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using bassinet or cradle

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Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

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using bassinet or cradle

was wondering how many of you used a bassinet or cradle in the beginning? DH thinks its a waste of money and we should just set up the crib in our room. I dont agree but when he asked me why we needed a bassinet I couldnt really give him an answerChat Icon I know the baby should be right in our room in the early weeks but was just wondering what worked well for the rest of you. TIA

Message edited 2/26/2006 11:29:05 PM.

Posted 2/26/06 11:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: using bassinet or cradle

I was going to start the baby in the crib in the nursery.

My mom is pushing to buy me a bassinet/cradle, but I feel it's a waste.

I asked a lot of women at work what they did and so far my answers have been 50/50 (bassinet in the room/crib from the beginning.)

I'm curious to see what the others plan on doing.

Message edited 2/27/2006 7:06:27 AM.

Posted 2/26/06 11:32 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: using bassinet or cradle

We borrowed one from our friends. I agree it's a waste of money but having the baby right on the side of your bed in the middle of the night was very convenient and comforting.

Posted 2/26/06 11:39 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: using bassinet or cradle

Can I suggest that you try a mini co-sleeper by Arms Reach. I debated about bassinet or cradle or moses basket, but had read some great things on the boards here about the co-sleeper and thought I would give it a try...and it was worth it.

We have had no sleep problems at night since the day we came home from the hospital. Its small and packs up easily to take away with you, or to take somewhere else in the house.

In my house, the baby sleeps in the pram downstairs in the daytime and the mini co-sleeper at night. I think having the clear cut distinction between night and day sleeping from day one is very good for baby.

I would like to have the baby in the room with me for around 6 months (if he stops snoring that is) and the mini co-sleeper will probably last about that long, and a bassinet/cradle/moses basket will probably only last until baby is 12/15 weeks ole

Do a search on Mini Co-sleeper and you will see some great feedback from Moms on these boards!

Message edited 2/27/2006 4:36:45 AM.

Posted 2/27/06 4:31 AM

Train Ride

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Re: using bassinet or cradle

cradle - my dad made it for my sister when she were born.

Posted 2/27/06 7:07 AM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: using bassinet or cradle

We are using a cradle in our room at 1st. We looked into co sleepers which I think is a great idea but none of them would work with our bed. We have a double pillow top King sized mattress high up like Princess and the Pea Chat Icon and even with the extensions that are sold separately for a co sleeper it would not work for us Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/06 7:18 AM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: using bassinet or cradle

ohhhh. we have a dual pillow top king bed as well so maybe the co sleeper wouldnt work for us either.

Im so confused. Is it a waste of time to set up the crib for a mth or 2 in our room or should we just use a bassinet?

Posted 2/27/06 8:27 AM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: using bassinet or cradle

i used a cradle for the first 2 months with each baby.i found it to be a lifesaver. they wake up so often during the middle of the night when they are that young, i found it so much easier to have them right next to my bed instead of having to get up to go in the other room. and my cradle was not expensive at all. i think it was around $30 bucks on clearance in kmart. i would definitly recommened a cradle or bassinet for the first few months.

Posted 2/27/06 8:32 AM

My girls

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Re: using bassinet or cradle

we're using a cradle.

Posted 2/27/06 9:17 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: using bassinet or cradle

I'm using a bassinette.

Posted 2/27/06 9:42 AM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: using bassinet or cradle

We used the crib in his room from the get-go. He loved it from teh start and we have had no problems at all!

Posted 2/27/06 9:51 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/05

276 total posts


Re: using bassinet or cradle

I am borrowing a bassinette from a friends. Everyone I know used one and they said it was a great thing to have the baby in the room with you.

Posted 2/27/06 10:17 AM

Holiday 2011 photo

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Re: using bassinet or cradle

Don't know if this helps, but usually the cribs are too big to fit through doorways so unless your DH is willing to assemble the thing twice, that's one reason to have an alternative in the beginning. I think most people's reasons for having the baby is their room with them in the beginning is proximity and comfort level.

Posted 2/27/06 1:29 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

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Re: using bassinet or cradle

We're using the bassinet part of the Pack n' Play.

Posted 2/27/06 2:01 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: using bassinet or cradle

Posted by Anniegrl

We're using the bassinet part of the Pack n' Play.

We are doing the same on the 1st floor of our house, but the for the second floor we went with the Travel Lite crib for our room. We figured we could take that crib to LI with us when we visit family, and she can use the crib up til 30 lbs.

Originally, we were going to just use the crib in her room and the pack n play, but a friend of mine almost lost her baby girl to reflux, she choked on her own vomit, and there is no way I could have my little girl that far away from me at night, even though the room is just across the hall. Scared the h*ll out of me.

Posted 2/27/06 2:07 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: using bassinet or cradle

Bassinet and Pack n Play on first floor.

Posted 2/27/06 2:07 PM

He's here!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: using bassinet or cradle

originally we were just putting him in his crib, his room is next to ours. my dad's g-fri's daughter just had a baby and uses a bassinet, she said we could borrow it to try out, so if anything we might do that. but i did not want to waste $$ on one.

Posted 2/27/06 2:12 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

178 total posts


Re: using bassinet or cradle

We received my sister's bassinet as a hand me first was in it for 4 months ans my second is in it right now. she is 6 weeks.

Posted 2/27/06 2:14 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: using bassinet or cradle

We were going to use the pack n play instead of buying a bassinet because we thought it was too much money.

But then Chee Chee (from LIF) was selling her bassinet because her little boy couldn't use it. So, we bougth that from her.

It's really cute. You can get it from and it's $39 plus about $10 shipping. Here's a pic (it comes with a blue and pink ribbon and basket inserts so it's perfect for a boy or girl).

Image Attachment(s):

Message edited 2/27/2006 2:29:18 PM.

Posted 2/27/06 2:28 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: using bassinet or cradle

GRRRRRR! Funny that you should post this bassinet. Not even ONE HOUR ago - I bought it on e bay - - for $20 more than the walmart site has it listed for. never thought walmart would have something so darling!! oh well. Its already paid for on ebay...thanks for posting!

DH told m that Im the mommy and know whats best so I decided to order a bassinet. silly to take apart and out back together the crib twice.

Posted 2/27/06 3:48 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: using bassinet or cradle

Posted by dawnygirl25

GRRRRRR! Funny that you should post this bassinet. Not even ONE HOUR ago - I bought it on e bay - - for $20 more than the walmart site has it listed for. never thought walmart would have something so darling!! oh well. Its already paid for on ebay...thanks for posting!

DH told m that Im the mommy and know whats best so I decided to order a bassinet. silly to take apart and out back together the crib twice.

Oh damn, any way you can cancel the payment and contact the seller and cancel the bid?

Posted 2/27/06 4:13 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: using bassinet or cradle

We used a bassinet with our first baby and plan on using it with this one. I think its great to have the baby right there so you can check on them throughout the night without having to get up and walk into the next room.

Posted 2/27/06 4:28 PM

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Member since 6/05

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Re: using bassinet or cradle

I'll use a pack & play in our room- if I get a hand-me-down bassinet then we'll use that instead.

I am not a fan of the co-sleepers but I think its important to have the baby in our room in the beginning- easier for nursing & I hear its great for bonding.

Posted 2/27/06 5:21 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: using bassinet or cradle

I put Jared right into the crib.

Posted 2/27/06 5:23 PM

Complete Happiness :)

Member since 5/05

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: using bassinet or cradle

We were planning on using the crib for the baby. But since my SIL has the bassinet my DH had when he was little, we are going to take that so we have the option of using either

Posted 2/27/06 5:25 PM
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