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Forum Opinion Poll
own a gun 19 9.27%
do not own a gun 180 87.80%
not a gun, but another deadly weapon (besides a kitchen knife) 6 2.93%


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Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)


Posted 8/12/06 4:07 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

6747 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

I live in Texas and my whole family owns a gun. I used to have one when I lived with roomates but then I decided not to own one b/c it did make me nervous. My DH (native Nyer) wants one b/c he feels everyone is packing but him. I refuse to let him own one.

Message edited 8/12/2006 5:03:03 PM.

Posted 8/12/06 5:01 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)


Message edited 8/12/2006 5:27:10 PM.

Posted 8/12/06 5:26 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05

16555 total posts

I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

there is not now, nor will there ever be a gun in my house. i hate them and you wind up killing a family member over an intruder

Posted 8/12/06 5:45 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

not yet, but plan to get one one of these days

Posted 8/12/06 6:33 PM


Member since 5/05

10767 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

We own hunting shotguns and riffles ... and we have DH's grandfather's gun from WWII I think

Posted 8/12/06 10:27 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

Posted by lululu

We do not own a gun, but I did grow up with a gun in the house. My father was NYPD. I definitely felt safe knowing that we had a gun in the house and someone who was properly trained to use it.

Same here. I was never fazed by them gowing up, it was just part of my dad's job. I have 2 children at home and would never keep one in my house. Even now when my dad has his on him (he's retired but works security so he is licensed to still have his), he does not enter my house with it, that are my wishes.

Posted 8/13/06 12:18 AM

How did I get so lucky

Member since 5/05

3725 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

No gun..but I keep a bat next to my bedChat Icon

Posted 8/13/06 10:02 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

DH & I collect weaponry. We have many pieces including replicas and original historical firearms, as well as daggers. swords, spears, etc.

Posted 8/13/06 7:10 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

I don't own a gun. Unless any of you are thinking of robbing me than I own a lot of them.

Posted 8/13/06 7:55 PM

I'm cranky

Member since 7/06

18178 total posts

Mama Cranky

Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

Posted by ChrissynRicky

I don't own a gun, but there's a gun in the house b/c of a family member in lawn enforcement....I didn't know how to answer Chat Icon

I didn't know landscapers need weapons! Chat Icon

None for us.

Posted 8/14/06 10:12 AM

I'm a mommy :)

Member since 1/06

7322 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

When Anthony and I move in together, there will be about 4-5 rifles in our home. Hes a hunter.

Posted 8/14/06 10:21 AM

Another on the way!

Member since 3/06

1267 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

Posted by Janice

I am so anti gun, no guns or deadly weapons.

same here

Posted 8/14/06 10:53 AM

life is good

Member since 5/05

2013 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

We've got a few. I don't touch them and they don't touch me - so we get along fine. And they're locked up under high secutiry - so no accidents could happen.

DH is a state trooper - so he's licensed.

Posted 8/14/06 11:35 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

485 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

I have a large collection of Paint ball Guns that ex still hasn't picked up. They all look real and he even has a sniper riffle (paint ball). Funny thing is that him and his stupid friend spent alot of money on alot of paint ball guns but never really used them.

But no "real" guns

Posted 8/14/06 11:44 AM

My Love!

Member since 5/05

2375 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

no guns, but there is a baseball bat next to our bed too

Posted 8/14/06 11:49 AM


Member since 9/05

5983 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

No guns, just a very good home security system. DH was also special forces, so I'm hoping he can remember how to use his hands as weapons.

Posted 8/14/06 11:55 AM


Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

Do not own a gun but want one and will eventually get one.

Posted 8/14/06 12:22 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

Posted by Sweetpea130000

no guns, but there is a baseball bat next to our bed too

Same here. When I was 14 one of my best friends got hold of her dads hunting rifle and shot herself in the head. The sight of her in that casket still haunts me. I refuse to have any in my home. I just hope that people who have them store them the proper way.....

Posted 8/14/06 12:34 PM

#2 on the way!

Member since 5/05

1723 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

DH has them for hunting

Posted 8/14/06 12:35 PM


Member since 1/06

7538 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

DH has one (he is a police officer) but honestly, I don't even know where he keeps it in our house (it is usually locked in his closet I think)...

That being said, it does not make me feel ANY safer in our house. We have an alarm too and I still get scared when I am by myself at night whether the gun is here or not. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/14/06 12:39 PM

my little man

Member since 5/05

1350 total posts


Re: POLL: (kind of serious, not in the TMI kind of way)

I personally own just one- a S&W .357 Magnum (J frame). I love going to the range.
My DH is a part of the SWAT team and he owns several handguns and several rifles.

We have finger password operated safes next to the bed and a huge fire safe in the basement so they are always locked up. I was only scared of guns before I knew how to use them.

Posted 8/14/06 12:43 PM
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