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Random question...Best Friends

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Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/05

1151 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

Ive had the same circle of friends since high school.

We all moved out to Colorado together after HS and back here to NY after college.

They are my family.

Posted 11/15/06 3:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

I have one friend that I have been close to since birth, no joke...we have been friends for 30 years. Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/06 9:49 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

I've been best friendws with my best friend since 8th grade, that's over 11 years now!

She rocks. We call each other "my twin"

Posted 11/16/06 11:13 AM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

I have 3 good friends. One was my neighbor known each other FOREVER.

One I met in 6th grade. We looked alike dressed alike loved the same band and DID everything together. In 9th grade her family moved to Vegas. And across the miles we continued to be friends! BUT this is the friend who is now the Heroin addict and I havent spoken to her in a few months. She left her kids and her family "ran away" to california with some junkie and I PRAY she is alive.

My other friend I met in 10th grade. We just click and fight like sisters Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/06 11:25 AM


Member since 8/06

3595 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

I've been friends with my best friend since elementary school. We became extremely close in 11th grade and have been like that way ever since!

Posted 11/16/06 9:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

917 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

One of my best friends is from hs but we were not best friends *in* hs - we were good friends but not best.
We became best friends the summer after my freshman year in college but then I stopped hanging out w/ her right after the end of sophmore year because she was getting too "wild" where she was going out with druggies and I just didn't want to hang out with the low lifes she was hanging out with. It was a complete low-self-esteem thing in her case. So we didn't talk from May 1989 to March 2001. She found me on and "got the nerve up" (as she says, I can't believe she was so nervous) to email me. Her email was something like "I don't know if you remember me..." meanwhille not a day went by that I didn't think of her because I felt so bad for stopping the friendship but I just didn't want to hang out with the crowd she was hanging out with and I had tried to tell her she was throwing her life away hangiing out with them but she didn't really want to listen. So she ended up getting her life back in order, meeting and marrying her DH, having 2 kids. I'm so glad she got back in touch with me as I figured she'd never want to talk to me again!

Posted 11/23/06 12:32 AM

Family is everything!!!

Member since 5/05

1989 total posts


Re: Random question...Best Friends

I grew up in Florida so I can't say that is true for me. I am still close with them and we keep in touch but not the same as when I lived there. I have been in NY for almost 9 years now so I have a whole new set of friends.

My BFF and I have been friends since I was 22 so this summer it will be 5 years.

Posted 11/24/06 11:17 AM
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