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For people with Dogs

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Member since 5/05

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For people with Dogs

Do you feed your dog people food/table food???

My SIL has 3 dogs and we feed them anything and everything(she used to be a vet tech) and she says only certain things can really harm your pet

some people will not allow their pet to eat people food and get angry if you feed them....what do you feel??

Posted 7/27/05 11:42 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: For people with Dogs

I always fed my dogs from the table. DH hates it because now they beg. My dogs push your elbow so their heads sit under you and wait for you to drop something. But there are certain food I know she can not eat. I am in the middle of training her now so at least she is getting better and knows she wont get anything unless she lays down and behaves.

Posted 7/27/05 11:45 AM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Re: For people with Dogs

i try not to.

but sometimes we give in....especially when she wont leave us alone. i know, i know, i'm making it worse!

Posted 7/27/05 11:46 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: For people with Dogs

we always give our dog the special staek bones and maybe cake if it's someones B-day. But he has become a begger!! He is bad with that! Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 11:47 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For people with Dogs

personally I say a dogs life is eating and playing so why not let them enjoy Good food right

Posted 7/27/05 11:47 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For people with Dogs

SIL has bday parties (her husband and kids) for the dogs and makes them cakes just for them
I think its sweetChat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 11:48 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For people with Dogs

I don't have dogs. some friends feed their dogs table food, some dont. i follow their rules.

I ask that no one feed my cats table food- their stomachs can be sensitive, and you never know what will set them off.

Posted 7/27/05 11:49 AM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: For people with Dogs

I fed my dog EVERYTHING from the table- even my mom would cook him special meals- he loved it all- the spicier the better (favorite dish was very spicy general tso's chicken Chat Icon )

He lived to be 22 years old! Just 10 days shy of his 23rd birthday! He NEVER had any health problems.

like it was said before, their lives are all about eating, sleeping and playing, make it great for them!

Posted 7/27/05 11:50 AM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: For people with Dogs

We feed him table scraps -- we usually don't give them to him until we are done eating, and we never feed from the table if people are over.

I don't give him certain foods, like chocolate, and to be honest he is very gassy so I stay away from veggies too... but we give him meat and bread scraps.

Posted 7/27/05 12:04 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For people with Dogs

No and No.

They don't have the enzymes present in their stomach to digest a lot of people food.

The second just breeds bad behavior. My dog goes in the other room and lays down when we eat. People are amazed when they come over. Her previous owners taught her that.

I was at a party this weekend trying to eat on a lawn chair and every ten seconds the dog was trying to stick her nose in my potato salad.

Posted 7/27/05 12:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For people with Dogs

Absolutely not. Dog food is for dogs, table food for people. I agree with whoever said it breeds bad behavior - they learn to beg and whine and not leave you alone when you feed them table scraps. Plus, and especially if you have a smaller dog, the spices on our food can really tear up their stomach if they're not used to it.

I have this fight with MIL all the time. It's REALLY annoying and it makes me very nervous about whether or not she's going to listen to me about my own children Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 12:16 PM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

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Re: For people with Dogs

I give my dogs veggies & meat. This is much better than the garbage in most dog foods.

I find it funny that people think people food is bad for dogs, when the #1 ingredient in commercial dogfood is oftentimes corn- which dogs cannot digest.

Posted 7/27/05 12:17 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For people with Dogs

Posted by Sassyz75

I give my dogs veggies & meat. This is much better than the garbage in most dog foods.

I find it funny that people think people food is bad for dogs, when the #1 ingredient in commercial dogfood is oftentimes corn- which dogs cannot digest.

Well, it depends what dog food you're talking about and what people food you're talking about. Mighty Dog is like McDonald's for dogs so obviously you're better off giving a dog almost any people food than that. But scraps from the table is very different from cooking something specific for the dog (i.e. no spices, salt, etc).

Posted 7/27/05 12:19 PM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: For people with Dogs

He gets table scraps and people food - no real issues with his stomach.

We have taught him to lay down by the table when we eat. If he does that the whole time he gets scraps. If not, (if he starts to bark or beg) he gets nothing.

That way he gets to enjoy the good food and also learn not to beg.

Message edited 9/2/2007 1:05:07 PM.

Posted 7/27/05 12:24 PM

The Disney Lady

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Re: For people with Dogs

It definitely depends on the food. A lot of the time even food that is "good" for a dog, like plain unspiced steak or something can have a lot of bad affects on their digestive system, to put it mildly. My mom and sister are the real owners of the dogs so I can;t control hat they do, but I get upset when guests feed the dog table food. A lot of people have NO idea what a dog can and can't eat. Also if you give a dog a hamburger, even though it's beef and dogs can eat that, then that's less dog food hes eating so he's missing out on fiber and other nutrients he needs. I think it's generally not a good idea/

Posted 7/27/05 12:24 PM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

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Re: For people with Dogs

Posted by Leeners

Posted by Sassyz75

I give my dogs veggies & meat. This is much better than the garbage in most dog foods.

I find it funny that people think people food is bad for dogs, when the #1 ingredient in commercial dogfood is oftentimes corn- which dogs cannot digest.

Well, it depends what dog food you're talking about and what people food you're talking about. Mighty Dog is like McDonald's for dogs so obviously you're better off giving a dog almost any people food than that. But scraps from the table is very different from cooking something specific for the dog (i.e. no spices, salt, etc).

Spices like garlic are actually good for dogs...
Onions aren't....
I would say the majority of dog foods out there, including Iams- are pretty bad- pretty much any dog food that has corn as the first listed ingredient is bag.

I personally feed my dogs a raw food diet- of chicken, bone meal, sweet potatoes, and apples.

They are incredibly healthy and their coats are so soft- people ALWAYS comment about their fur.

Posted 7/27/05 12:25 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: For people with Dogs

I put a little bit of olive oil on his food --- he loves it and it is great for his joints and his coat.

He is 10 and people think I mean 10 MONTHS when they meet him.

I also give him ice to chew when it is hot -- good for his teeth and keeps him hydrated.

Posted 7/27/05 12:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For people with Dogs

Murphy always gets the last bite of whatever I am eating. But when I am at someone else's house and they have a dog, I always ask the owner before I give the dog people food.

Posted 7/27/05 12:32 PM

life is good

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Re: For people with Dogs

ABSOLUTELY NOT! The dogs are trained to leave the room when we eat - so they're not tempted to beg. They sit in the kitchen and wait for the command to re-join us!

And I can't stand it when guests come in my house and take it upon themselves to feed my dogs people food! Chat Icon They're trained not to accept that - but if you're gonna offer it - they're gonna take it.

Posted 7/27/05 2:16 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: For people with Dogs

very little. It gives my dog diahrea

Message edited 7/27/2005 2:25:14 PM.

Posted 7/27/05 2:24 PM

I'm two!

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Re: For people with Dogs

I give him a little bit of people food but only healthy things, like carrots, eggs, chicken......
He doesn't get food off our plates; I'll give him some food while I'm cooking. He doesn't beg either - he just sits there and stares at me with those sad eyes! Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 2:49 PM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: For people with Dogs

DH hates when I give Casey table food but I can't help it- she's too cute! I only give her bland things though- hamburger meat, chicken- I won't give her chocolate or anythings spicey- occasionally, a tiny piece of bread Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 5:00 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: For people with Dogs

once in awhile they get white rice, sometimes I share my night time snack of doritos or cheez doodles with them, and they get fruit and veggies, but very little.

Posted 7/27/05 8:48 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: For people with Dogs

Posted by MamaNDaddyof2

some people will not allow their pet to eat people food and get angry if you feed them....what do you feel??

I get really ticked off if someone else feeds my dogs table food. It is not up to someone else to decide what my dog's diet will consist of. This is a really sore subject with me b/c my ILs INSIST on giving macaroni w/sauce to my dogs - I do not like to give them this kind of food, but they always manage to sneak it to them somehow. Now everytime I make pasta, my dogs beg uncontrollably, not to mention that the acid in tomato sauce is so bad for the dogs. It gives my dogs the runs something awful. DRIVES ME NUTS.

I do give them some "people food" - salmon, eggs, rice - but it is never fried and not seasoned, and I put it into their dish after we are done eating, not from the table.

Message edited 7/28/2005 8:42:00 AM.

Posted 7/28/05 8:41 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: For people with Dogs

Posted by Leeners

I have this fight with MIL all the time. It's REALLY annoying and it makes me very nervous about whether or not she's going to listen to me about my own children Chat Icon

oooh, I tell this to DH all the if she is this stubborn with my friggin dogs...ask me why I do not want to have childrenChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/05 8:43 AM
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