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Prayers please
mommy2Alex 3 babies for me :)
Member since 5/05
6683 total posts
Re: Prayers please
Thank you for your prayers. DH is in California and I am waiting for him to call me so I can tell him. It is going to be so hard. I was just at her house yesterday celebrating her daughter's 1st birthday
FeliciaDP ♥
18599 total posts
Oh No Many prayers for them all
Tany Becoming a different woman
24460 total posts
AndreaLMT :)
6856 total posts
MissJones I need a nap!
22141 total posts
NewYawkah 2012--A year of new beginnings
4402 total posts
How awful!!!!! Good luck telling your husband, i can't imagine how hard that will be.
Spring Baby06 My two loves
3612 total posts
wowcoulditbe wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!
Member since 1/06
6689 total posts
MrsERod Praying for Everyone.
26170 total posts
Shroggie Don't Worry...Be Happy
Member since 5/06
6261 total posts
Marcie Complete Happiness :)
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Name:LOVE being a Mommy!
mrswask Pookie Love
20229 total posts
I didn't hear about this accident - I am so so sorry!!!
skygirl Our prayers were answered:)
Member since 6/05
4919 total posts
I am so sorry
MrsPornStar Partners in crime
Member since 10/05
14656 total posts
I am so sorry to hear this!
SuzyQ Mama to 3!?!?!?
Member since 7/06
8069 total posts
That is terrible, I'm so sorry.
Candygrl776 LIF Adolescent
Member since 2/06
671 total posts
oh how awful. I'm so sorry. they'll be in my thoughts.
CkGm They get so big, so fast :(
13848 total posts
I am so sorry- what a horrible tragedy
Message edited 8/14/2006 10:35:51 PM.
04bride I'm a big sister!!!
6707 total posts
danielleandscott My new 71 Super Beetle
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bluefairyli LIF Toddler
387 total posts
Emily Kasey & Me! Lurves it!
8703 total posts
is this the crash on I95 today by the GWB??the one where only a child survived?? A lil girl
oh dear God, i just saw the news report!! how devastating!!!!!!!!
Laura08 LIF Adolescent
Member since 7/05
554 total posts
BaroqueMama Chase is one!
27530 total posts
aliasPook Blessed x 3
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