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Apprentice time!!!

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You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Apprentice time!!!

if they wanted him off sooo bad they should have just made him PM...
and let him sink or swim

Posted 3/20/06 10:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Earned My Bragging Rights!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Apprentice time!!!

I thought Brent was gonna quit in the Board Room!
I will miss him & his anticsChat Icon
He made good TVChat Icon

Posted 3/20/06 10:05 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: Apprentice time!!!

I think Brent was so used to using the "I'm fat so no one likes me" defense for so long, that he never became self-reflective and thought about how his own behavior might be a factor in why he was disliked.

The women, though, really treated him like crap. If he had said nicely that he was totally marginalized in the task he may have hung on another week. But he dug his own grave. It was sort of upsetting to me, the way he was treated. I think his personality was a factor, but not entirely.

And that British dude? He was loving the girl sandwich he was in! DH was taking out the trash and I yelled to him that he was missing the threesome.

Chat Icon

Posted 3/21/06 7:29 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Apprentice time!!!

I wish they would have someone on who was NOT especially attractive - perhaps overweight, or huge nose, whatever...who is actually a good apprentice and let that person do a good job. This is like saying "Fat people are incompetent". The world already has this idea so why perpetuate it? Granted Brent was not apprentice material but it's a shame that he also happened to be homely. How about a heavy woman who is successful and smart and savvy and truly apprentice material, not just successful with a great figure and nice hair?

I think Brent was chosen to be on the show to become the butt of jokes.

Posted 3/21/06 8:03 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 9/05

434 total posts


Re: Apprentice time!!!

Posted by karacg

I think Brent was chosen to be on the show to become the butt of jokes.

Yeah it's pretty obvious why he was chosen for the show. If he isn't an actor or anything, I truly feel bad for him. You can tell that this guy has lived a life of ridicule. He didn't even have good comebacks..."Yeah well I think you're a....!!!'

The women on the show this season are just intolerable with a few exceptions. That girl w/ the red hair and the girl with the black hair who was project manager last night are the worst! I can't stand them. The girl w/ the red hair has the flattest affect and is soooo arrogant.

Posted 3/21/06 9:42 AM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

15857 total posts


Re: Apprentice time!!!

Posted by karacg

I wish they would have someone on who was NOT especially attractive - perhaps overweight, or huge nose, whatever...who is actually a good apprentice and let that person do a good job. This is like saying "Fat people are incompetent". The world already has this idea so why perpetuate it? Granted Brent was not apprentice material but it's a shame that he also happened to be homely. How about a heavy woman who is successful and smart and savvy and truly apprentice material, not just successful with a great figure and nice hair?

I think Brent was chosen to be on the show to become the butt of jokes.

I completely agree with you. He had a double negative going on - being overweight and obnoxious.

Posted 3/21/06 10:22 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Apprentice time!!!

Posted by Redhead

if they wanted him off sooo bad they should have just made him PM...
and let him sink or swim

I couldnt have said it better... He TOTALLY should have been PM. He SOOOOOOOO would have sank his own ship!

I also hate this whole thing with fat vs skinny. I TOTALLY do not think its about that. If this guy was normal AND bought a comb...he would have done just fine. Hes a LOOSE CANNON!

Also I am not crazy about ANDREA the billionare...STOP flaunting it already. Why is she on the show??? Give someone else a friggin chance.

Posted 3/21/06 11:08 AM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

19197 total posts


Re: Apprentice time!!!

Posted by PrincessP

Posted by Redhead

if they wanted him off sooo bad they should have just made him PM...
and let him sink or swim

I couldnt have said it better... He TOTALLY should have been PM. He SOOOOOOOO would have sank his own ship!

I also hate this whole thing with fat vs skinny. I TOTALLY do not think its about that. If this guy was normal AND bought a comb...he would have done just fine. Hes a LOOSE CANNON!

Also I am not crazy about ANDREA the billionare...STOP flaunting it already. Why is she on the show??? Give someone else a friggin chance.

THAT'S what I don't understand! Why are these people who are supposedly millionaires even on the show? Why would they want a job that pays $250,000 if they have all this $$ already?

Posted 3/21/06 11:11 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 9/05

434 total posts


Re: Apprentice time!!!

Andrea...yeah she's the one...sooooooooooo annoying!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/21/06 11:12 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Apprentice time!!!

Posted by MrsRbk

Posted by PrincessP

Posted by Redhead

if they wanted him off sooo bad they should have just made him PM...
and let him sink or swim

I couldnt have said it better... He TOTALLY should have been PM. He SOOOOOOOO would have sank his own ship!

I also hate this whole thing with fat vs skinny. I TOTALLY do not think its about that. If this guy was normal AND bought a comb...he would have done just fine. Hes a LOOSE CANNON!

Also I am not crazy about ANDREA the billionare...STOP flaunting it already. Why is she on the show??? Give someone else a friggin chance.

THAT'S what I don't understand! Why are these people who are supposedly millionaires even on the show? Why would they want a job that pays $250,000 if they have all this $$ already?

IMO...MORE publicity for their own companies! SMART THINKING! Billionare becomes TRILLIONARE! LOL

Posted 3/21/06 11:13 AM
Pages: 1 [2]

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