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Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Who Wants to Play "Be My Therapist?"
Posted by nrthshgrl
You poor thing! I found cat scans relatively easy since I just had to sit there. I closed my eyes & pretended I was at the beach. I could have easily fallen asleep even over the banging except for the technician that would yell into my headphones, "You're almost done. Hang in there."
I'm not sure what made you sick last time, but my guess is that it probably won't happen again. One thing that always helped me when I was stressed or in pain is to breath out slowly.
I hope it goes quickly & that the results are everything you need them to be!
One of the bad parts of the ct is the stuff you have to drink..then they shoot this radioactive stuff in your veins..
hey look, I know it will be ok, and yes, its necessary so we can move forward with the surgery. I just want it to be over already..the waiting is the hardest part. Since it's a Friday afternoon test, I probably won't know anything until Monday the earliest.
I will try to distract myself tonight and tomorrow before the test. I am so tired I would like to just sleep but all of a sudden last night I got a burst of energy! Very weird.
Posted 8/24/06 4:20 PM |
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J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: Who Wants to Play "Be My Therapist?"
Posted by Blu-ize
Posted by nrthshgrl I am so tired I would like to just sleep but all of a sudden last night I got a burst of energy! Very weird. that's because of your anxiety. have some wine or a cocktail tonight - if that's allowed. lay in bed and read a book. you will get your
Posted 8/24/06 4:22 PM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: Who Wants to Play "Be My Therapist?"
Posted 8/24/06 4:32 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Who Wants to Play "Be My Therapist?"
I so wish I could drink! It would only make my gut hurt more..
Posted 8/24/06 4:32 PM |
Member since 5/05 2654 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Who Wants to Play "Be My Therapist?"
Posted 8/24/06 5:04 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Who Wants to Play "Be My Therapist?"
no advice, just wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow
Posted 8/24/06 5:05 PM |
My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06 8198 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Who Wants to Play "Be My Therapist?"
I had to go for a cat scan a few years ago...but the one where they inject dye into your veins to check out your insides....I have IBS and i'm lactose used to be REALLY bad... The cat scan was fine, the dye thing was a little funky...but i'm sure you will be fine! here are some
Posted 8/24/06 5:47 PM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Who Wants to Play "Be My Therapist?"
when I was preggo and my chest pain flared up again, I couln't get a chest x-ray...instead I had radioactive dye shot in an IV and had to sit with a metal plate scanner thisclose to my head, neck, and chest smooshing me and giving me complete claustrophobia for 15 minutes on boths sides...I cried...
but then I realized that the 15 minutes on each side would go A LOT quicker if I focused, like Barb said, on a beach or any other scenario that could pass time...I actually started counting how many days I had been pregnant, how many flecks were on the ceiling...ANYTHING...and it worked...I also sang songs in my head and changed the words to make them dirty, good thing they weren't scanning my mind
Posted 8/24/06 9:29 PM |
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