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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Mini Vent - MIL related
My MIL's (this time means: Monster-in-Law) birthday is next week and we're going to her house to celebrate tomorrow.
We decided to do lunch and asked her what she wants. (Keep in mind that she knows I dont like seafood and she also knows I'm pregnant and really cant eat it anyway).
So she decides she wants lobster bisqu (I know I spelled that wrong)...and COLD CUTS!
First of all what kind of combination is that??? Second of all she knows I'm not supposed to have EITHER.
So I'll be having a bagel or something that I can eat.
I just think she is one of the most obnoxious people I know.
Oh and side note: she cant keep house to save her life and her kitchen is so disgusting that we have to bring our own paper plates, cups and utensils when we go there
Posted 2/3/06 4:12 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05 4898 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
BLECH!!!!! How can she live in a messy house like that???
Can you all go a nice, inexpensive restaurant? That way, you can eat something yummier than a bagel!!!
Or, DH can send his regrets and say you're not feeling well.
Good luck!!!
Posted 2/3/06 4:23 PM |
I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Posted by mrsmck
BLECH!!!!! How can she live in a messy house like that???
Can you all go a nice, inexpensive restaurant? That way, you can eat something yummier than a bagel!!!
Or, DH can send his regrets and say you're not feeling well.
Good luck!!!
I try to use the "get out of get-togethers because I'm sick" card all the time I have to go.
I suggested a restaurant too but truth be told, his sister's have NO money and we would be stuck footing the bill for 15+ people.
I'll just eat my bread and water out of plastic cups and paper plates
ETA: I don't even go to the bathroom there becasue its so gross!
Message edited 2/3/2006 4:26:52 PM.
Posted 2/3/06 4:26 PM |
Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05 4898 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Posted by MrsJ
Posted by mrsmck
BLECH!!!!! How can she live in a messy house like that???
Can you all go a nice, inexpensive restaurant? That way, you can eat something yummier than a bagel!!!
Or, DH can send his regrets and say you're not feeling well.
Good luck!!!
I try to use the "get out of get-togethers because I'm sick" card all the time I have to go.
I suggested a restaurant too but truth be told, his sister's have NO money and we would be stuck footing the bill for 15+ people.
I'll just eat my bread and water out of plastic cups and paper plates
ETA: I don't even go to the bathroom there becasue its so gross!
It's like you're a prisoner, living only on bread and water!!!!
Have a little snack (and potty break) at home before you go there!
Sending that you make it thru the "party".
Posted 2/3/06 4:31 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Why don't you make yourself a nice basket of food that you can eat. Bring yourself a salad or soup or whatever you want that YOU like and eat that.
Posted 2/3/06 4:32 PM |

Member since 7/05 9662 total posts
Name: Mrs. Honeybee
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
yuck, i cant stand a messy house. as for her asking for lobster and cold cuts, try not to be too mad at her. alot of older women dont know that pregnant women shouldnt eat certain foods, cause years ago, pregnant woman werent told that certain foods were bad, so maybe she doesnt know that. as for her being a pain in the azz, i have a mil like that of my own. i just dont let her get to me. lifes too short.
Posted 2/3/06 4:33 PM |
Horray for 3 boys!!
Member since 5/05 2354 total posts
Name: Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
I can totally relate to going to a relatives house where it is absolutely disgusting!
I bring a baggie in my purse of Lysol Wipes so I can wipe the seat and I put toilet paper on the seat after I wipe it. I treat it like a public bathroom It's gross.
I'm so sorry about your MIL. I'd bring my own food as well. Just make sure you are comfy and happy!
Posted 2/3/06 4:34 PM |
I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Yes I'm going to bring wipes with me, becuase the baby is on my bladder and I have to pee every hour - at least! So I will just clean the seat before I use it.
I'm OK having a bagel but you guys had a great idea, I'm going to stop and get a salad at a restaurant along the way that I love! Great idea!!
MIL is just a she is really mean - to everyone.
Posted 2/3/06 4:37 PM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
I would bring my own food too- never mind being pregnant, it doesn't sound like I would want to eat anything that was stored in that kitchen
Posted 2/3/06 7:48 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Lobster Bisque & cold cuts?? Is she ordering up some unpasteurized soft cheeses as well? How about some Vodka? Maybe she's reading those foods to avoid posts on the Pregnancy Board? Sigh...
I think you should bring a full meal for you. Fruits & Veggies for Baby Girl. Don't just go for the bagel & water - eat as you would if you were ordering take out. I'm hoping for nice weather so you can go for a walk outside....
Posted 2/3/06 10:19 PM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
I would bring in something over the top for you and DH like McDonalds just to piss her off!
Posted 2/3/06 10:47 PM |
She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
I'm a wimp when it comes to things like this- but I would bring a dish for "everyone" that you want- and just eat it myself.
Posted 2/4/06 7:52 PM |
I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Well we're home. It rained so we were trapped in their tiny place all day.
I made DH stop at Lowes so I could use the bathroom on the way to my in laws place because it is in better shape than theirs!
We got to my in laws house and first thing I had to do, even with the Lowes stop, was go to the bathroom. The bathroom was horrible, even DH was grossed out and was telling me "hover!! don't sit on the seat" Since I pee a lot I had to hover a was so gross. The smell, the sight...mid way thru our visit my FIL went in the bathroom (which is RIGHT off the living room) and did his ..."business" and then after 45 mins, came out and left the door wide open and fan OFF. I was sitting right outside the bathroom. I nearly threw up. I had to ask DH to go close the door.
I brought some food with me and had a bagel too. Everyone else had cold cuts, the lobster soup and potato salad (yes, one more thing I couldnt eat).
We were there 4 hrs...felt like 40 LOL!!
But tonight, DH and I went to one of our favorite restaurants and I had an app, a salad, a $40 steak and creme brule for dessert!! So it made up for today!
Posted 2/4/06 10:20 PM |
Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05 4898 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Well, at least the day is over, and you're finally back in your CLEAN CLEAN house where you don't have to "hover".
Posted 2/4/06 10:26 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Posted by shamrock12472
Why don't you make yourself a nice basket of food that you can eat. Bring yourself a salad or soup or whatever you want that YOU like and eat that.
good idea....lost of luck Kathy
Posted 2/5/06 9:04 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/05 227 total posts
Name: Maria
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Why would she pick those two things to eat? She sounds like a spiteful b---- Come on, the 2 things you can't eat she so happens to want. Is she related to my MIL???????? They could be sisters except mine has a cleaning lady 3 times a week!!!! Extreme opposite
Posted 3/2/06 10:59 PM |
Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05 1536 total posts
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
I would have a pizza delivered.
FM me if you want to hear my "stories'.
Posted 3/3/06 8:59 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Can I put a little different perspective on this? Okay obviously, I'm in the minority here because I feel that
A) it's HER birthday so I don't see why she would have to cater what she wants to eat around you. I would have suggested and done exactly what you did anyway, bring my own meal to eat and would not have taken it personally one bit. I don't think what she chose to eat was done in spite (but then, I don't even know your MIL, now do I? )
B) I would have eaten the lobster bisque and the cold cuts if I felt like it
and C) why can't you have potato salad when PG?
But the ordeal is over and I'm glad to hear you got through it. That whole part about the bathroom...ugh, *I* almost threw up picturing it and I'm not even pg!
Posted 3/3/06 11:15 AM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
I think our MIL's may have been separated at birth!!!
Posted 3/3/06 12:37 PM |
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
why do you even go there?? I would tell DH you are NEVER bringing the baby to the house unless they clean
Posted 3/4/06 4:56 PM |
I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Posted by BabyAvocado
Can I put a little different perspective on this? Okay obviously, I'm in the minority here because I feel that
A) it's HER birthday so I don't see why she would have to cater what she wants to eat around you. I would have suggested and done exactly what you did anyway, bring my own meal to eat and would not have taken it personally one bit. I don't think what she chose to eat was done in spite (but then, I don't even know your MIL, now do I? )
B) I would have eaten the lobster bisque and the cold cuts if I felt like it
and C) why can't you have potato salad when PG?
But the ordeal is over and I'm glad to hear you got through it. That whole part about the bathroom...ugh, *I* almost threw up picturing it and I'm not even pg!
Hi,...this is a little late but I'm just now seeing it... it's her "way" to be like this. After all the years I've known her, I know this about her. Even Dh just has nothing else to say but "I'm sorry, you know how she is..."
I dont like seafood or anything close to it (she knows that) so even if I could have eaten it, I wouldn't have. You're not supposed to eat unpasturised mayo and who knows what generic brand the deli buys to make the potato salad in bulk (Hellmans is OK but I dont know what deli they went to or what they used and I'd just rather not take the chance).
Every thing is always about her - holidays, birthdays, regular visits...every day. It's just exhausting some times.
One more thing, I didn't ask or expect anyone to cater to what I can or cannot eat...but when everyone knows I am PG and knows there are certain things I can't have,....wouldnt you think someone might suggest something I can have? I just thought that if it was a lunch I was having at my house and I knew someone was coming and they had things they could not eat, I would make sure I had food that would work for everyone.
Posted 3/10/06 5:02 PM |
I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Posted by MamaNDaddyof2
why do you even go there?? I would tell DH you are NEVER bringing the baby to the house unless they clean
Most of the time we avoid going there and we have them come to us or one of my SILs. But every once in a while we are stuck. It's so gross! I dont even want to think about going there when I have the baby and she is crawling. OMG
Posted 3/10/06 5:04 PM |
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Posted 3/10/06 5:50 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
That is a bizarre combo. Why no coldcuts thought? I ate them while I was pregnant. Not every day but plenty of times. Maybe she didn't realize you can't eat cold cuts. Most women do when they are pregnant or she is just being a PITA. Could you bring your own food to make her feel terribly guilty for her choices.
ETA: I just realized I posted too late. P.S. I ate deli potato salad too. There is very little in the United States that is unpasturized.
Message edited 3/10/2006 6:26:48 PM.
Posted 3/10/06 6:24 PM |
True love

Member since 6/05 12653 total posts
Re: Mini Vent - MIL related
Posted 3/11/06 2:25 PM |
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