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Dear email forwarders

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Loving Summer.....

Member since 8/06

6636 total posts

Samantha aka Sammy Bones

Re: Dear email forwarders

i found a site that has pretty much all of them
hoax email site

Posted 9/11/06 11:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Partners in crime

Member since 10/05

14656 total posts


Re: Dear email forwarders

This one is hysterical

--- Here is a problem

This may come as a shock , but I have been directed to a website that
holds passport and id details.

Unreal thing is that anyone can access other people's personal info.

So, I can look at your passport and id details and look up personal

I don't know how they have got the information but I've removed my
profile. I strongly suggest you all do the same.

The website address

Posted 9/11/06 11:36 PM

Loving Summer.....

Member since 8/06

6636 total posts

Samantha aka Sammy Bones

Re: Dear email forwarders

Posted by hmpena

This one is hysterical

--- Here is a problem

This may come as a shock , but I have been directed to a website that
holds passport and id details.

Unreal thing is that anyone can access other people's personal info.

So, I can look at your passport and id details and look up personal

I don't know how they have got the information but I've removed my
profile. I strongly suggest you all do the same.

The website address

i've seen that one! thats so funnyChat Icon

Posted 9/11/06 11:37 PM

Partners in crime

Member since 10/05

14656 total posts


Re: Dear email forwarders

This one had me hysterical laughing.

I am a very sick boy little boy. My mother is typing this for me, because I can't. She is crying. (Don't cry, Mommy!) Mommy is always sad, but she says it's not my fault. I asked her if it was God's fault, but she didn't answer, and only started crying harder, so I don't ask her that anymore.

The reason she is so sad is that I'm so sick. I was born without a body. It doesn't hurt, except when I go to sleep. The doctors gave me an artificial body. My body is a burlap bag filled with leaves. The doctors said that was the best they could do on account of us havin' no money or insurance. I would like to have a body transplant, but we need more money.

Mommy doesn't work because she said employers don't hire crying people. I said, "Don't cry, Mommy," and she hugged my burlap body. Mommy always
gives me hugs, even though she's allergic to burlap, and it chafes her real bad. I hope you will help me.

You can help me if you forward this e-mail. Dr. Van Nostrem from the clinic said if you foward this e-mail then Bill Gates will team up with AOL and do a survey with NASA. Then the astronauts will collect prayers from school children all over America and take them up to space so that the angels can hear them better. Then they will go to the Pope, and he will take up a collection in church and send the money to the doctors. The doctors could help me get better then. Maybe one day I will be able to play baseball. Or maybe just use my lungs and heart, when the doctors make them. The doctors said that every time you forward this letter, the astronauts can take another prayer to the angels.

Please help me. Mommy is so sad, and I want a body. I don't want my leaves to rot before I turn 10. If you don't forward this e-mail, that's OK. Mommy says you're a mean heartless Sh!thead who doesn't care about a poor little boy with only a head. She says that, if you don't stew in the raw pit of your own guilt-ridden stomach, she hopes you die a long slow horrible death so you can burn forever in the tar pits of hell. What kind of goddamned person are you that you can't take five ****!ng minutes to forward this to all your friends so that they can feel guilt and shame for the rest of their day, and then maybe help a poor, bodiless nine-year-old boy?

Please help me. This really sucks. I try to be happy but it's hard. I wish I had a puppy. I wish I could hold a puppy. One time I had a puppy but he ate my leaves.

Thank You.

The boy with just a head. And a burlap sack for a body.

Message edited 9/11/2006 11:43:16 PM.

Posted 9/11/06 11:41 PM

Loving Summer.....

Member since 8/06

6636 total posts

Samantha aka Sammy Bones

Re: Dear email forwarders

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ROTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/06 11:45 PM

Y'all come back now, ya hear!!

Member since 9/05

2361 total posts


Re: Dear email forwarders

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by luvsbob4603

Maybe you were not talking about myspace but you were talking about chainletters and it made me think of this incident and i wanted to speak my mind because I feel like I got flamed for sending 1 thing and that's it your not my friend on myspace anymore because you sent me a chainletter and I dont want to hear you out and let me delete you before you explain why.

E.T.A. they should get rid off the chainletters on myspace maybe someone can complain about the chainletters.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon So now i explained myself on the boards infront of everyone that is it I am not going to fight with anyone i just wanted to speak my mind So please dont flame me for doing so thanks!

huh??? Chat Icon


I just read this, and I know the post is kinda dead, but Ro, you say they should get rid of chain letter on myspace, but yet you post a chain letter as a bulletin to all of your myspace friends, telling them you were scared of this particular chain letter, so had to post it. Red is not talking about myspace, but you were responding to my comment, and you should have stopped responding 8 posts ago. It's not all about you.

Posted 9/12/06 7:11 AM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

24065 total posts


Re: Dear email forwarders

My DH has this that he sends to people called chain letter revenge.....

Hello, my name is Alfonso Merkin. I am suffering from rare and
>deadly diseases, poor scores on final exams, lack of sexual
>activity, fear of being kidnapped and executed by anal electrocution,
>and guilt for not sending out 50 billion forwards sent to me by
>people who actually believe that if you send them, that poor 6 year old
>girl in Arkansas with lung cancer brought on by second-hand smoke
>from the cigarettes smoked by the big bad men who kidnapped her
>and took pornographic pictures of her for use on their child pornography
>web site will get 6 freaking cents every time you send me the letter.
>Do you honestly believe that Bill Gates is going to give you and
>everyone you send "his" email to $1000?
>How freaking stupid are you?
>Ooooh, looky here! If I scroll down this page and make a wish,
>I'll get laid by every Victoria's Secret model in the catalog!
>What a bunch of bulls*it.
>So basically, this message is a big F**K YOU to all the people
>out there who have nothing better to do than to send me stupid
>chain mail forwards.
>Maybe the evil chain letter leprechauns will come into my
>apartment and sodomize me in my sleep for not continuing the
>chain which was started by Jesus in 5 A.D. and was brought to
>this country by midget pilgrims on the Mayflower and if it makes
>it to the year 2000, it'll be in the Guinness Book of World Records
>for longest continuous streak of blatant stupidity. F**k them.
>If you're going to forward something, at least send something
>mildly amusing. I've seen all the "send this to 50 of your closest
>friends, and this poor, wretched excuse for a human being will
>somehow receive a nickel from some "omniscient being" forwards
>about 90 times. I don't freaking care.
>Show a little intelligence and think about what you're actually
>contributing to by sending out forwards. Chances are it's your own
>P.S. Please forward this to at least 50 of your best friends!
>Make a wish!!!
>Really, go on and make one!!!
>Oh please, they'll never go out with you!!!
>Wish something else!!!
>Not that, you pervert!!
>Is your finger getting tired yet?
>Wasn't that fun? Hope you made a great wish. Now, to make you
>feel guilty, here's what I'll do. First of all, if you don't send this to
>5096 people in the next 5 seconds, you will be raped by a mad goat and
>then thrown off a high building into a pile of manure. It's true! Because,
>THIS letter isn't like all of those fake ones, THIS one is
>TRUE!! Really!!! Here's how it goes:
>*Send this to 1 person: One person will be ****** off at you for sending
>them a stupid chain letter.
>*Send this to 2-5 people: 2-5 people will be ****** off at you for sending
>them a stupid chain letter.
>*5-10 people: 5-10 people will be ****** off at you for sending them a
>stupid chain letter.
>*10-20 people: 10-20 people will be ****** off at you for sending them a
>stupid chain letter.
>Thanks!!!! Good Luck!!!

Posted 9/12/06 7:29 AM
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