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How many times a day does your dog eat?

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My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

2383 total posts


How many times a day does your dog eat?

I was feeding Lola 3x a day. She is just not into eating. I don't know if it is the food or maybe I am feeding her too often. it drives me crazy though, I just want her to eat!

So how often do you feed your dog and how do you space out the times?

Posted 3/13/06 9:51 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Heart and Soul

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

I feed Otis 2-3 times a day but small bowls!! Then again he is a pig!! LOL


What are feeding Lola?? Hard or wet food?? What brand? Maybe try changing it up alittle bit for her!!

Posted 3/13/06 10:15 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

1/2 cup 2x a day.

Posted 3/13/06 10:36 AM

Come on in

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

1 cup 2x a day. Sometimes I sneak a little more and give him 1 1/2 cups because 1 cup just doesnt look like it's enough.

Posted 3/13/06 10:58 AM

talk to the hand

Member since 5/05

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

my mom calls me the "buffet lady" because I free feed my dogs.. I leave dry food out all day for them to nibble on whenever they want... and wet can food every other day.

I have toy breed dogs btw.

Posted 3/13/06 12:35 PM

Mommy to 3!

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Jesss, duh.

Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

We feed Peanut 2x's a day 1/4cup each. She is only 6 pounds and most of the time doesn't finish the entire dish.

However, everytime she finishes a bag of food we buy a different brand/flavor. Because I have noticed she gets very bored with her food.

And we don't give her wet food. For whatever reason she won't eat it.

Posted 3/13/06 1:10 PM

I'm a mommy :)

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

I fed Rocky 1/4 cup 3x's a day till he was 6 months old. In a whole week, I think 2 days out of the 7 he would eat all of it.
I asked my vet and they said that small breeds are very very picky and for some reason like to be hand fed. My father tried this and he ate!!!! But that was so inconvenient for us.

After 6 months, now he eats 2xs a day and it's fuller than 1/4 cup but less than 1/3. He's gotten better. But he will only eat when someones in the kitchen with him and there are no distractons. If someone walks in or out of the room, he forgets that he was eating.

These small breeds are just a handful!!!!

Posted 3/13/06 1:47 PM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Misty gets fed twice a day...1.5 cups in the morning and 1.5 cups at nite

Posted 3/13/06 4:00 PM

You make me happy

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cause you are gray.

Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

we leave dry food out 24/7 and he eats when he feels like it

Posted 3/13/06 5:05 PM

Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

twice a day

Posted 3/13/06 5:51 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Casey eats twice a day - and that is if she is in the mood.

My mothers dog - which is a shitz-tsu - eats once a day

Posted 3/13/06 5:53 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

i fill his bowl in the morning and there is always left over

ETA...he never sits and eats all at once

Message edited 3/13/2006 5:57:31 PM.

Posted 3/13/06 5:57 PM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

2383 total posts


Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Thanks everyone!
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I will maybe try switching up the food, But I guess if she really was hungry she would eat whatever was in her bowl.
Diana1215 actually says her Molly, (Lola's sister) had the same eating habits lately so maybe it is just the way they are.

Posted 3/13/06 8:03 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Our big dogs eat twice a day.

When my little one was alive, she initially ate once a day and then when I moved in with DH, we started feeding her twice like the big dog (obviously the amount was split between the two feedings).

Posted 3/13/06 8:07 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Posted by Gertyrae

Misty gets fed twice a day...1.5 cups in the morning and 1.5 cups at nite

Bama gets the same.

Posted 3/13/06 9:07 PM

i run for bacon

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Posted by woozshle

we leave dry food out 24/7 and he eats when he feels like it

Same here. At dinner time I will either give him some wet food or a treat (he lovest his bacon flavored sauce that is made for dogs or some small peiecs of meat) mixed into his dry food.

Posted 3/13/06 9:34 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Tiger gets fed twice a day

Posted 3/14/06 7:39 AM

My twins are one!!!

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Posted by Diane

Tiger gets fed twice a day

Same here.

Posted 3/14/06 9:23 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

I feed Katie 3x a day.

Posted 3/14/06 2:43 PM

Pookie Love

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

PuppyDog gets dry food and wet food mixed together every night - sometimes there is some left the next dayt, sometimes not. If she's really hungry before "dinnertime," I will give her some dry kibble to hold her over.

Posted 3/14/06 8:42 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Since we are gone for most of the day. They get 2 scoops of food and that is their food for the day.

The scoops are a decent size maybe a cup or so.

My dogs were over weight so they have to watch what they eat. lol Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 11:15 AM


Member since 7/05

3466 total posts


Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

I keep Tyson's food down all day and throughout the day he eats here and there.

I wouldn't worry about it, she'll eat when she's hungry. Or just bring her to my house, she usually eats all of Tyson's food when they're together anyway! Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 11:32 AM

boy mamma

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Posted by KaRiSsA

1/2 cup 2x a day.


Posted 3/15/06 7:14 PM

Should be working

Member since 5/05

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Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Guinness eats once a day, at night when we eat dinner.

Posted 3/16/06 7:04 AM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

2383 total posts


Re: How many times a day does your dog eat?

Thank you everyone! Chat Icon

Posted 3/17/06 9:56 AM
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