Dad is Robert Joseph, Jr.... and my parents named my little brother Joseph Robert.
My Dad has a nightmare of a time when it comes to credit cards and legal matters, because he's always confused with his father. He said he wouldn't dream of doing that to his son, so they reversed first and middle names.
I think that is a perfect compromise.
Cute idea, but there's no way I'm naming my son Louis.
Posted 1/9/06 8:02 PM |
Need a little sunshine

Member since 9/05 3843 total posts
Name: D
Re: Advice Needed Re: Baby Names
I'm not a fan of the whole III or IV, pass the name down the line thing either. And I would not appreciate being expected to name my baby something I don't like just because his father or grandfather was named that. No way! But that's easy for me to say because my husband is also not a fan of the pass the name thing, so it's not an issue for us. And while I agree that a child's name should be original and picked just for him or her, in your case, I think giving him the "family first name" is very symbolic of his immediate acceptance into the family and that's kind of beautiful! And I think as he gets older he would really feel blessed and honored to have the name. Unless of course the name is horrible than FM me asap and I'll delete my response so your hubby doesn't see it. LOL.
Posted 1/11/06 2:48 AM |
Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05 4898 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Advice Needed Re: Baby Names
My DH is the 3rd, and really wants there to be a 4th when the time comes (I'm not even PG yet, but I secretly pray for a girl)
Sometimes he's on the fence about it, but other times he's adament that if the name ends, he doesn't want it to end with him, meaning that our son will decide what he wants to name his own son. I can take bets NOW that DH will be upset if there isn't a 5th....
I can only wish you good luck and
Posted 1/11/06 3:45 PM |
Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05 4114 total posts
Re: Advice Needed Re: Baby Names
I'm not a big fan of the III and IV. My husband is a junior, and it's stopping there if we have a boy. He doesn't want the III anyway.
Posted 1/11/06 3:49 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 581 total posts
Re: Advice Needed Re: Baby Names
Posted by PrincessP
You are gonna hate me because I actually like that idea. Especially since hes adopted. What an honor to go down as the fourth in your family. I am sure one day your child will like it. It seems so sentimental.
I agree!
Posted 1/17/06 12:29 PM |
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