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When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

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But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

Do you buy from them?

Im not talking about the local kids who are doing fundraising or selling girl scout cookies...

This dirty looking man just knocked on my door (I have a doorbell btw Chat Icon) asking for money somthing about raising money for children with cancer

when I said Im sorry im not interested but thank you he rolled his eyes at ME and walked away.... Chat Icon

I do donate to a foundation for sick children as well as the breast cancer foundation

Posted 3/4/06 3:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

nope.. i dont give it to them.

i donate directly to the charities, and i just tell them that.

Posted 3/4/06 3:46 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

I hate when people do that. I hate when they ask you in the supermarket, bank or anywhere for that matter and when you say no they get all snotty. People have no idea what you donate to outside of their little "sale" so they shouldn't be so quick to judge. My name isn't Rockafeller I can't give to everyone and every charity that comes a knockin!!

Posted 3/4/06 3:47 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

no and i hate when they stand there with one foot on the landing so i can't close the door...

Posted 3/4/06 3:50 PM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

Posted by BNL2005

no and i hate when they stand there with one foot on the landing so i can't close the door...

i just close it on their foot Chat Icon

Posted 3/4/06 3:54 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

No way! Never. I usually will tell them to give me the name of wherever they are collecting money for and I will donate directly. I've never encountered someone who was actually collecting for a legitimate cause.

Posted 3/4/06 3:57 PM

St Philomena Protect My Son

Member since 2/06

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

I wouldn't even open the door unless DH was home, too many sickos in the world.

Posted 3/4/06 4:00 PM

The Disney Lady

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...


Posted 3/4/06 4:17 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

Funny you mention this, last year I had this elderly man knock on my door too- and we have a door bell, Chat Icon asking for money to donate to some water something or other, I cant remember. so dummy me gave him 20 bucks, he showed me the other neighbors signatures and gave me some documentation I think it was for farmingdale I cant remember, so I guess and hope I wasnt suckered, but if anyone knocks on my door again, nope not doing it. I dont know for sure where this money is going ya know.

Posted 3/4/06 4:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

I dont think I would have even opened the door!

Posted 3/4/06 4:53 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

It's never happened to me since I've been on my own, but I would never give money to a stranger, or someone who solicits money over the phone either.

Posted 3/4/06 5:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1420 total posts


Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

My SIL lives upstate and bought a "magazine subscription from a lady... She gave her a check and nevr got her magazine...

Posted 3/4/06 6:00 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

Posted by Summer05

I dont think I would have even opened the door!

Same here. If I dont know the person...I dont open the door.

Posted 3/4/06 6:08 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

Nope I don't give them money. Thank goodness we don't get too many knocking.

Posted 3/4/06 6:58 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

Posted by PrincessP

Posted by Summer05

I dont think I would have even opened the door!

Same here. If I dont know the person...I dont open the door.

Same here.

Posted 3/4/06 7:14 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

About 2 years ago their was a big robbery spree during the summertime. The way the robbers targeted you was they would ring your bell, try and get you to donate money to their cause, talk to you, and doing so get to to know the layout of your house.

Once they had an idea of how your house was set up, when you werent home, one person would sneak in the back and break a window or something, sneak in then open the door that leads to the garage. Then open the garage door so the other person with a truck could pull in. Close the garage door and they would load their truck up with your goods. Then open the garage door and be off.

Thank goodness those villians did get caught.

But ever since if I dont know who you are I dont talk to you or open my door.

Posted 3/4/06 7:19 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

Posted by baghag

Posted by PrincessP

Posted by Summer05

I dont think I would have even opened the door!

Same here. If I dont know the person...I dont open the door.

Same here.

Same here

Posted 3/4/06 7:22 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

Posted by kms717

I wouldn't even open the door unless DH was home, too many sickos in the world.

Same here!

Posted 3/4/06 7:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

2638 total posts


Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

UMM I feel like my neighborhood is fundraiser central. I constantly get people ringing my bell asking for money for something, or selling something. I can't stand it!!

Posted 3/4/06 11:01 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

Posted by kms717

I wouldn't even open the door unless DH was home, too many sickos in the world.

The dog loves to look outside so sometimes when hes acting crazy I leave the door open so he can look outside and not drive me to drink Otherwise I wouldnt open the door either but the big door was open and it was only the screen door. That was locked though Chat Icon

Message edited 3/4/2006 11:23:33 PM.

Posted 3/4/06 11:21 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

never, I am weary of the people outside supermarkets at times too, although I give to the VW vets out there at times.

YOu just dont know who these people are! I prefer to mail in money to charities when I can so I know where the money is going.

Posted 3/5/06 12:02 AM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

I never answer the door if I dont know who it is! If I want to donate to a charity I will do it myself.

Posted 3/5/06 12:07 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

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The cure IS worse!

Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

tell them you run a charity too and you will donate $20 to them if they donate to you!
Chat Icon

Posted 3/5/06 9:01 AM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

Posted by DebG

tell them you run a charity too and you will donate $20 to them if they donate to you!
Chat Icon

I've done that when they called me!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 3/5/06 10:14 AM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: When random people come knocking on the door asking for money...

Posted by kms717

I wouldn't even open the door unless DH was home, too many sickos in the world.

but even if my DH is home....we do not answer the door

Posted 3/5/06 11:58 AM
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