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Work Issue. update at bottom of post

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But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Work Issue. update at bottom of post

Im in training this week (last week also) There are these two "woman" in my class who are SO NASTY.. The one said something so DUMB to me about me not respecting my parents because I got a tattoo. She said her daughter would never get one. Her kid is a year and a half old. So I laughed and said you think that now. And then I overheard her talking about her personal life and lets just say she doesnt respect herself.

The other one thinks she is perfect. Whenever someone asks the TEACHER a question she cuts him off and answers and laughs with this dirty look on her face like she is saying HOW STUPID are you Chat Icon

The other day they had the stapeler and I asked for it. They wouldnt give it to me. So I asked for it louder then the girl next to me asked for it even louder...

When we went back to our tables (and I was the only one at my table) The one girl said something to the other girl and she looked at me rolled her eyes and said I have no comment. I KNOW they were talking about me. Since she looked right at me and I was all alone. Today the teacher noticed. He could see all of us getting annoyed with it. He called me into another room and asked me what was up. So I told him. I asked him if he saw it. and he said yes. I wanted to make sure he saw it in case it was just me.

He then called them out of class one by one to have a talk. When the first one came back she went over to the other one and said "Its nothing to big its actually pretty amusing its about DUMB people"

I so dont want to goto work now. I feel like they are going to start sh!at. I can feel the tension already Chat Icon

ETA I started to say something but i need this job bad and its not worth it to me.

Message edited 10/19/2005 3:54:47 PM.

Posted 10/18/05 11:47 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Work Issue.

omg sorry you have to deal with those dumbarses!!! Chat Icon

how much longer is this training going to last???? Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/05 11:50 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

Until Monday Chat Icon

Its gotten to the point where none of us want to ask Questions.

Posted 10/18/05 11:52 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

it's only a few more days. i know it's a PITA to have to deal with such stupidity, but just keep reminding yourself why you're there, and try not to let those b!tches annoy you. in fact, you should pretend as if they're NOT EVEN THERE!!!! TOTALLY IGNORE THEM!! THAT would just kill them more, then if you cursed them out!!! It's like saying F-you, with actually saying F-you!!! Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/05 11:54 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

Posted by MrsERod

it's only a few more days. i know it's a PITA to have to deal with such stupidity, but just keep reminding yourself why you're there, and try not to let those b!tches annoy you. in fact, you should pretend as if they're NOT EVEN THERE!!!! TOTALLY IGNORE THEM!! THAT would just kill them more, then if you cursed them out!!! It's like saying F-you, with actually saying F-you!!! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Good Point. Its just the tension. Chat Icon I know they are going to think I started it all with the teacher when really he came to me. Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/05 11:56 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

Posted by june262004

Posted by MrsERod

it's only a few more days. i know it's a PITA to have to deal with such stupidity, but just keep reminding yourself why you're there, and try not to let those b!tches annoy you. in fact, you should pretend as if they're NOT EVEN THERE!!!! TOTALLY IGNORE THEM!! THAT would just kill them more, then if you cursed them out!!! It's like saying F-you, with actually saying F-you!!! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Good Point. Its just the tension. Chat Icon I know they are going to think I started it all with the teacher when really he came to me. Chat Icon

let them think whatever the hell they want to think! the fact that you'll be ignoring them, will basically be like letting them know they are IRRELEVANT to you! screw 'em...they're not worth the aggrevation!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/05 11:59 PM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

how Old are we?! apparently stupidity breeds deep within every age group..
sorry you have to deal with that cr@p, kristin Chat Icon
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 12:12 AM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

Thanks Neenie. I said today i felt like I was in the 1st grade Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 12:15 AM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Kristin, I am sorry your dealing with such crap!
Just a few more days! Try to ignore them, like another post said, it would really get them annoyed!
Many Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to you!

Posted 10/19/05 6:52 AM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

Oh my goodness! These are ADULT women? That is just ridiculous, that they feel the need to behave like such infants.

I think you should a) fight fire with fire and be snotty back (Ask them how they are being trained for this position since they clearly didn't finish the third grade and are still bitter about it) or b) align yourself with some of the friendlier people and ignore the twits.

A would be more fun, B is probably easier and more professional. Good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 7:51 AM


Member since 10/05

6039 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

There is nothing worse than ignoring ignore them until the training is over. Do not let them get the best of's not worth it....
Hang in there and just ignore them.

Posted 10/19/05 7:57 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

Ignoring them would probably work. It's sad that there are such people in this world. I have to say, for me personally, I would say something to them. If they are sitting there talking about me, I would confront them. Nothing rude or argumentative, but I would definitely say something. I think with people like those two, they are always getting away with this kind of stuff because everyone chooses to ignore it. Will you ever have to work around these two?

Posted 10/19/05 8:49 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

Posted by june262004

When the first one came back she went over to the other one and said "Its nothing to big its actually pretty amusing its about DUMB people"

What is this, junior high?? I would ignore, ignore, ignore until you get through this training. Do you have to work with them after this?? I hope not! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 8:57 AM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

That's so ridiculous that you would have to deal with that in a professional setting. If they cross the line in the next two days again, stick up for yourself and put them in their place without getting loud, emotional, etc.... Hopefully you don't have to work with them on a daily basis.

Posted 10/19/05 9:04 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

If these girls keep it up- it doesn't sound like they will be working at teh comapny for much longer.

I am sorry you have to deal with this. We are not in Jr. High. Just remember that you are so much BETTER than these girls. Why woudl they need to behave that way? Because they have serious issues. As you said, one has no self esteem- and the other probably doesn't either. The best thing you can do is remember your wonderful life and the wonderful people in your life.

Also remember- out of a class of how many there are 2 girls acting like idiots. It may even be a bonding experience with the other people in the class.

Posted 10/19/05 9:45 AM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

It amazes me that adult women still act this way! You just have to try and remember that it's their insecurities that make them act that way, and in reality, it has nothing to do with you. I would do what Tracy said and align yourself with the friendlier people in the class. I'm sorry you have to deal with such stupidity! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 9:48 AM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

15857 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

EFF them!!!! Do what you have to do for yourself. Let them say and do whatever they want - if they want to be childish and immature thats their problem.

Posted 10/19/05 9:49 AM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

Thanks everyone. They are better today. They havent said anything to me. And they are raising their hands and not calling out (you know like kids do in Kindergarden)

The trainer came over to me and asked if everything was ok. And I said yes. He said you notice the difference right. And I said yes. I asked him again if he saw and I said cause I dont want to sound bratty and he agreed he saw it for the last couple of days.

Thank God I dont have to deal with them after this class. They are in other branches even in different counties Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 1:19 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Work Issue.

I am glad things are going better today Juney Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

How much longer until your training is over!! thank GOD you won't be working with these idiots! Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 1:26 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

Monday Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 1:30 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Work Issue.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 1:30 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

OH CRAP spoke to soon Sh!t just hit the fan Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 3:36 PM

22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05

13659 total posts

And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: Work Issue.

what happened?

Posted 10/19/05 3:41 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

Posted by june262004

OH CRAP spoke to soon Sh!t just hit the fan Chat Icon

Kristin, what happened??? Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 3:49 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Work Issue.

WELL... I just went in and talk to the teachers.

The b!atch who has no respect for herself was talking about the hurricane. The girl sitting next to me (her friend the other skank) went sheesh like as in oh my god i cant believe it!

Then the b!atch with no respect says "did someone just say shhh to me?" So the Skank says no I said Sheesh like oh my god. B!atch says O I thought someone told me to shhh i thought I offened someone with my hurricane comment since there are overly sensitive people in this class room.

So My friend Tanya says what... Shes all why are you a trouble maker I told my friend to be quite cause its not worth it. 2 minutes later no respect b!atch says oh bipolar sensitive ... You know the bipolar sensitive chick in my branch.

So then my friend Tanya jumps in and says oh theres a bipolar sensitive girl in your branch (yesterday Tanya was telling me about her sister who is bi polar) and B!atch says why you so concerned with me??? YES I have an issue in my branch...

NOW TANYA is P!ssed!

They are going to have a senior trainer come in at 4:30 to talk to the whole class about it. They told me to get everything out in the open.. This should be FUN!

Posted 10/19/05 3:52 PM
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