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Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09 6115 total posts
Mthfr or annexin?? So upset
Hi Girls,
I just needed some advice. I finally got back my results from the recurring miscarriage panel, part of the immune testing, and then CD3 test.
Intitally after just having the Miscarriage Panel -The Dr said 2 things we off, and said they were soft findings- he really didn't think they were what was causing the 2miscarriages and thought we find more with the immune testing.
He said I have two copies of MTHFRS but normal levels of homocysteine levels & did not think it was really that serious for me. Also something with Annexin.
Then I went in for an appt after the Immune Testing results were in too. All he saw was something with B cells. I guess it's like inflammation which can be cause by so many factors.
Anyways, Dr said there wasn't anything jumping out at him as the Main cause, so he would treat everything aggressively to prevent a 3rd miscarriage.
He suggested Progesterone, BA, Metanx, Lovenox, and Prednisone.
Any advice anyone can offer on any of these three issues, MTHFR, ANNEXIN, or B cells, I would greatly appreciate.
To be honest I am so upset, overwhelmed, afraid especially of the shots and Prednisone.
I asked if I could try again without the Prednisone and the Lovenox ( just use BA and Metanx). Which the Dr said is ok, and we can just test these levels when i am pregnant to find out it I need them...and if so can start Lovenox or Prednisone once pregnant if needed. Anyone else just wait to test once pregnant to see if this was needed. Would you try it again without Prednisone and Lovenox???
Thanks inadvance, and sorry for all the questions and long post.
Posted 1/27/10 9:18 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Zygote

Member since 9/09 41 total posts
Re: Mthfr or annexin?? So upset
Whats ur worry about the levonox and prednisone? Just curious if youve heard something concerning.
I have NK elevation and am not familiar with the other stuff as much but just got a BFP on my second IVF fzn transfer and am on Levonox and prednsione with no side effects.
I presonally would want to be on everythig possible to help to supress that immune system - Im doing a second dose of intralipids too!
If it works or theres a chance I want it!!! Esp if the drs who specalize in this stuff recommend it then I'll do it.
However everyones different so you need to make the best decision for you. Good luck
Posted 1/27/10 10:45 PM |
Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09 6115 total posts
Re: Mthfr or annexin?? So upset
Congrats again on your BFP!!! That is great to hear of your success story.
To be honest I am afraid of everything. I def am afraid of the Lovenox injections everyday.
I have a friend on prednisone, and my father was on prednisone and they both had said being on it was tough.
At the same time, If I wait and see this time around without the medicine....I am scared that I will have a 3rd miscarriage.
I def have a lot to think about. I think it's all so new right now and I really just need to dugest all the information.
Thank you for sharing your story!!
Message edited 1/28/2010 3:25:17 PM.
Posted 1/28/10 3:20 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 9/09 133 total posts
Name: Cocoa
Re: Mthfr or annexin?? So upset
I was diagnosed with 1 copy of MTHFR and also Annexin V antibodies like you. I am on Predisone, Baby Aspirin and Lovenox. I am currently on my 3rd night of stims for IVF #1 and the Lovenox really isn't that bad. With most RE's there are 2 schools of thought. start the Lovenox right before you get Pregnant or start right after you get pregnant.
Message edited 1/28/2010 8:21:25 PM.
Posted 1/28/10 8:21 PM |
Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09 6115 total posts
Re: Mthfr or annexin?? So upset
Posted by Cocoahontas
start the Lovenox right before you get Pregnant or start right after you get pregnant.
That is what Dr B. mentioned. That it would be ok to wait till I was pregnant to start the Lovenox. He mentioned we could even do testing again once I was pregnant to see if the MTHFR was affecting me and then decide if i need lovenox.
Posted 1/29/10 10:57 AM |
My prayers have been answered

Member since 10/08 3642 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Mthfr or annexin?? So upset
I just saw this post sorry I have twio copies of MTHFR as well - I was very overwhelmed at first with the whole thing especially Lovenox, but once you start you kind of get used to it. I'm not going to lie it does s u c k at times, but it's not that bad. Good luck!!
Posted 1/29/10 11:02 AM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: Mthfr or annexin?? So upset
I had the two copies of MTHFR w/o the elevated Homocysteine levels as well and went one cycle without the lovenox (just metanx/baby asprin) and was BFN.. next cycle did the lovenox and got BFP. Then stayed on Lovenox throughout pregnancy.
Not sure 100% if that lovenox contributted to the BFP .. probably will never know- but I'd say just go for it!!!
edited to add that I started Lovenox the day I triggered.
Message edited 1/29/2010 11:44:59 AM.
Posted 1/29/10 11:44 AM |
my little loves

Member since 8/08 18453 total posts
Re: Mthfr or annexin?? So upset
saw this cross-posted from TTC/M so i hope you all dont mind that im crashing
i just wanted to say that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I found out that I am heterozygous for Factor V leiden, MTHFR, protein S deficiency, and have LOW homcysteine levels
It was all very overwhelming at first but I did expect it going into my pregnancy as my Identical twin sister has the same.
I am now 26.5w pregnant with a baby boy... no complications (praying it stays that way!)
I am on Lovenox everyday (40mg) and take baby aspirin as well as extra folic acid along with my pre-natals. I was not a fan of the Lovenox at first but you will get used to it Its really not bad at all.
I wanted to send all of you ladies and lots of good wishes for angels to come your way. You all have enormous strength and courage.
Posted 1/29/10 1:22 PM |