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Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Halloween candy
If you got yours- what kinds did you get...
We got:
kit-kat, hershey bar mix
starburst/skittle mix
soupatch/sweedish fix mix
(however I broke into all of them already )
DH took everything but the starburst/skittle bag and put it up high in his closet so I cant reach....
I mean come on-
We will hardly even be home- Do we really need that much candy- Im just trying to help out and make sure $$$ is wasted!
Posted 9/26/06 12:04 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06 10082 total posts
Name: Meaning a NON ttcer!
Re: Halloween candy
Sounds almost exactly like our stash from last year. I always make sure to get stuff that we like because we end up eating half of it anyway!
Posted 9/26/06 12:08 PM |
I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05 22334 total posts
Name: Professional Aunts No Kids
Re: Halloween candy
I could never buy halloween candy a month early...its would never last in my house!!
Posted 9/26/06 12:10 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Halloween candy
Posted by Lisa
I could never buy halloween candy a month early...its would never last in my house!!
Thats what I tried telling DH- but he insisted we get it-
Last year we waited til the last minute-(hey I had just had a baby)
Couldnt find anything- and ended up running out- and then he had to go out and get more....
Posted 9/26/06 12:11 PM |
Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05 7740 total posts
Name: Sharon
Re: Halloween candy
I picked up a few big bags at BJ's yesterday. When I got home yesterday, Amber screamed "Yahoo!!" when she saw the M&M's
Posted 9/26/06 12:17 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Halloween candy
Not a chance I'm buying mine now. I can't have the bag in my house calling out to me to please open it.
I'll be getting the good stuff: Snickers 3 Musketeers Peanut Butter cups
Also I"ve told my kids that candy spoils after a few days so if I get caught with it beforehand, the jig is up
Posted 9/26/06 12:23 PM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: Halloween candy
I have to get some but waiting until closer to Halloween.
We don't get many kids, so I don't want to break into it early if I am going to end up with leftovers.
Posted 9/26/06 12:28 PM |
Member since 3/06 18677 total posts
Re: Halloween candy
I'm such a dork...I grew up in a house that was in a very rural area, so we never got any trick or treaters. Well, DH and I just moved into suburbia and we are on a cul-de-sac and I am SO excited for Halloween this year. I'm going to buy the huge candy bars for the kids....I remember loving those when I was young.
Posted 9/26/06 12:30 PM |
I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05 22334 total posts
Name: Professional Aunts No Kids
Re: Halloween candy
Posted by johnsae
I'm such a dork...I grew up in a house that was in a very rural area, so we never got any trick or treaters. Well, DH and I just moved into suburbia and we are on a cul-de-sac and I am SO excited for Halloween this year. I'm going to buy the huge candy bars for the kids....I remember loving those when I was young.
at least your house wont get egged!! we never egged the houses that gave good candy out!!
Posted 9/26/06 12:32 PM |
Member since 3/06 18677 total posts
Re: Halloween candy
yeah, i'm hoping it will establish us as a "cool" house
Posted 9/26/06 12:34 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 13060 total posts
Name: Ginger
Re: Halloween candy
Posted by Lisa
I could never buy halloween candy a month early...its would never last in my house!!
Me neither. I get it the weekend before the day!!
Posted 9/26/06 12:39 PM |

Member since 5/05 8129 total posts
Re: Halloween candy
I had an urge for blowpops the other day (don't know why...) so when I was in Costco I bought a huge box of blowpops and I'll give out those. After I weed out the good flavors, of course.
Posted 9/26/06 1:08 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Halloween candy
Well I dont buy candy cause I dont want it in my house or I will pick on it all day, and we are never home on Halloween anyway so it would be a waste.
Posted 9/26/06 1:10 PM |
Member since 8/06 3595 total posts
Name: Kris
Re: Halloween candy
I'd eat the whole bag before Halloween
Posted 9/26/06 1:11 PM |
Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Re: Halloween candy
I actually bought this cute thing at CVS. It was a little "coffin" with "body parts." Eyeballs, feet, hands, that kind of thing. They are gummy (and not bloody). I think the kids will get a kick out of them.
Posted 9/26/06 1:17 PM |
Member since 8/05 4987 total posts
Re: Halloween candy
how horrible am i if i buy the little bags of pretzels? i really do not need to have that candy in my house!
Posted 9/26/06 1:41 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Halloween candy
Posted by BabyInMarch
how horrible am i if i buy the little bags of pretzels? i really do not need to have that candy in my house!
BOoooooooooooooooo You're getting egged this year!
Posted 9/26/06 1:42 PM |
My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05 5759 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Halloween candy
I cant buy it yet cause DH would literally EAT IT ALL... although, he does keep coming home with candy claiming its for halloween, however he eats it all!
Posted 9/26/06 1:43 PM |
Waste not, want not

Member since 6/06 7219 total posts
Name: Lois Mom Mommy Mama Ma
Re: Halloween candy
We don't get any trick-o-treaters at my house. We live in and upstairs apt. on a somewhat busy street, so we don't get many kiddies running around.
Just as well, b/c we don't get home until late and don't get to see the kids.
BUT, I still buy the candy, especially the kind that has "fall" wrapping and put it in my candy dish at home. It's decorative and good!
I also buy halloween candy for work. A few parents bring their kids in, but more for me to snack on.
Posted 9/26/06 1:45 PM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Halloween candy
that's why I never buy too early. I end up eating it all and have to buy more
Message edited 9/26/2006 3:36:53 PM.
Posted 9/26/06 3:36 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/06 1575 total posts
Name: K
Re: Halloween candy
Message edited 10/9/2006 9:01:20 PM.
Posted 9/26/06 3:38 PM |
I miss you grandma

Member since 8/05 1437 total posts
Re: Halloween candy
I'm going to have to buy my candy the morning of Halloween because last year I ate everything i bought and had nothing left for the kiddies
Posted 9/26/06 3:42 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/05 969 total posts
Re: Halloween candy
we're bad - we got foaming gumballs for the older kids ( they turn your mouth green or blue or whatever the color is ) called witches brew and we got tootsie rolls and toys for the littler kids.we always get ours early because we special order them. last year we gave out candied eyeballs that spurt goo when you bit them. i like to give out strange candy
Posted 9/26/06 4:14 PM |
Member since 5/05 6265 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Halloween candy
I'm waiting to buy the candy or else I'd just eat it now...
Posted 9/26/06 4:16 PM |
Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06 13519 total posts
Name: Kerry
Re: Halloween candy
That's why I could never buy candy early, I eat it! My DH's Easter Basket 2 yrs ago was almost all gone by Easter because I ate it! Now he gets mostly cadbury eggs (because I don't care for them!!)
Posted 9/26/06 4:17 PM |
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