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Member since 12/05 10281 total posts
Name: Kiki
Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
Well, this birth story is going to be a lot different than my first.
I was planning on trying for a VBAC and had had the go ahead as being a great candidate. I had had contractions for about 3 days, they were strong but not consistent. I decided to go to the doctor on Wednesday, January 27, just to see what was going on. When I got to the doctor, of course the one examining me, was the ONE doctor who was totally against my VBAC. She examined me and told me that she believed that my water was leaking. She took a swab and looked under the microscope and told me she was pretty certain that there was evidence of leaking. I was Strep B + so she told me it was completely unsafe to wait any longer and that I needed to have a c/s NOW. I was totally shocked, scared, annoyed, but I needed to do what was safe for my son.
When we got to Stony Brook Hospital, DH and I started to question if in fact I was leaking or was it just an assumption. We asked another doctor to exam me. She did the same slide test as my doctor did in the office and said that there was absolutely no evidence that I was leaking. DH and I were going to go home but then my doctor called and totally freaked out that I second guessed her. The doctor that did the 2nd exam said that because my doctor insisted she saw evidence, that we had to follow her advice, so a C/S it was. DH kept saying that he didn't have a good feeling about it but at that point I was so tired and didn't care anymore.
I went into the OR around 9:30pm and everything was going as normal until I heard the doctor on call (another doctor in my practice) yell "DON'T CUT THAT" to the resident assisting him. DH and I looked at each other like I totally started to freak out and the anesthesiologist sedated me. I felt like it was taking 3x as long to get the baby out, compared to when I had my DD. The anesthesiologist told me not to worry it was just because of the scar tissue. Finally at 10:11pm I heard my baby boy cry. It was loud and strong and they told me he was a big boy. They weighed him, DH took a picture to show me (he was so gorgeous) and that was all I remembered.
I woke up 2 hours later in recovery to the nurses telling me that my heart rate was around 170bpm and that I needed to calm down. I told them that I was very calm just upset because I still hadn't seen my baby. Then I fell back to sleep. Around 3am a doctor I had never seen came in and told me that my blood levels were very low and that my blood pressure was as well. My heart rate was now around 180bpm. Again, I fell asleep, I had no energy. I woke up at 6am screaming from pain under my ribs and I couldn't breathe. The Chief of Residents ran in as well as the nurses and told me that I needed to go back to the OR. My 3rd blood test had come back showing my blood levels decreasing fast and that I was hemorrhaging. They call it a "Code Noel". They immediately started to push blood into me (2 pints) and then rushed me to the OR. Apparently, they had cut an artery in my uterus during my c/s, they thought they repaired it but they didn't. I had been hemorrhaging for 7 hours without anything being done. They repaired the bleed and gave me another 8 pints of blood. I had to stay in critical care recovery for 2 days, still hadn't held or nursed my son. I was seriously losing it. I felt like every single time someone else walked into my room that there was more bad news. DH flipped on everyone because for 2 days not one person had let us know what was going on. It was just the most horrible experience of my life. But I am so in love with my baby boy and whenever I hold that tiny body, I know it was all for those moments. I am so happy to finally be home with my babies.
So here is my boy:
Luke Maier (his middle name is my maiden name)
8lbs 20" 10:11pm
Message edited 2/1/2010 11:43:45 PM.
Posted 2/1/10 9:19 PM |
My little loves!
Member since 1/06 8093 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
I cannot even believe that happened to you!!
I'm so glad you and little Luke are ok.
He's beautiful!!!
Posted 2/1/10 9:31 PM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
I can't even imagine how scary that experience must have been. Thank goodness you are both okay!
Will there be any residual effects from their screw up? Do you have to do anything special for your recovery?
Posted 2/1/10 9:41 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/08 2284 total posts
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
OMG! I cannot imagine what you went through. I am very glad that you are OK now. You baby is beautiful!
Posted 2/1/10 9:45 PM |
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
OMG I am so scared and mad for you!
But I am in looooovvvveeee with little Luke! He looks just like his big sister!
Congrats mama and love you much!
Posted 2/1/10 10:05 PM |
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
OMG I am sooo happy you are okay!!!!!
Posted 2/1/10 10:09 PM |

Member since 12/05 10281 total posts
Name: Kiki
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
Posted by Tine73
I can't even imagine how scary that experience must have been. Thank goodness you are both okay!
Will there be any residual effects from their screw up? Do you have to do anything special for your recovery?
It was recommended yesterday that I do not have any more children and I have to have blood drawn every week to make sure my numbers are ok. I also need to have an ecco to make sure my heart is ok after being having it stressed for so long. My heart enzymes are increased and only dropped slightly by the time I left the hospital.
Posted 2/1/10 10:46 PM |
The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06 19861 total posts
Name: Best Wife & Mommy
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
I am so sorry that you went through this. Congrats on your beautiful baby boy Luke!!!
Posted 2/2/10 7:38 AM |
Member since 2/08 8081 total posts
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
I'm so sorry you went through must have been so scared
Congratulations on the birth of little Luke....he is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! 
Message edited 2/2/2010 8:54:28 AM.
Posted 2/2/10 8:54 AM |
Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08 7769 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
wow...thank god that you are ok!!! congrats to you and DH he is absolutley gorgeous!!!
Posted 2/2/10 12:29 PM |
My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07 9151 total posts
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
Oh Kristin. This just makes me so ^)*#^$*^ angry and upset. HOw dare they.
Thank God you are OK and at home with your babies. Luke is just as gorgeous as Nina. I love you!!!
Posted 2/2/10 5:04 PM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
Oh Kristin I am so sorry for your experience...but like you said....looking at Luke makes you forget
He is simply gorgeous and I hope you're recovering well
Enjoy that delicious little boy!!!
Posted 2/3/10 9:26 AM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
I am so sorry that you went through that!!!!!
Your son is so handsome!!!
Posted 2/3/10 10:01 AM |
Brotherly love

Member since 12/07 1816 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
Your new son is gorgeous- I love his hair!! Congrats to you and your family on this wonderful new addition!
I also want to say how sorry I am about your post-op scare. I had a horrible experience after my first c/s with DS and could have died as a result. It is a scary thing, to say the least.
I am glad that you and your little bundle of joy are okay!!
Posted 2/4/10 8:38 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07 575 total posts
Name: Charlotte & Michael
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
Congratulations to the both of you on your baby boy. I am very sorry to hear about what you and your DH had to deal with. So wished that the doctors listened to your DH.
Thank you so much for sharing your Birth story with us.
Posted 2/4/10 11:14 AM |
Is it summer yet?

Member since 8/06 7392 total posts
Name: Holly
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
OMG, what a horrible ordeal. I cannot believe what you had to go through.
Luke is absolutely beautiful.
Posted 2/4/10 11:25 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/09 544 total posts
Name: Jenny: Due 6.30.10
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
I AM SO mad reading this. I feel your pain sweetheart and started to cry for you. I can't believe after all that you had to go through even more after the "dont cut that"
Makes me so scared but, happy to see you are doing so wonderfully and omg the baby is adorable and beautiful- i can eat him up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love love love him<3
God bless
Posted 2/4/10 11:51 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/09 1443 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
Wow I am so sorry that you had that kind of experience. I can't even imagine what was going through your mind. I'm glad that everything was good with Luke, and especially you now. God Bless you and Luke
Posted 2/4/10 2:20 PM |
My little lamb

Member since 8/05 12633 total posts
Name: aka momma2b
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
i'm so glad that you are ok and the baby is doing well.
it sounds like you may have a case for a medical malpractice suit
Posted 2/4/10 3:53 PM |
Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07 7260 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
I am so angry & sad for you! I'm so sorry your birth experience had to go that way. I am so glad that you & baby Luke are doing well now. He is perfect! Congratulations!
Posted 2/6/10 11:37 AM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
I am so sorry to hear about all of the problems that happened during your L&D. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful son. I agree with Evnme about seeing a med mal attorney. Good luck for a speedy recovery.
Message edited 2/6/2010 11:47:40 AM.
Posted 2/6/10 11:47 AM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
My God Kristin LB's post directed me over here to see the story and I cannot believe that you had to suffer through all of that. My heart breaks for you.
I am so happy that you are okay and that Luke is okay (and incredibly handsome!).
Posted 2/6/10 1:02 PM |
A new love!

Member since 1/08 5946 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
I am so sorry you went through that. It is OUTRAGEOUS that you and your DH weren't kept in the loop about what was going on.
Glad you are ok. Luke is a handsome devil!
Posted 2/6/10 1:52 PM |
My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08 9702 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
WOW that is so scary !! I am so sorry you had to go through that , that is totally unfair I am happy that you both are ok for the most part , I wish you a speedy recovery ! And you ds is sooooo freakin cute
Posted 2/6/10 2:02 PM |
His laugh, Her smile

Member since 12/06 2902 total posts
Name: Patricia
Re: Luke Maier's Birth Story- 1/27/10
How scary! I am so sorry how things went for you. But your DS is gorgeous.
Posted 2/6/10 3:24 PM |
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