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Older vs. Younger Sibling

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Older vs. Younger Sibling

Who do you think had it easier? being the older one.....i had it much harder...I cleared the path....broke in the parents...

my sister cruised Chat Icon

Posted 9/2/05 12:53 PM
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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

My sister had it easier (older) she never did anything though, I was the first to do everything although I am the youngest (ie, dating, marriage) Chat Icon

Posted 9/2/05 12:58 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

I agree. DH older brother broke the path and he (DH) was able to do whatever he wanted whenever. But for me, I am the youngest but I have an older brother so they were still tougher on me because I am a girl and he is a boy. Damn double standards.

Posted 9/2/05 12:58 PM

can hardly wait

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

I'm the younger sister, and I think my sister had it harder when we were growing up...but now I think I have it worse, because my parents still think of me as the baby, so they think it's ok to interfere....

Posted 9/2/05 12:59 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

being the youngest of three girls, i had it a little easier when it came to rules and stuff, but definitely harder getting along with my older sisters. i often had to defend myself from them! my oldest sister once punched me in the stomach so hard i was gasping for breath...but once i caught my breath, I knocked her on her azz so hard, she went flying into the rubber tree plant we used to have!!! Chat Icon
and my other sister once pi$$ed me off so bad that i threw a hanger at her..Chat Icon Chat Icon it hit her in the eye and she needed 5 stitches. Chat Icon

Message edited 9/2/2005 1:02:00 PM.

Posted 9/2/05 12:59 PM

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

as the middle child, i don't see where i had it easier. my sister was and still is - a major PITA and therefore made it harder for me. my younger brother, however, could do no wrong. go figure

Posted 9/2/05 1:01 PM


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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

Well for us it wasn't really older/younger... it was more brother/sister

Meaning in my very Italian family, as a BOY you got away with MURDER.. as a GIRL, it was not the same.. they were stricter than strict with me!! Chat Icon

My brother was going away with his girlfriends on weekend trips when he was 16 .. I couldn't even go on a DATE before 16 Chat Icon

I think it would have been that way if I were the older sibling or younger (I was the younger)

Posted 9/2/05 1:02 PM

LIF Toddler

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

As the baby I will have to say the younger have it easier.

I remember doing things that my older sister would say "mommy would never have allowed me to do that"

Posted 9/2/05 1:02 PM

My Boys!

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

I had it much easier than my 2 older sisters did! By time I came around, they were much more layed back.

Posted 9/2/05 1:02 PM

She's 7!!!

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

Posted by Redhead

Who do you think had it easier? being the older one.....i had it much harder...I cleared the path....broke in the parents...

my sister cruised Chat Icon

I agree!

Posted 9/2/05 1:04 PM


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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

i'm the oldest, and i've had it the roughest.

they were so strict w/ me that they were overly lenient w/ my sister. My brother (the youngest) has a nice happy middle.


Posted 9/2/05 1:05 PM

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

Posted by FeliciaDP

Well for us it wasn't really older/younger... it was more brother/sister

Meaning in my very Italian family, as a BOY you got away with MURDER.. as a GIRL, it was not the same.. they were stricter than strict with me!! Chat Icon

My brother was going away with his girlfriends on weekend trips when he was 16 .. I couldn't even go on a DATE before 16 Chat Icon

I think it would have been that way if I were the older sibling or younger (I was the younger)

Same in mine not so much younger/older but more boy/girl

Posted 9/2/05 1:05 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

Posted by FeliciaDP

Well for us it wasn't really older/younger... it was more brother/sister

Meaning in my very Italian family, as a BOY you got away with MURDER.. as a GIRL, it was not the same.. they were stricter than strict with me!! Chat Icon

My brother was going away with his girlfriends on weekend trips when he was 16 .. I couldn't even go on a DATE before 16 Chat Icon

I think it would have been that way if I were the older sibling or younger (I was the younger)

Exactly my family to a T!

Posted 9/2/05 1:13 PM


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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

I thikn my brother always thoughtI had things either as the girl and as the younger sibling, but my parents really tried to treat us as equally as possible.

My brotehr wans't as social as I was, so I always wished he had cleared the path as far as dating & curfews & stuff, so I could take a little advantage of being the youngest.
Chat Icon

Posted 9/2/05 1:17 PM

1 year already!!

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

Posted by FeliciaDP

Well for us it wasn't really older/younger... it was more brother/sister

Meaning in my very Italian family, as a BOY you got away with MURDER.. as a GIRL, it was not the same.. they were stricter than strict with me!! Chat Icon

My brother was going away with his girlfriends on weekend trips when he was 16 .. I couldn't even go on a DATE before 16 Chat Icon

I think it would have been that way if I were the older sibling or younger (I was the younger)

My house was very similar and I was the oldest, my father totally believed in double standards... Chat Icon

Posted 9/2/05 1:19 PM


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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

I definitely had it easier than my siblings. I'm the baby and there is a significant age gap between us. My mother always said that she had no patience left to argue with me so I got away with more than my siblings did.

Posted 9/2/05 1:34 PM

But I love the Snow!

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

I don't know. My brother and I are 8 and 1/2 years apart. We hated each other growing up. He would just do things. I was the baby and the only girl so it was different for me. My mom always treated me like the baby still does Chat Icon

I think gender played a big part too.

Posted 9/2/05 1:37 PM

Eva Luna
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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

My older sister is a Saint! God bless her...even now she deals with so much...she's basically supporting her family (along with her hubby who works his butt off) and my parents. I could never do what she does.

Posted 9/2/05 1:48 PM


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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

I think it all depends. My family is just a boy and girl.

My brother was the older one and being he was a boy he could do whatever. Stay out late.
Being I am the baby and a girl, I was given a very hard time.

Posted 9/2/05 1:54 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

Posted by Shellyesq

Posted by Redhead

Who do you think had it easier? being the older one.....i had it much harder...I cleared the path....broke in the parents...

my sister cruised Chat Icon

I agree!

I agree also 100%

Posted 9/2/05 1:54 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

Posted by Redhead

Who do you think had it easier? being the older one.....i had it much harder...I cleared the path....broke in the parents...

my sister cruised Chat Icon

I agree Chat Icon

Posted 9/2/05 2:27 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

Athough we would have disagreed this as kids, my sister and I would probably both agree that neither of us had it any easier. My parents were pretty fair to both of us, and what went for my sister, stuck for me, too.

Posted 9/2/05 2:30 PM


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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

Posted by FeliciaDP

Well for us it wasn't really older/younger... it was more brother/sister

Meaning in my very Italian family, as a BOY you got away with MURDER.. as a GIRL, it was not the same.. they were stricter than strict with me!! Chat Icon

My brother was going away with his girlfriends on weekend trips when he was 16 .. I couldn't even go on a DATE before 16 Chat Icon

I think it would have been that way if I were the older sibling or younger (I was the younger)

I have to agree. I'm not Italian but I was the more responsible kid to begin with and I would get INTERROGATED by my Dad. He worked for the phone company and (before the days of call waiting) if I was on the phone too long he would break into the line and say, "Hello... this is your father". I could have just DIED... who did he think he was? James Earl Jones?Chat Icon

My brother lost his tuxedo pants on the beach the night of the prom! How do you just looooose your pants? If I had lost my dress you'd be talking to Sister Mary Tah-wee-ZAH right nowChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon because my Dad would have shuttled me off to the convent the next day

Posted 9/2/05 2:34 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

My brothers definitely had it easier than I did. Part of it I think is a gender thing. When I mentioned it to my mom one day she said that in her old age she was too tired to fuss all the time. Old age? the youngest is 18 and she's not even 50 yet!

Posted 9/2/05 2:39 PM


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Re: Older vs. Younger Sibling

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH
I was on the phone too long he would break into the line and say, "Hello... this is your father". I could have just DIED... who did he think he was? James Earl Jones?Chat Icon

OMG that just made me die laughing Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

AND MY DAD did the same thing, more or less.. would pick up another extension of the phone at home and say (not too nicely) "OFF THE PHONE, NOW!" And this wasn't just with boys, this was with my girlfriends too. What could I do, besides being horribly embarrassed Chat Icon

This was before the days of cellphones and private lines, mind you.. I wasn't as privileged as today's youth, and actually knowing my parents they probably would have forbid me having a cellphone back them anyhow Chat Icon

Message edited 9/2/2005 2:42:55 PM.

Posted 9/2/05 2:41 PM
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