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? about people in delivery room

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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: ? about people in delivery room

When I give birth I really just want my DH with me. My Mom is a little too high strung and my MIL is just plain old NUTS!

Posted 1/5/06 12:14 PM
Long Island Weddings
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5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: ? about people in delivery room

I was allowed DH and one other person but I didn't want anyone else in there. I would of wanted my mom but she wasn't in town she lives in PA. So there was no one else I wanted in the room

It is totally up to you on who you want in the room

Posted 1/5/06 12:53 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

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Re: ? about people in delivery room

I would be more offended that they are offended because you don't want them in the delivery room. How awful of them to even feel that way ! There is plenty of time for them to see the baby after the birth - its not the end of the world. Giving birth to your child is a very special and personal moment - i personally can't picture anyone but my husband and doctors in the room with me with my legs spread eagle giving birth to our kid - it would be way too embarassing and unnecessary for anyone but them to see for me - Im afraid myself of what to expect - imagine having anyone else there.

Stick to your guns and do as you feel - there is completely nothing wrong with feeling the way you do. Wishing you a quick and easy delivery - I know you are due soon!!Chat Icon

Posted 1/5/06 1:05 PM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: ? about people in delivery room

Posted by MrsJ

When I give birth I really just want my DH with me. My Mom is a little too high strung and my MIL is just plain old NUTS!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I know the feelingChat Icon

Posted 1/5/06 2:29 PM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: ? about people in delivery room

Thank you for your opinions girls. DH and I are sticking with the original plan for OUR first moment as a family.Chat Icon

Posted 1/5/06 2:33 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: ? about people in delivery room

Initially, I didn't want anyone in the room expect for DH when it was time to push. But we had some unexpected turns during my labor and I was glad my mom was there.

It's totally up to you and DH who you want in the delivery room.

Posted 1/5/06 2:41 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: ? about people in delivery room

When I was giving birth the only ones were my Dh and the dr and nurse of course. I would NEVER want anyone else in there for that.

Posted 1/5/06 3:06 PM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: ? about people in delivery room

Posted by betty

Posted by meltodd604

I think it depends on your hospital, I delivered at Mercy and only my DH was allowed in the delivery room. We actually wanted it that way because its so post to be a special experience between the two of us. I ended up having a c-section so DH was the only one allowed in that room only also. Chat Icon

I delivered at Mercy as well and they let my mom be there. She came with us to the hospital and everything progressed rather quickly so she just stayed with us.

Not pregnant yet, but I could not even imagine not having my mom in the room with me. She was a maternity nurse years ago and my DH is kind of weak of heart. So i think he would like her there as would I. I am just assuming the Doctor will probably send him out of the room at some point to get some air Chat Icon

My sister-in-law (to whom i am close) has stated she would be more then happy to be in there with me, but I think that is a little too much for me.

My Mom is my greatest confidant and friend (besides DH) and I NEED her in there with me. If i have a c/s I'll probably ask for her over my DH Chat Icon J/K

Posted 1/5/06 3:56 PM
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