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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Confess

I FREAK OUT if I have to touch anything that's wet with my feet. (besides the shower)

Posted 10/1/05 1:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: Confess

I am not tat bad.. I just can't do dishes... lol

I can cook.. but the idea of someones dried up just eaten food crusted on dishes skeeve me in the biggest way... Dh knows that that is his only chore to do around the house.. ICKChat Icon

Posted 10/1/05 2:09 PM

2012--A year of new beginnings

Member since 5/05

4402 total posts


Re: Confess

Posted by mrswask

If DH and I are both getting ready to leave the house at the same time - I totally freak out if I am the second one in the shower. The wet shower floor and humid bathroom totally skeeves me out!

I second this!!!!!!!!

Posted 10/1/05 2:14 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

751 total posts


Re: Confess

If I or someone I am with is eating something "gross" with their hands- a burger, chicken, mustard, mayo, ketchup, butter, oil--- I and they HAVE TO wash their hands very well. I make my DH do it, my sister and my best friend. They all know my illness. But others dont. If they dont wash their hands after eating- I privately note it to myself and remember it throughout the day I am with them. I won't let DH touch my hair or hold my hand after eating without washing his hands for fear he will transmit the oil to me. Sick, I know. BTW, Pizza is the scariest for me!

Message edited 10/2/2005 6:43:48 PM.

Posted 10/1/05 6:38 PM


Member since 6/05

6030 total posts


Re: Confess

Posted by Janice

At night, I can never just walk into a room were the blinds are open. I feel like someone is always looking in.

Me Too!!
As soon as it gets dark, I close all the blinds in my house. I hate the feeling that people can see me from outside.

Posted 10/1/05 7:41 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

3612 total posts


Re: Confess

Posted by mrswask

If DH and I are both getting ready to leave the house at the same time - I totally freak out if I am the second one in the shower. The wet shower floor and humid bathroom totally skeeves me out!

I can toatlly relate to this, I feel EXACTLY the same!

Posted 10/1/05 7:53 PM

Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05

4919 total posts


Re: Confess

I HAVE to make the bed everyday. I can't get ready to go anywhere until its done.

I also have a thing about leftovers in the fridge. I can't not stand them in thier plastic containers. I skeeve them.

ETA- one more- I have to contantly vacuum the floor moldings in my house- i hate when they get dusty

Quirky and a bit strange- I know.

Message edited 10/1/2005 9:27:59 PM.

Posted 10/1/05 9:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

969 total posts


Re: Confess

i cant allow anything in the bed - not food or drinks or anything - i can always tell if he had something in there - then i have to strip the bed and put on clean sheets before i can go to bed - i dont know why but stuff in the bed totally skeeves me - even sand dirt anything - ruck

totally ocd and proud of it Chat Icon

Posted 10/2/05 5:17 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

969 total posts


Re: Confess

Posted by ExpectingJoy

If I or someone I am with is eating something "gross" with their hands- a burger, chicken, mustard, mayo, ketchup, butter, oil--- I and they HAVE TO wash my hands very well. I make my DH do it, my sister and my best friend. They all know my illness. But others dont. If they dont wash their hands after eating- I privately note it to myself and remember it throughout the day I am with them. I won't let DH touch my hair or hold my hand after eating without washing his hands for fear he will transmit the oil to me. Sick, I know. BTW, Pizza is the scariest for me!

goodness i must wash my hands about 20 times a day - can totally relate - after i touch anything i have to wash my hands - i keep hand sanitizer in the hall outside my room and make dh use it before he comes to bed.

Posted 10/2/05 5:19 AM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: Confess

omg i am a combination of so many of you girs lets see.....

I like to have my closet in color order as well..Was more like this at my moms when i had more room.

I HAVE to have my bed made i do it right before i leave and if Dh leaves after me and doesnt do it its teh FIRST thing i do when i wlk in before even using teh bathroom I swear its bad.

this is weird.. i cant drink fountain soda in a cup WITHOUT a straw i hate teh way it tastes and i also dont like ice in my soda if my soda comes fom a bottle i have to have it ice cvold without ice and yet i like ice in my fountain soda LOL..

Oh and i check teh door when i leave at LEASt 100 times LOL

Can you say OCD??LMAO

Posted 10/2/05 1:19 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Confess

i HAVE to make the bed as soon as i wake up.

i cannot go to sleep WITHOUT taking a shower.

my closet is also color coordinated, and arranged by clothing item; jackets, blouses, pants, skirts, etc...

i ALWAYS wash my hands when i get home.

Posted 10/2/05 1:23 PM


Member since 5/05

5208 total posts


Re: Confess

i have to sleep on right side of the bed...

at the beach if i am with a group of people i have to be on the end on the right- no middle, no left.. same if I am walking, i have to be on the right side.

Posted 10/2/05 3:40 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: Confess

Posted by 04bride

this is weird.. i cant drink fountain soda in a cup WITHOUT a straw i hate teh way it tastes and i also dont like ice in my soda if my soda comes fom a bottle i have to have it ice cvold without ice and yet i like ice in my fountain soda LOL..

Me too.

And cans of soda, I have to use a straw. I drive everyone at work crazy with this. I go to the dollar store and leave a huge pack of straws next to the soda machine.

Posted 10/2/05 3:46 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: Confess

I also have to have everything aligned correctly. Either in size order or color order or something orderly. I drive hubby nuts with this because I rearranged the photo's in our wall unit about a million times because they werent lining up the way I wanted.

Posted 10/2/05 3:47 PM

Momma's Boy ?

Member since 5/05

1453 total posts


Re: Confess

Ok my turn:
My biggest thing NO ONE can use my pillow not even DH and if we go away I have to take it with me I can't use a "public" pillow (FYI my sister is the same way). I cannot stand when mine or someone else's teeth touch any utensil. I will wash any kind of dish BUT I cannot not touch utensils (I just got skeeved thinking about it). In my closet they have to all be the same kind of hangers all in the right color and group. I cannot not use a public bathroom only in case of an extreme emergency I will hold it all night (even if we go out for drinks). My last big thing is I cannot walk around in my socks w/o shoes or slippers on the insides of my shoes have to be perfectly clean and so do my socks. I have other socks I can where with no shoes on.
I know I am so sick Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/05 10:08 AM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Confess

Sometimes if I cant sleep, I pretend that someone is breaking into my house and if I keep really quiet and still they will just leave... it makes me stop tossing and turning and I fall asleep faster.

Posted 10/3/05 10:42 AM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

4461 total posts


Re: Confess

I have to have all my paper money facing the same way in my wallet.
I MUST cover all light in the bedroom when going to sleep, meaning the clocks from my radio alarm, vcr, cable box. Any and all lights must be covered.

A little much...I know Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/05 10:42 AM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Confess

These are sooo funny!!!! I don't think I have any cooky issues w/ anything but my best friend gags when she sees preggo bellies hanging out of shirts. She gags if she sees a pregnant woman's stomach hanging out of her shirt. Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/05 10:50 AM
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