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Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

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Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

I actually feel bad for him!Chat Icon This is from Perez's website.

Two for the price of one!

That's right, Jann Wenner is milking his explosive new Nick Lachey interview by putting it on the cover of both his magazines, Rolling Stone and Us Weekly.

Forget Alien Cruise; we're still not done with Nick & Jess!

"It breaks my heart that I couldn't make Jessica happy," Lachey tells the mag. "I wanted to be everything to my wife."

Can you hear the violins playing????

Let us cry with Nick

"I'd marry her all over again," Lachey syas, somewhat incredulously to us. "Because I still love her. It would be a lot easier to walk away if I didn't."

Lachey admits that he and Jessica went through "a tough phase" last year, though they were trying to work out their problems. That's why the end of his marriage caught him off-guard.

As the couple drove home after the American Music Awards and a post-show dinner, Simpson asked if he still planned to celebrate Thanksgiving (two days later) with her family in Texas. "I said, 'Of course.' And she said something about how we hadn't really been getting along and then said, 'I think I want a divorce.'"

Showing how invested he was in his relationship and how much of a clueless romantic he is, poor Nick begged Jess to sleep on it. “But when we woke up the next day, Wednesday . . . she was still sure. I felt like someone sucker-punched me and took my life away. My dog, my wife, the house."

Still hoping he could save his marriage, Lachey wanted to try counseling. "On the day she filed for divorce [December 16], I drove to her parents' house and tried to change her mind," he admits. "I thought we owed it to ourselves to try with a third party. . . . But she didn't want to go [to counseling]."

And we all know Jessica needs counseling!

After all these months and the heartbreak she has caused his, Nick still - obviously - has feelings for Jessica and is quick to defend her. He says, "Marriage is the toughest thing in the world. To blame her is ********."

So far, Nick Lachey is coming off smelling like roses since the separation.

Jessica better get on Oprah and start crying real soon!

Somehow it doesn't feel dirty or unmanly that Nick Lachey is airing his laundry in public. It feels right. So right!

It's a relief and finally brings some closure to his whole wretched marriage that Lachey is finally talking openly and candidly in a new Rolling Stone interview about the demise of his relationship with Joe Simpson Jessica.

"I'll tell you how I knew my marriage was over: I was told," says Lachey.

And, did Papa Joe play a role in the demise of his union?

"I don't pretend to understand Joe. .I don't know if he ever liked me. To this day I couldn't say. It was painful. Do I think Joe drove a rift between us? No. Was he an influence in our marriage? Absolutely."

Painful = sympathy for you Nick.

Work it!

On rumors of Jessica's adultery, while not ruling them out Nick says:

"I don't know if there were other men. But if she did cheat, it was the result of something bigger, not the reason we didn't work. ... Sometimes I think it would be easier if I had just walked in the house and found her in bed with a guy. That would be clear-cut. End of story. I wouldn't have to deal with the uncertainty of adultery."

She cheated!

And, on what ultimately drew them apart:

"Jessica and I began playing these parts (on their MTV reality show Newlyweds) even when we were by ourselves. It became a really blurred line. There was a question about what truly was our reality."

Message edited 4/20/2006 8:03:51 AM.

Posted 4/20/06 8:02 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

i think jeess was too immature to get married. she had way too much going on and i think that once she saw it wasn't working, she took the easy way out.

Posted 4/20/06 8:04 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Please...I don't feel bad for him one bit! In the year leading up to the announcement every magazine had him cheating with another girl (long before the rumors of Jess's cheating)...I don't believe everything I read but I do believe when there is THAT much smoke...there is FIRE!

I'd tell him I'd want a divorce too. So he can cheat and blame the divorce on her because she is the one that asked for it? PLEASE - what a loser!

Posted 4/20/06 8:07 AM

My Love

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Im team lachey all the way, and really hope Jessica learns to grow up, she definitly gave up a really good thing

Posted 4/20/06 8:12 AM

I love my boys!!

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Posted by muchinluvmichi

Im team lachey all the way, and really hope Jessica learns to grow up, she definitly gave up a really good thing

Me too. Jessica's head swelled up more then her lips. Def want to see Nick come out on top.

Posted 4/20/06 8:21 AM

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Posted by regi

Posted by muchinluvmichi

Im team lachey all the way, and really hope Jessica learns to grow up, she definitly gave up a really good thing

Me too. Jessica's head swelled up more then her lips. Def want to see Nick come out on top.

I agree as well.

Posted 4/20/06 8:32 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Can someone puhleeez pass me the tissue box??? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 8:37 AM

My Babies

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

I think she should have divorced her father. I think he played a bigger role than anything and I think Nick Downplayed it in this interview in hope of getting her back, and then having to deal with "Papa Joe" again one day.

Posted 4/20/06 8:41 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

sorry, I am not sold. I love them both, but still on Team Simpson. He is talking about it and singing about it because that is the only way people will listen to him. I don't blame him for cashing in, he has nothing else, and I do love him, but I think there is a strong motive behind him being so public. Wasn't he totally private and always said he wanted to live a life outside of the biz. No he can't keep his mouth shut.

I think he has to play the victim to make him seem more entitled to her money. Which I think he should be entitled too, he was half of the show.

Message edited 4/20/2006 9:27:49 AM.

Posted 4/20/06 9:27 AM

Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

It takes two to tango.

Both are to blame, but apparently he can't keep it in.

I wonder if this violates the non-disclosure in the divorce agreement.

Posted 4/20/06 9:47 AM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Posted by DebG

Posted by regi

Posted by muchinluvmichi

Im team lachey all the way, and really hope Jessica learns to grow up, she definitly gave up a really good thing

Me too. Jessica's head swelled up more then her lips. Def want to see Nick come out on top.

I agree as well.

Team LacheyChat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 9:54 AM

My Big Boy!

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

I feel bad for Nick! But who knows if this is the truth? You never know if these stories we hear are what really happened.

Posted 4/20/06 10:21 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Posted by Tanaholic

I feel bad for Nick! But who knows if this is the truth? You never know if these stories we hear are what really happened.

I agree 100%

Reading that story, yes Nick comes off very sympathetic .. but that is only HIS side of things

As the saying goes - in breakups, there are 3 sides to every story: his, hers and the TRUTH Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 10:25 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

As the saying goes - in breakups, there are 3 sides to every story: his, hers and the TRUTH Chat Icon

took the words right out of my mouth! Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 10:26 AM


Member since 7/05

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

I feel bad for both of them....I'm curious as to what the real reason was that they called it quits.

Posted 4/20/06 10:30 AM

He's here!!

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Posted by LadyLainez

As the saying goes - in breakups, there are 3 sides to every story: his, hers and the TRUTH Chat Icon

took the words right out of my mouth! Chat Icon


Posted 4/20/06 10:31 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

i read shes wearing her wedding ring on her necklace...
hopes for a reconciliation...

Posted 4/20/06 10:38 AM

Bella Bambini

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

I cant help but feel bad for Nick....

Posted 4/20/06 10:48 AM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

I don't like Jessica now.

I feel bad for Nick.Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 11:16 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Posted by Bebalina

i read shes wearing her wedding ring on her necklace...
hopes for a reconciliation...

I saw that pic...looked more like a circle of life necklace to me....I think the media is just trying to make it her wedding band.

Posted 4/20/06 11:17 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Chat Icon Karissa!!!

I love Nick gossip!!

I feel so bad...he said that he would marry her all over again...Chat Icon Awwww...

Posted 4/20/06 11:50 AM

But I love the Snow!

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Posted by Bebalina

i read shes wearing her wedding ring on her necklace...
hopes for a reconciliation...

nicks wedding ring

Posted 4/20/06 11:53 AM

talk to the hand

Member since 5/05

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

I am on "team Nick", never liked Jessica to begin with, but I do think they are very cute together and eventually they'll end up with each other again.

Posted 4/20/06 12:01 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

hmmmm...they should BOTH go on Oprah!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 12:03 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

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Re: Nick Lachey Talks about his divorce.

Posted by DebG

Posted by regi

Posted by muchinluvmichi

Im team lachey all the way, and really hope Jessica learns to grow up, she definitly gave up a really good thing

Me too. Jessica's head swelled up more then her lips. Def want to see Nick come out on top.

I agree as well.

I agree.

Posted 4/20/06 12:49 PM
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