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I need your opinions on c-section vs. being induced

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I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: I need your opinions on c-section vs. being induced

Chat Icon Chat Icon You need to get what you want YOUR way. Fight for the right to have her the way YOU want. Please dont settle for a c-section just because they want you scheduled for one! Did she give you a good reason as to why she wont induce or was it "just because" (if you already answered that Im sorry I didnt read all posts). Its your body, your baby. If they are going to schedule the C then there is NO reason you shouldnt be allowed to try labor. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!

Posted 4/14/06 7:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: I need your opinions on c-section vs. being induced

I see that your due date is very soon, but maybe its not too late to just ask an opinion of another Doctor/midwife? Just have a heart to heart with another medical professional. I had asked several opinions on VBAC with my last pregnancy, including the midwives of stonybrook, and the head of OB at ST Catherines. (he was happy to meet with me for an office consult) IT made me feel better to have another opinion, to know that I wasnt being selfish or crazy for wanting to try for a VBAC (it seems to be such a rarity and almost looked down upon, but thats another topic... (I winded up having another c/s, but my OB did let me go way past my due date, went into labor on my own, didnt progress, and I made the call to have another c/s, no specific reason, it was just my gut instinct at the time...).

Make sure you follow your heart, whatever your decision is

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Posted 4/14/06 9:04 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: I need your opinions on c-section vs. being induced

The reason my doctor is giving for telling me she wants me to have a c/s is that the baby is going to be too big and especially if I have GB, those babies tend to have "shoulders like linebackers?" (her words not mine) and there is a risk of dislocating a shoulder on the way out.

So I do understand that there are concerns and I want to do what is the best thing for my baby.

But, I feel like I'm not being given a chance...that somewhere in my chart they've scribbled "C-SECTION" and it's already written in stone, you know?

We'll see what happens Monday. I will fight to not have a c/s as long as I can, unless the baby is in danger.

THANK YOU EVERYONE for your continued advice, support, prayers and labor vibes Chat Icon

Posted 4/14/06 9:41 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: I need your opinions on c-section vs. being induced

Personally I would choose neither and let my body take it's course naturally BUT if I had to choose I would like to try for an induction over major surgery like a c section.
I am sure they have liabilities with inducing you early without a true medical reason.
If you really don't want a c-section don't let them push you into it. Women deliver big babies all the time and do just fine. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/14/06 10:55 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: I need your opinions on c-section vs. being induced

I just wanted to chime in here and give you a little bit about my first child, who was born 9-1/2 lbs at 37 weeks. I did not have GD, I just grow them big. Chat Icon While I was scheduled for a c/s only because he was breech (my doc said size was not a deterent for a vaginal birth), my doc would not do a c/s before 39 weeks and never felt it was necessary to induce earlier because of size. With the c/s set for week 39, he had other plans, my water broke and he came when he was ready.

My point is you just never know. You lilttle girl may decide to come when she is ready, and that could be sooner than later and you won't have to worry about having to schedule a c/s, etc. His size was never a concern for my doc, he's hleped women give birth to 10 and 11 lbs babies (my GF has an 11 lb. 2 oz boy vaginally with no problems).

It sounds like you've explored all your options and I wish you the best. I hope you don't have to schedule a c/s. If your doc won't induce earlier, I hope she comes for you sooner than later! Best of Luck!

Posted 4/14/06 11:39 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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