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Pets and Babies

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He's here!!

Member since 5/05

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Pets and Babies

We just got a puppy that will be about 10 months old when we have our baby. I thought to leave him at my dad's house for a few days until we get settled in. But DH thinks he'd get really jealous if we brought him home and there was someone else in the house already.

The puppy is very protective of us, especially me, and never leaves our side. It probably is best if we leave him in his setting and bring someone to HIM.

What do you all think? Have any of you had problems w/ adjusting the pets to the baby?

Posted 1/20/06 10:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

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Re: Pets and Babies

I will be dealing with this as well. I think it is best to have the dog there when you come in.
I have heard of having your DH bring a blanket of the baby home before you come home with the baby, so the dog can get familiar with the new scent. I also will make sure when I first come in the door to give the dog lots of attention.

ETA: I am also worried b/c the dogs "room" now will be the baby's room! I am sure she will not be too happy about losing her room in addition tho having to share her attention!

Message edited 1/20/2006 10:55:19 AM.

Posted 1/20/06 10:53 AM

So Big... So Fast!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pets and Babies

Our puppy will be about the same age when the babies are born. We plan on keeping her at home and introducing her to them in her own setting. (After all - she is our first baby). She has also become very protective of me, and I really think she will become very protective of the babies. I don't anticipate a problem.

Posted 1/20/06 10:54 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pets and Babies

I have two dogs and I'm not worried about bring a baby home. Depending on the temperament of your dog, you probably don't have to worry. They tend to adjust well and may become very protective to the new baby.

Posted 1/20/06 10:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pets and Babies

When we bought Jacob home our puppy was a year old. Shayna was home waiting at the door as soon as we walked in. My husband had brought back a blanket of the babies and we had our friends children over before he was born to see how she would react with children.

She was great, granted she is a 3.5 lb yorkie.

Jacob is now 4.5 months old and shayna is very protective of him now. I can only imagine what will happen when Jacob is older....

Posted 1/20/06 11:05 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Pets and Babies

My jack russell Cleo is my 1st baby! SHe is sooo spoiled!
She is my little shadow!

Since the dog will be a puppy still, start training him now basic behavior. Stick your hand near his mouth when he eats, take his food away in the middle of his dinner. He has to understand you are the alpha dog in the house. Start now not letting him jump, or go into things/rooms he won't be able too when the baby is born.

Cleo has a wonderful temperment, she never growls at anyone, I can poke her, pull her ears, tail, take her dinner, put my hand in her mouth and she wouldn't dare bite. I know it sounds mean, but believe me it works.

I know she will just fine with the baby, prob a tad bit jealous in beginning because of her breed, but i know she wouldn't hurt the baby, prob just ignore her.

Posted 1/20/06 11:06 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pets and Babies

it's ALWAYS best to bring the new addition into the home with the dog there. The dog needs to know it's part of the family. Our dogs were VERY overenthusiastic when we brought her home but calmed down after a few days. Now when she cries in the middle of the night, they sleep right through it.

Posted 1/20/06 11:08 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Pets and Babies

I am a little concerned myself because our kitty will be 11 months old. Right now he's so active always running like crazy and jumping on the couch. I hope he won't be jumping on the baby when we have him in the bassinett when we're in the living room.

Also will the baby suffocate if we keep the door to the baby's room closed? We are going to have to cuz the cat will not allowed in there and right now he is used to going in there cuz it's the computer room. I mean we could always crack the window open a little for air to get in.

Posted 1/20/06 11:35 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 9/05

391 total posts


Re: Pets and Babies

I really don't know how our puppy will act....

He is a Westie and will be 4 next month. he is very tolerant of all the kids in our building (we live in an NYC apt. building). He will let them pet him and he seems to be happy, but granted they are not in HIS territory.

I also am able to put my hand in his food bowl or take it away from him while he eats and he doesn't growl.

I think the most important thing is to try and pay as much attention to the dog as possible and to try and include them in everything so they know that they are still an important member of the family.

Posted 1/20/06 11:40 AM

Treasure what you have

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pets and Babies

I have 2 dogs at home and I am really not all that worried at all. Our dogs are spoiled and will continue to be Chat Icon They were our first babies! I have to agree though, definitely let the dog be there when u bring the baby home, that is very important!

Posted 1/20/06 11:47 AM

I ♥ my boys!

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Re: Pets and Babies

When my son was born 6 years ago, our dog was 1 at the time. What we did was DH brought a blanket that the baby used at the hospital and we had our dog sniff it. When we arrived home with the baby, DH stayed outside with the baby while I went in and hugged and played with our dog for a little bit since she had not seen me in a few days.
Then we introduced the baby, we let our dog come near her of course we were protecting our baby just in case, but our dog was really good.
Now that we are having our second baby, we plan to do the same thing.

Posted 1/20/06 11:47 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pets and Babies

I have read that Dogs crave an alpha dog--as said above. More important than showing them affection and making them feel included start setting the ground rules now. Do things to the dog that a child would do.

Posted 1/20/06 11:54 AM

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