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Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

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Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I'm just being nosey here because it seems I'm in the minority when I ask other moms who had C's this question.

Did you have staples or stitches from your C?
I had disolveable plastic surgery stitches (or at least that's how my dr. explained them to me). And now I have a very thin, very faint red line, and in some spots, it's back to flesh color. My dr. told me in a year, you won't be able to see the scar.

Posted 8/27/06 10:19 AM
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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had staples and still have a scar almost three years later.

Posted 8/27/06 10:21 AM


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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had staples. Now a year's a faint white can hardly see it. I didn't use any scar cream either...

Posted 8/27/06 10:22 AM

So Big... So Fast!

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

Staples for me. My incision is still pretty fresh - one half is back to flesh color and the other looks like a purple streak.

Posted 8/27/06 10:37 AM

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

Message edited 2/8/2007 3:02:26 PM.

Posted 8/27/06 10:40 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

no staples for me...just sutures...with the tape over it

Posted 8/27/06 11:01 AM

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had both. Stitches on the inside (ones that dissolve) and staples on the outside.

Posted 8/27/06 11:03 AM

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had dissolving stitches. I had them for a previous surgery and you can hardly notice the scar. I'm hoping it's the same for this one.

Posted 8/27/06 11:08 AM


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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

Staples an 1 year later I still see the line. Some spots have faded though

Posted 8/27/06 11:15 AM

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had staples and honestly, I was looking at my scar the other day, it's not that bad at all. It's a small white line but not very noticable. My DH said he doesn't notice it at all.

Posted 8/27/06 11:40 AM


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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

Posted by anon

i had staples, i have to really search to see the line at three months, but i do see one...

Same here. I had staples and I have to search to see the line. My doctor did an excellent job!

Posted 8/27/06 11:43 AM


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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had both and you can still see my scar but it is were my belly folds over so it doesn't bother meChat Icon

Posted 8/27/06 11:52 AM

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had staples and 16 months later I can still see my scar. It's thin but I can see it.

Posted 8/27/06 12:00 PM


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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

Staples both times.

Posted 8/27/06 1:04 PM

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

Posted by prncssrachel

I'm just being nosey here because it seems I'm in the minority when I ask other moms who had C's this question.

Did you have staples or stitches from your C?
I had disolveable plastic surgery stitches (or at least that's how my dr. explained them to me). And now I have a very thin, very faint red line, and in some spots, it's back to flesh color. My dr. told me in a year, you won't be able to see the scar.

I have the same exact thing.

Posted 8/27/06 3:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

Wow, I am surprised that so many of you ladies had staples....

I had a c/s with my first and did not have staples. I was sewn up and had steri-strips over it. They basically fell off on their own, and at my 2 week pp check up, the doc took off those that hadn't fallen off on their own.

2 years later, my c/s scar is hardly noticeable. It's faded so much and it only visible if I'm really looking for it.

Posted 8/27/06 3:16 PM

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I have the plastic surgery stitches too, after 17 months I see nothing

Posted 8/27/06 3:32 PM


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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had staples. My line also is red in some areas and skin colored in others. It is very faint and hopefully goes away!

Posted 8/27/06 3:36 PM

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had staples, and the scar is red in some areas, and back to my skin color in others, weird. Hope the red parts clear up soon. 14months later......

Posted 8/27/06 8:39 PM

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had disolveable plastic surgery stitches too and I can barely see my scar. It's there but I really have to stare to see it.

Posted 8/27/06 8:50 PM

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

Staples. 4 months ago. A visable scar, but I just started putting scarguard on it.

Posted 8/27/06 9:27 PM

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

Posted by dottiemchugh

I had staples. My line also is red in some areas and skin colored in others. It is very faint and hopefully goes away!

Same here

Posted 8/27/06 9:33 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

There will always be a scar IMO...but I refused to have staples and had stitches..which I had a huge reaction to.

Posted 8/27/06 9:35 PM


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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had stitches, 10 months later I still have a scar, but its very faint. I don't mind though - its my badge of honor!

Posted 8/27/06 10:03 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

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Re: Just curious. C-section mamas, come on in....

I had staples, and my incision opened up, I never look to even see if there is a scar though.

Posted 8/28/06 7:44 AM
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