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Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

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Member since 5/05

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Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

I am so nervous about it. Also is a spinal and epidural the same thing?

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Posted 2/12/06 5:18 PM
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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

I'm pretty sure they are the same thing - if not, I KNOW that they are inserted the same place (I'm so dumb when it comes to medical stuff) - at the time that I needed an epidural, I didn't care if it hurt or where they stuck it - BUT it didn't hurt and it was a life saver! It's natural to be nervous, but try not to worry!!

Posted 2/12/06 5:20 PM

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

Message edited 12/20/2011 6:05:47 PM.

Posted 2/12/06 5:20 PM

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

I think they're different:

past thread

For me- I wasnt in any kinda pain, since I had a sced. c-sect....and the spinal was extremely uncomfortable....but it starts working it only hurts for a second..

Posted 2/12/06 5:26 PM

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

Posted by mommy2bellabean

honestly, I was in so much pain from the contrax that I didn't feel a thing when they gave me the epi and it was INSTANT relief!

That's exactly how I felt; however, the stupid epi wore off relatively quickly and it took forever to get a re-dose!

Posted 2/12/06 5:29 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

They are different and although they are inserted in a similar place on the "outside" there is a difference of how far the needle goes in.
A v-birth is never given a spinal, that I ever heard of. With an epi you can control the amount of medication differentely then you can with a is a one dose shot..where an epi has a continous flow of medication.
There are pros and cons to having an epidural during a v-birth. You can read A Thinking Women's Guide to Birth for a lot of information. You do NOT HAVE to have one, unless of course you need surgery..which is totally different.

personal for me I was VERY scared during my spinal and it still upsets me. I hated not feeling my body..that was very upsetting for me. So that is my experience.

Posted 2/12/06 5:34 PM

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

Message edited 2/12/2006 5:43:55 PM.

Posted 2/12/06 5:43 PM

Back in LI!

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

Posted by mommy2bellabean

honestly, I was in so much pain from the contrax that I didn't feel a thing when they gave me the epi and it was INSTANT relief!

same for me too

Posted 2/12/06 5:44 PM


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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

I had very bad back labor and requested an epidural. I had been unable to sleep all night and was very tense and exhausted. Plus, I was unable to stay in one spot long enough for the fetal heart monitor to check the baby's heartbeat. Once I went on the epidural, I was able to nap and rest up to push. I was also able to stay still so that my doctor could monitor the baby.

Posted 2/12/06 5:48 PM

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

I thought it ws great. I was in so much pain at that point I welcomed it.

Posted 2/12/06 6:38 PM


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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

Posted by lmb03

I thought it ws great. I was in so much pain at that point I welcomed it.

Me too!
The needle wasn't bad at all, ant the pain relief was almost instantaneous!

Posted 2/12/06 6:40 PM


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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

I think that it was great. I didn't feel the needle because I was in so much pain. I wanted to go natural but having the epidural was the best desicion for me.

Posted 2/12/06 6:55 PM

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

Message edited 12/20/2011 6:06:11 PM.

Posted 2/12/06 7:10 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

Posted by Princessmaris

I think they're different:

past thread

For me- I wasnt in any kinda pain, since I had a sced. c-sect....and the spinal was extremely uncomfortable....but it starts working it only hurts for a second..

I agree. Except for me, they had to keep going in deeper since it wasnt working. I of course, since I am a big baby, started to cry which made it worse since I was moving around. WHen it did start to work I immediately felt it.

Posted 2/12/06 7:27 PM

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

It was definitely not as bad- I was so scared of it but when the time cameI was in so much pain I would have let them do anything to help.

Posted 2/12/06 8:05 PM

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

Posted by michele31

They are different and although they are inserted in a similar place on the "outside" there is a difference of how far the needle goes in.
A v-birth is never given a spinal, that I ever heard of. With an epi you can control the amount of medication differentely then you can with a is a one dose shot..where an epi has a continous flow of medication.
There are pros and cons to having an epidural during a v-birth. You can read A Thinking Women's Guide to Birth for a lot of information. You do NOT HAVE to have one, unless of course you need surgery..which is totally different.

personal for me I was VERY scared during my spinal and it still upsets me. I hated not feeling my body..that was very upsetting for me. So that is my experience.

I had no clue they were different. I hear so many people use the two words interchangeably (sp?).

In that case, I got a spinal and it wasn't bad at ALL.

Posted 2/12/06 8:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

It was the best thing ever...I remember a little pinch and being uncomfortable with the pain...which is very tolerable...and then total relief!

Posted 2/12/06 8:10 PM

Mom of Three

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

RU kidding? It was the BEST thing!!!

Posted 2/12/06 8:14 PM

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

Posted by lmb03

I thought it ws great. I was in so much pain at that point I welcomed it.

Me too, I experienced such back labor, it was terrible. Getting the epi was fine. The 1st one didn't work and they had to do it again and I had no problems saying go for it again!

Posted 2/12/06 8:15 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

It stung a bit but not as bad as the contractions.

Message edited 2/12/2006 8:19:40 PM.

Posted 2/12/06 8:16 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

Like Stef said there was a small pinch when the needle was inserted. It definitely wasn't as bad as the contractions prior to the epidural. I was in heaven after I got it.... I wanted to kiss my anesthesiologist (sp??).

Posted 2/12/06 8:22 PM

My munchkins

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

the iv hurt more then the epidural the epidural was a small pinch.

Posted 2/12/06 9:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

I had a spinal, not an epidural (they are different) because I had a c/s (no labor, my water broke, he was breech, end of story). It wasn't bad at all. A little pinch, onto my back and the rest is history!

Posted 2/12/06 10:41 PM

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

Please, I wish I had an epidural hanging around the house that I could give myself whenever I wanted to! It's wasn't bad, it was GREAT.

I had a contraction while they were inserting the tube and you aren't supposed to move even an inch -- that was the worst part. I could barely even feel the pinch of the needle.

Posted 2/13/06 9:02 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Was the epidural as bad as you expected?

I don't remember even feeling being inserted or removed. I would have one again in a minute. It was weird because I really felt nothing and that was a weird feeling but it allowed me to rest and relax and worth it.

Posted 2/13/06 11:02 AM
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