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Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

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Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

24460 total posts


Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

remember when you were younger, you had some goals and how you saw yourself in ten years. are you there yet?

not me, I always though that I would have a career by now, be more stable.
the only thing that came true is that I'm married and have a kid.
I'm still working on the rest though.Chat Icon

Message edited 8/24/2005 11:26:16 AM.

Posted 8/24/05 11:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Are you where you thought you would be at?

Me too. I have the married & house part down, now its the career change and kids I need to start working on.

Posted 8/24/05 11:26 AM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Are you where you thought you would be at?

when i was younger i thought i was going to marry sooner than i did.

but other than that...i am right on schedule relatively

Posted 8/24/05 11:26 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

For the most part, I'm happy with where I am, however, if anyone had told me 10 years ago that I'd be on my second marriage by the time I was 30, I would have told them they were crazy! But **** happens I guess!

Posted 8/24/05 11:28 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

I am pretty much there. I got married when I thought I would, and I'm on a career path for the same profession I listed in my 8th grade yearbook!

In retrospect, it probably isn't good that I decided what I was going to be when I was 12 and stuck to it without giving anything else consideration.

Posted 8/24/05 11:28 AM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

Pretty much, minus the kids.

Posted 8/24/05 11:29 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

I thought I'd have the house before the baby. I also thought that I'd be in a public school with tenure.

Life is not predictable!

Posted 8/24/05 11:30 AM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

Posted by civic24ex

Me too. I have the married & house part down, now its the career change and kids I need to start working on.

same here!

Posted 8/24/05 11:32 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

I never had any kind of career goals(I am not sure why)

I was surprised when I got married young, I thought I would marry DH later on..

I really thought we would be homeowners by now, but his degree switching kind of threw that off.

I never wanted kids early in life, around 30-31 is fine with me, but I think it is going to wind up being sooner then that.

I guess I thought we would have traveled more, but with DH as a full time student it is hard.

so in 9 months at DH's graduation we should be on track.

Posted 8/24/05 11:33 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

Nope, I always thought I'd be married much earlier, have a family much earlier, and definitely would have a house by now

But its all good, DH and the impending peanut were worth the wait Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/05 11:35 AM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

For me yes and no....

I'm married, we have a house and we have a baby. All of which I wanted to do before I was 30 and I did. The only thing I'm not satisfied with is my career. Although I have my MBA, I feel like my career is in a slump. I'm currently looking for a job so hopefully get some satisfaction in that area.

Posted 8/24/05 11:39 AM

Stop 2 smell the roses

Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

I'm actually really ahead of my schedule.
But im probably the minority since I am so young. I am already married, have a child, and are getting ready to buy a house.

The only thing I am behind in is I thought by now I would be done with school. I got pregnant so I never finished college but I plan on going back when DS is in school.

Posted 8/24/05 11:42 AM

Twin mommy

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

I am on track as far as a house and kids - I dont have either and I never wanted them until much later anyway.

I am married and I thought I would be married just a bit earlier.

As far as a career, I never thought I would be this far away from what I wanted to do and make this little money.

So 3 out of 4 isnt bad I guess.

Posted 8/24/05 11:46 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

I have the job and married part. I thought I would own a home, but I am in Manhattan and have no plans on leaving in the near future and I rent. Other than that, I guess I am on track.

Posted 8/24/05 11:48 AM

big brother <3

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

I never would have predicted I would be on Long Island (I only moved here after college, and it was meant to be for a few months while my friends and I found an apt. on Hoboken), but after I met DH I never left and switched from working in the city to working on Long Island. My friends and I always planned on Sex and the City lives in our early 20s, living in the city, and while they are, I never got into it since I met DH the November after I graduated college.

We have a home, I married at the exact age I always imagined I would, and I will complete my doctorate before I am 30. Everything is on track, but there have been many bumps along the way, and I've learned that even doing a job I truly enjoy doing can be tedious when the people you work with are difficult.

Message edited 8/24/2005 11:50:36 AM.

Posted 8/24/05 11:49 AM


Member since 5/05

4319 total posts


Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

Not exactly. I thought I would have a career - instead I just have a job (one I like though, so that makes me less upset about it then before.) I guess otherwise, pretty much -though for whatever reason when I was young I had no plans to ever get married - I just figured I'd live with someone- no real idea why though. And I have the house, though a few years ago I was convinced it would NEVER be a possibility for us. And no kids, but I never planned on them, so that's about right.

Posted 8/24/05 11:50 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

Yes and no- on the one hand I am a believer in not putting timelines on things. But I wish I'd met DH sooner (I was 31 when we met) so that we could have a little more time together before TTC.

But looking back, I enjoyed my time pre-DH and wish that I had lived in the moment more, instead of living like I was waiting for something.

Posted 8/24/05 12:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

not even close
but working on itChat Icon

Posted 8/24/05 1:00 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

I have a husband and now a house. My career is still "up in the air" and as for a baby...Hopefully that comes soon!Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/05 5:44 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

just working on the kidsChat Icon

Posted 8/24/05 5:48 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

Well, I always thought I'd be married by 24.... I got married at 23 alomost 24, so that was ahead of schedule.
I always wanted the house when I got married, which was realistic since we closed 2 weeks after the honeymoon.
I always said I wanted to start having kids before I was 30... looks like that will be on schedule also (around 28 I will start).
As for Career, I always thought I would be a high school science teacher... but now I am a cosmetic R&D chemist. Still into the science but very different jobs.

I just wish I had a nicer car at this point but since I work only 4 miles from home I will stick with my POS for now! No reason to go out and buy a new one this second.

Posted 8/24/05 5:59 PM

To a healthy 2013

Member since 5/05

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To a brand new year to a healthier me

Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

Not really i mean yes i am married to a great guy i thought i would be married earlier but i am glad i got married in my 30's. now all i need is a house and a baby hopefully next year i will have both!Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/05 7:37 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

I have the married, house, and baby on the way down.

I thought I would have been a stay at home wife married to someone making lots of money though....Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/05 7:38 PM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

For me yes. I have a house and I am married. But the most important part that i have realized in my life is that i met the man of my dreams. I am not in a marriage where i am always questioning if i made the right decision, or whatnot. He makes me the happiest person and that is the most important part of my life.

I have always hoped to have kids before i am 30 and i am almost 29 and we are almost trying so if that works out then i will be EXACTLY where i thought i would be.......Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/05 10:53 PM

My Everything

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Re: Are you in that stage of your life where you thought you would be at?

For the most part.
I thought I would have kids a little sooner but now I feel I am at the perfect age.
I also thought I wouldn't be dealing with certain family dramas at this point in life but I still am.

Posted 8/24/05 10:57 PM
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