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Workout Thread

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Member since 5/05

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Workout Thread

BabyAvocado's thread yesterday on working out inspired my lazy butt to hop onto the treadmill and elliptical last night, so I was thinking we should have a workout thread to inspire all of the mommies to start working out. Anyone interested?

I'll start - I went down to my pre-pregnancy weight within about 12 weeks post-partum but when I started back at work the weight started creeping back on (presumably, from stress and lack of exercise when I started working!). My goal is to workout 30 mins. a day, at least 4 days a week, and lose about 10lbs. Yesterday was my first step - tonight, hopefully, I can do some pilates!

Anyone else?

Message edited 3/14/2006 11:38:13 AM.

Posted 3/14/06 11:37 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Workout Thread


I JUST started back at the gym yesterday. I did about 30 minutes of cardio which is great for since I havent broken a sweat over exercise in over a year!

I need to lose about 20 lbs to get back to pre-preggo weight. I am also going to join weigh watchers today as well.

I go back to work in 3 weeks which I am dreading because, like you all have mentioned before, its going to be hard to find the time to work out after working full time and wanting to spend time with Ryan. But having you ladies for support with help tons!

Posted 3/14/06 11:43 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Workout Thread

Chat Icon

My motivation is a vacation in July! Right now I am doing Step with some free weight work on the weekends and desperately trying to squeeze in 2 more 1/2 hr sessions on the elliptical during the week. My ultimate goal is to work out 4 days per week for at least 30 minutes.

I'm not posting how many pounds I want to lose because I want to make this about working out...or more accurately, squeezing in time to work out! Chat Icon (Plus I get depressed if I see the numbers Chat Icon )

It's hard for us working moms to find time so I think it would be so inspirational if everyone gets on here and posts how they were able to squeeze in a mini-work out and for how long... even if it's just a 10min power walk, a 5 min ab session, or a 5 minute mad dash for the train Chat Icon .

Those mini-workouts will add up!

I'm getting motivated already!! I think I'm going to drop and do 10 push-ups right now, right here in my office! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/14/06 11:59 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Workout Thread

Okay - I'll join in too...My DD is 8.5 months old and I had lost all the baby weight after about three months. I had even got a few lbs under my pre-pregnany weight as of the middle of January....then I found out I was pregnant again!!! Since then, its been all downhill. I don't know who I think I am btween the girl scout cookies and the lack of any form of exercise! I had such a healthly pregnancy first time around and exercised throughout. My vow is to to do the same this time around too.

I took a yoga class yesterday and am going to go to the gym this afternoon too. Really!

Posted 3/14/06 12:24 PM

My children are a blessing!

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Re: Workout Thread

You ladies are motivating me to at least try to workout. I will only be able to fit it in after Andrew goes to sleep (during the week).

My question to those that workout at night -- doesn't it get you hyper? I find that if I do any cardio-type exercise past 7:00 pm I am wired for hours after.

Posted 3/14/06 1:38 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: Workout Thread

I'm definitly in too! I lost a lot of my pregnancy weight in the begining with the help of BF, but it slowly started to stop coming off, and Julia is now 8mths and I'm still trying but need something to keep me focused. Now I want to get the remaining 20lbs off, I got my new elliptical coming so I will be ready to start any day now. I want to work out everyday for 30 mins and gradually work up to an hour. Thats what I use to do when I was going to the gym. I'm glad other moms are doing this as well so we can keep one another motivated!! Chat Icon

Posted 3/14/06 1:49 PM


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Re: Workout Thread

Posted by paulandles912
My question to those that workout at night -- doesn't it get you hyper? I find that if I do any cardio-type exercise past 7:00 pm I am wired for hours after.

Yup, it happens to me for the first half hour and then I unwind. I usually workout then at about 8pm. Relax for an hour, take a hot shower and then go to sleep at around 10pm. I noticed last night I slept soooooooooooo much better after working out!

Posted 3/14/06 1:58 PM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Workout Thread

Posted by Bxgell2

Yup, it happens to me for the first half hour and then I unwind. I usually workout then at about 8pm. Relax for an hour, take a hot shower and then go to sleep at around 10pm. I noticed last night I slept soooooooooooo much better after working out!

I'm going to try. I don't go to sleep before 10 ever anyway, so maybe I'll unwind quickly too.

Thanks for the motivation!!!

Posted 3/14/06 2:28 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: Workout Thread

Posted by paulandles912

My question to those that workout at night -- doesn't it get you hyper? I find that if I do any cardio-type exercise past 7:00 pm I am wired for hours after.

It doesn't take me too long to unwind either. Maybe 1/2 hr.

Posted 3/14/06 2:34 PM

I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Workout Thread

Oh Did I need you ladies. I also lost my pregnancy weight almost immediately but now I am slowly starting to gain. I go back to work in three weeks and would like to have a routine in place by then!

Posted 3/14/06 3:17 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Workout Thread

Ok, so who's going to workout tonight? What are you going to do, and how much?

I'm going to try 25mins of Pilates.

Posted 3/14/06 3:19 PM

I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Workout Thread

Beth- Do you do a Pilates tape- if so which one?

Posted 3/14/06 3:20 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Workout Thread

Posted by luvmiboy

Beth- Do you do a Pilates tape- if so which one?

Winsor Pilates. I have the basic DVD and the advanced DVD's. I did Pilates 3-4 times a week for about 6 months leading up to my wedding, and OMG, I've never done anything that made such a huge difference in my body. Everything shifted and became tighter... I loved it. I just hope I have the energy and stamina to keep up with it like I did before the wedding!

Posted 3/14/06 3:21 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Workout Thread

Posted by Bxgell2

Ok, so who's going to workout tonight? What are you going to do, and how much?

I'm going to try 25mins of Pilates.

I'm shooting for 30 minutes on the Elliptical again, or Abs with the Resistance Ball.

Posted 3/14/06 3:28 PM

I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Workout Thread

Thanks beth- I am going to look into getting it!

Posted 3/14/06 3:33 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Workout Thread

I need to get into shape for my cruise in October. I have some time but I would also like to be in shape for the summer. I lost all my weight 12 weeks after I gave birth and now I'm 10 pounds less than my pre-pregnancy weight. That may sound great but I have no's just flabby. When I'm in good shape, I'll be back up at 130-135.

My DH was a personal trainer, so I told him that I wanted to work out at night when he comes home from work. I have some weights and a workout bar. I need someone to push me to do it, because now I'm sooo lazy.Chat Icon

Posted 3/14/06 4:24 PM

My Loves

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Re: Workout Thread

I actually just started working out too. I do 30 minutes in the morning with a show on channel 45. I have been doing it since last week and I feel so much better. I am trying to do 4-5 days. I want to lose about 10 pounds and just try to tighten up my belly again. Good Luck everyoneChat Icon

Posted 3/14/06 5:06 PM

The Boys!

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Re: Workout Thread

I am IN! I joined the gym again two weeks ago and have been very inconsistent! My son is 11 weeks old and I go back to work in three weeks, so my goal is to try to find some routine that might work with limited time. I ran on the treadmill on Sunday and felt like such a SPAZ! My legs were so heavy and I am still sore! But, I guess its been awhile. I worked out my entire pregnancy (walked, prenatal yoga, and spin), but have nothing to show for it! I had weight to lose before my goal is @15-20 pounds with weight watchers and working out. Beth...thanks for reminding me about my windsor pilates dvd!

Posted 3/14/06 6:24 PM

Stop kissing me!

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Re: Workout Thread

I am in. I have been back at the gym now for about a month. I have about 8 lbs to lose to be at my pre-preganancy weight. I am finding my pants are not fitting me which gets me upset and is my motivation. I try and go the to gym everyday and do at least 40 mins of cardio. I just started bring DD with me (the nursery is free) so that is helping out. I am going back to work full-time in APril which I think is going to limit my time.

I love the thread an look forward to talking to you girls!

Posted 3/14/06 6:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Workout Thread

I really really really don't want to go to the gym, but this thread motivates me! So I'm gonna go, luckily the gym I go to it literally right around the corner from my house!

Posted 3/14/06 7:47 PM

My Everything

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Re: Workout Thread

Posted by Bxgell2

Ok, so who's going to workout tonight? What are you going to do, and how much?

I'm going to try 25mins of Pilates.

I'm joining this thread too!!
I did the elliptical for 30 min last night and I am going to do it again tonight after I put Miranda to bed.
Thanks for starting this thread Beth!

Posted 3/14/06 8:55 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Workout Thread

Well, girls, how did we all do? Another night of inspiration for me. I didn't do 25mins of pilates, I did 40mins! Chat Icon Dh was kind of annoyed because I used the only TV he could watch tv on... I told him he should do it with me, but you know men Chat Icon

How did everyone else do?

Posted 3/15/06 9:14 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Workout Thread

Well I went to hop on my elliptical only to find that the batteries died on the display Chat Icon .

So I did 20 mins on the treadmill and another 20 mins on abs and bis & tris with free weights.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Tonight is going to be really tough for me...DH and I have something to do after work which is going to make us run late for picking up the baby and basically everything else. So I'm shooting for 20 mins on the elliptical, but we'll see.

Posted 3/15/06 9:19 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Workout Thread

Posted by BabyAvocado
Well I went to hop on my elliptical only to find that the batteries died on the display Chat Icon .

OMG, that's so funny - the same thing happened to me the night before!!! Thanks for reminding me that I have to pick up batteries today! Chat Icon And, hey, 20 minutes is better than nothing, right?! I'm going to try for 20mins on the elliptical and 20mins on the treadmill. I cannot WAIT to finish weaning Alex so I can start running on the treadmill again! Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 9:25 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: Workout Thread

You're welcome! I have to remember to get the batteries during lunch today. Works out because I have to get batteries for Jake's musical bear that he listens to at's starting to sound evil and possessed now and he just makes this face at it like "what is UP with that thing?"

Ooh...I can imagine you'll feel better running once he's weaned! Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 9:33 AM
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