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what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

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My Love

Member since 5/05

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what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

what if u woke up tomorrow and it was socially acceptable and the norm to wear sweat pants to work..same job u have now..same corporate job... and it doesnt make u look weird cause its what everyone is u think wearing sweats would affect ur work?? would it make u get jobs done with ease or would it make u feel lazzy?

Posted 10/19/05 1:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I think I would love to have the option to wear sweats everyday (I don't think I necesarily would but would love the choice)

I think that its always good to be comfy when you are working!

Posted 10/19/05 1:10 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I would LOOOVE to be able to wear sweats to work!

I have to say, though, that when the trend towards going business casual started, life is 100x better than when I used to dress prof. all week long.. we are business casual year round and its the best thing ever!! Pants and tops/blazers every day, soo much easier than skirts , suits, etc

edited to add: I do think a being casually attired actually BOOSTS morale and does not at all make people lazier... I believe if you are more comfortable in your clothes, you will perform better!

The only problem I've found with it is that there is always SOMEONE who wears a "no-no" and pushes the casual thing too far .. (like wearing flip flops or jeans) and then they clamp down on us again Chat Icon

Message edited 10/19/2005 1:16:12 PM.

Posted 10/19/05 1:13 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

There are definitely days especially when it's raining or there's snow outside that I personally don't feel like getting dressed up.....but that would make things easier if that was allowed.
We are allowed to wear jeans or casual "khaki" pants on Fridays....I'm glad for that....Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 1:13 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I can wear whatever i want...

In fact i will NOT wear anything too dress or expensive because of job hazzards....

When i wear my Juicy sweats it doesn't make any different than when i wear anything else

Posted 10/19/05 1:16 PM

I'm ONE!

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

It's much more acceptable to wear jeans to work where I am now, but I still can't really get into it. I will wear them sometimes, but I always feel strangely about it. For me, I just feel more professional when I'm wearing slacks or a skirt. Chat Icon Just me, though.

Posted 10/19/05 1:16 PM

Live in the Present

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I think that I would actually work to harder...if i was in my comfy clothes

Posted 10/19/05 1:19 PM

big brother <3

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I look kind of young, so I normally dress up more to look older and get more respect (which does work). I am often dealing with faculty and it doesn't help when you look like you're a student.

But it would be much more comfy! Yesterday I was PMSing and sooo didn't want to be wearing anything restricting. Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 1:20 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

i had to wear scrubs to work everyday and that was like wearing pj's so comfy

Message edited 10/19/2005 1:21:37 PM.

Posted 10/19/05 1:21 PM

I'm ONE!

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

Posted by nov04libride

I look kind of young, so I normally dress up more to look older and get more respect (which does work). I am often dealing with faculty and it doesn't help when you look like you're a student.

Same here, actually.

Posted 10/19/05 1:24 PM


Member since 6/05

15758 total posts


Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

i do the same job if im in jeans or a skirt

going to work in sweats in my opinion would be a bad idea. some people will be neat while other people will look like a bum

Posted 10/19/05 1:27 PM

Love my Kiddos!

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I have to wear suits everyday! Its awful! But I think sweats would be too comfy...I'd want to nap!

Posted 10/19/05 1:28 PM


Member since 9/05

3423 total posts


Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I would love to wear sweats everyday to work! I don't think it would effect me working at all. There are some days that I just don't feel like getting dressed up and throwing on a nice sweatsuit would be perfect!

Posted 10/19/05 1:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I can wear whatever I want to work but I usually dress nice w/ a nice pair of jeans and boots/sandles. I wear sweats maybe 1x a week. I actually like jeans more than sweats.

Message edited 10/19/2005 1:48:07 PM.

Posted 10/19/05 1:41 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I wouldn't do it. I never wear sweats outside my trip to the gym. As comfy as they are, I feel very shlubby in them.

I would love to wear jeans to work- but thats not going to happen anytime soon.

Posted 10/19/05 1:47 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I would love it, I would not stress so much the night before, with ironing and all that either.

Yesterday, they are selling jeans and T-shirt day for next Friday, a United Way fundraiser. I was so bloated from AF, that I signed up, 8.00 a check. hehe...216.00 a year. that better be a great dayChat Icon

ETA: I never wear sweats, but I live in jeans

Message edited 10/19/2005 1:48:04 PM.

Posted 10/19/05 1:47 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I love sweats around the house, but honestly, I think of that Seinfeld episode where Jerry says to George "Do you know what that says to the world? I've given up...."

I wear jeans practically every day to work and I actually miss getting a bit more dressed up at times. As a result, I almost never wear jeans on the weekends anymore, because I am so sick of them by the time Saturday rolls around and I find myself wanting to wear almost anything else.

Posted 10/19/05 2:17 PM

Twin mommy

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I would love to actually be comfortable, but like someone else said I am sure there would be someone at the company who pushes the limit and ruins it for everyone else by looking like a bum.

We can wear jeans one day during the year in October when we do the breast cancer fundraiser. Its so odd how everyone is in good spirits that day.

Posted 10/19/05 2:25 PM

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

Posted by Shellyesq
As comfy as they are, I feel very shlubby in them.

Completely agree with this. I wear jeans instead.

Posted 10/19/05 3:00 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I still wouldn't. I hate sweats. I need structure to my clothing. It's for the best, trust me!Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 6:04 PM

Making big changes

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I think that would be absolutely wonderful!

Posted 10/19/05 7:15 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

Personally, I feel that when I dress professionally and look neat and put together, I FEEL much better about myself and I also think that people percieve you differently when you dress nicely.

Posted 10/19/05 7:19 PM

Feel better my little guy!

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

Ok I definitely have an opinion on this. I work in a place with a casual dress code. I would say 75% take no pride in their appearance whatsoever. One of my coworkers was asking me what I thought about the whole dress-down thing and I said I think it affects peoples attitudes towards their work. I mean I hope you don't think I sound stupid but I see people so relaxed - they don't take the corporate aspect seriously. I think it is great that we don't have to dress up but I think some people take it to the extreme and part of me likes dressing up. But overall sweat pants might be nice once in a while Chat Icon

Posted by muchinluvmichi

what if u woke up tomorrow and it was socially acceptable and the norm to wear sweat pants to work..same job u have now..same corporate job... and it doesnt make u look weird cause its what everyone is u think wearing sweats would affect ur work?? would it make u get jobs done with ease or would it make u feel lazzy?

Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 7:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

I like getting a little bit dressed up for work, and when I get home I always change right into sweats and a pullover. And I feel so much better when I do that. I think I would miss that "ahh...I am home" feeling if I was in sweats all day.Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 8:09 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

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Re: what if u could wear sweat pants to work everyday?

Posted by MrsProfessor

I like getting a little bit dressed up for work, and when I get home I always change right into sweats and a pullover. And I feel so much better when I do that. I think I would miss that "ahh...I am home" feeling if I was in sweats all day.Chat Icon

I totally know what you're talking about and I agree!Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/05 8:13 PM
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