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MY HSG (updated on first post 4/13)

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MY HSG (updated on first post 4/13)


Do you want the bad news first or the bad news?

Bad News- They told me my insurance will not cover it until I meet my deductible! Arghh!!Chat Icon They mentioned if I wanted the procedure that I would have to pay $300 upfront and that they will bill me later for the rest. 300 dollars we don't have! I told them to forget I am walking to my car, in tears, I turned around and decided to pay the$300. I waited too long for this and I am not getting any younger!!!

Bad news: Okay, they mentioned my cervix was too tight and the she needed to stretch it! OUch!!!!! There she was stretching it. I did experience cramps. The cramps were like my fibroids pain. Excrutiating! But, it was tolerable. She didn't see any polyps.....but, she mentioned that both my tubes are blocked. She believes it is scar tissue from my Laproscopy in 2004!!!! (different doctor)

I have my follow up appt. with my OBGYN on Tuesday to discuss my HSG, ultrasound, bloodwork, etc. I never expected to hear that both my tubes were blocked. What does this even mean? Any feedback from anyone? Thanks!! I am sooo upset!Chat Icon

I hope the girls at the infertility board will welcome me with open arms!

ETA Again: I was also told that I have a tilted Cervix

Message edited 4/13/2006 9:31:42 PM.

Posted 4/12/06 4:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Delay is not denial

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Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

I hope your HSG is painless and you receive good news !

Many times fibroids are in places that aren't a hinderance for conception. I hope that is the case for you.

Unfortunately a hsg doesn't reveal whether or not you have endometriosis....

Message edited 4/12/2006 5:18:24 PM.

Posted 4/12/06 5:18 PM

just the girls

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Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

Good luck!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/12/06 6:17 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its OVER so quickly!!!

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Posted 4/12/06 7:52 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

Good luck!! Best wishes for no pain and good resultsChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/12/06 8:20 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

Good Luck!
Chat Icon

Posted 4/12/06 9:53 PM

Welcome to the World!

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Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

Posted by redstar

I hope your HSG is painless and you receive good news !

Many times fibroids are in places that aren't a hinderance for conception. I hope that is the case for you.

Unfortunately a hsg doesn't reveal whether or not you have endometriosis....

I have had ultra sounds and have been often told that I have multiple fibroids. Which scares me!!!
As for the endometriosis....I didn't know that!

Thanks Girls!

Message edited 4/12/2006 10:38:16 PM.

Posted 4/12/06 10:16 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

699 total posts


Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

What does HSG stand for?

Posted 4/12/06 10:20 PM

Welcome to the World!

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Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

HSG is hysterosalpingogram,

It is a procedure performed using x-rays and a dye to look at the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. This is to see if you have any blockage.

Posted 4/12/06 10:36 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

Good luck today.

I had mine on Tuesday. There were a few sharp pains but they were over for me in about three seconds. I had absolutely no cramping afterwards. I've been very lucky so far in life... never in the hospital except for birth so I was nervous and a bit of a baby when it comes to pain.

Definitely pop some ibuprofen about a half an hour before the procedure.

Actually the most stressful part was driving to the hospital on the LIE Chat Icon

Posted 4/13/06 8:37 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

Good luck. I hope it moves fast and is virtually painless.

Posted 4/13/06 8:42 AM

Time for me to FLY!

Member since 5/05

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

Good luck!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/13/06 8:53 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

lots of luckChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/13/06 8:56 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1686 total posts


Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

lots of luck!

Posted 4/13/06 8:56 AM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

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Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

lots of luck...praying for good news

Posted 4/13/06 9:02 AM


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Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

Lots of luck today, Judy!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

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Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/13/06 10:01 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

Hope it's fast and painless with good results! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/13/06 10:10 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

699 total posts


Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

Posted by juju

HSG is hysterosalpingogram,

It is a procedure performed using x-rays and a dye to look at the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. This is to see if you have any blockage.

Thanx JuJuChat Icon

Posted 4/13/06 4:22 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: MY HSG is scheduled for Thursday

How did it go? Hopefully fine..!!

Posted 4/13/06 4:23 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

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Re: MY HSG (updated on first post 4/13)

see the first post for update

Posted 4/13/06 5:54 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: MY HSG (updated on first post 4/13)

I am so sorry to hear your news... !!!! Chat Icon

When your tubes are blocked they can try through laproscopic surgery repair them....or you can go straight to IVF.

Posted 4/13/06 6:04 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: MY HSG (updated on first post 4/13)

First off, it stinks about the insurance. My first RE was fully covered as a "center for excellence"... well, "Excellence in what?" I have no idea. They were clueless. I'm now at NSUH which I have a lot more confidence in. Not covered until I meet my $3K deductible but it is what it is. We will find the money and cut back on other things.

As far as the tubes being blocked, I'm so sorry. At least you now have that information and you, DH and your RE can sit down and discuss IVF and other options. I know it's not the news you wnated to here but at least now you can take concrete steps instead of months and months of trying naturally and getting nothing but frustration.

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Posted 4/13/06 6:25 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

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Re: MY HSG (updated on first post 4/13)

I'm sorry to hear your news but I'd like to share my story with you in hopes that it will give you some hope. I was also told on the day of my HSG (and afterward) that both of my tubes were blocked and that my only options were IVF or adoption. I researched on my own, visited a RE and demanded a prescription for a tubal cannulation despite the mixed reviews on it. I went in for my tubal cannulation at SBH, they put an IV in my arm, gave me some painkillers intravenously, gave me oxygen, and then started off by giving me a routine HSG. Well, they never had to put the fine wire through my tubes to try to clear them because HSG#2 indicated that both tubes were clear as could be! Meanwhile, my doctor told me to skip that and that there was no hope and to just go straight to IVF. After much soul searching and time passing thinking I was unable to get pg due to my tubes being blocked, DH & I decided to adopt, and now, regardless of my open tubes we are still going to adopt, but hope to one day have biological children too. Best of luck to you. I clearly remember the devastation I felt when hearing both tubes were blocked and I never felt more depressed and helpless in my life. FM if you need to chat. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/13/06 6:35 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

6747 total posts


Re: MY HSG (updated on first post 4/13)

Thanks Girls!!! YOu all have been so helpful!!! DH is still working til 8 tonight. I told him on the phone. I broke down in tears. I feel that everything in my life thus far has been challenging. Obstacles being thrown in front of me!!!! Why can't one thing go right? Yes, I am a debbie downer today!

Susan, Thanks for sharing your story. I will do some research on cannulation. Congrats on deciding to Adopt!!! That is Awesome! And I pray that you will one day have biological children!!!

Thanks again Girls!

Posted 4/13/06 6:57 PM

Welcome to the World!

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Re: MY HSG (updated on first post 4/13)

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

I know it's not the news you wnated to here but at least now you can take concrete steps instead of months and months of trying naturally and getting nothing but frustration.

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You're so right!

Posted 4/13/06 6:58 PM
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