Re: Asking for some prayers for my Grandma please...UPDATE AT BOTTOM
Please continue to pray everyone...We saw her today.....I think my Uncle misinformed my mom and she will not be out tomorrow She has no idea when she will be out...she feels weak ....I just want her well and I want her to be able to see me get married
BTW...thank you again..EVERYONE I know that prayer and thoughts are powerful
Re: Asking for some prayers for my Grandma please...UPDATE 7/5
Thank you everyone for all of your posts and thoughts and prayers...I really believe in the power of prayer and postive thinking at times like these ( and I know my Grandma really does believe in this too)....I cannot thank you enough....It means so much to me
..we saw her today and she looks great! Today was her b-day... I won't disclose how old she is....I know she would be POed...but lets say she is pretty damn with it for her age!