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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3034 total posts
Name: V
504 plan
My DS was just diagnosed with ADHD by a dev ped and her recommendation was to get a 504 plan for him. He has also been undergoing testing by the school and our CSE meeting is 12/21.
He's a very bright boy as evidenced by his IQ testing (according to the school psych and dev ped) and he's doing fine academically and is mostly ahead. So he doesn't need any services.
Does anyone else have a child in this situation? What kinds of things are in your 504 plan? Have you found them helpful? Have there been any negatives to having a 504?
Thanks so much!
Posted 12/12/17 9:25 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/16 2921 total posts
504 plan
I'm a teacher, and 504 plans are pretty rare in my building, and in previous ones... However, the ones I have seen for my kids usually just reflect testing accommodations. I have one child this year who has a 504 that states she needs a separate location for testings, and time & 1/2 on all exams.
Posted 12/12/17 1:13 PM |
Can't plan life...

Member since 8/08 2860 total posts
504 plan
well, I would start by asking what is he having issues with? Is he having behavioral problems? Trouble keeping focus?
Posted 12/12/17 5:04 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
504 plan
I'm a teacher who has a lot of students with 504 plans and IEPs.
Due to his ADHD, I might request extended time on tests (1.5x). I would also request for them to be adminteredin a separate location with minimal distractions.
How is he with completing big, long term assignments? Would it benefit him to have deadlines with portions of the assignments due at different times? Would it be helpful for him to have access to graphic organizers? What about preferential seating (close to instruction or in the back of the room so he can stand up a necessary)? What about prompts from the teacher to remain on task?
Posted 12/12/17 5:22 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3034 total posts
Name: V
Re: 504 plan
I should have mentioned he's only in 1st grade. So we're not really up to long term assignments or testing yet.
His main areas of trouble are at carpet/circle time. He just can't stay still. And that becomes a distraction for the other kids. He also has trouble in the hallway because he can't just walk. He has to bounce, spin around, jump etc. His teacher has also mentioned that when he has trouble staying on task when doing work at his desk (sometimes) and that when he finishes work quickly he tends to distract his peers. Lastly, she says that he reads ahead on tests (because they're still at the point where the teacher reads the tests to them) so he makes careless mistakes because he's rushing just to prove he can finish first.
I'm just wondering if a 504 is necessary and helpful or is it overkill and going to give teachers a bad impression of him?
Posted 12/12/17 8:14 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/08 1650 total posts
Re: 504 plan
It sounds like you're doing two things at once. A 504 is different than an IEP. The testing and CSE meeting you're having is to determine if he has a disability (which he does- ADHD) AND if it impacts his learning in school. The CSE meeting will determine if he qualifies for any special education services like resource room or ICT. Based on what you wrote, it does not sound like he'll qualify. A 504 plan is not through CSE. It is done at your school building, usually with your school psychologist and a building team. A 504 plan is for things like extra time on tests or classroom accommodations. A student can't have a 504 and an IEP at the same time. An IEP is considered more restrictive so I would wait and see what happens at his CSE before pursuing a 504. I would also talk to his teacher about the impact his ADHD is having on his classroom performance or behavior. Developmental Peds like to recommend a lot of accommodations but they don't always know what is needed in the classroom. Hope that helps!
Posted 12/12/17 8:16 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/08 1650 total posts
Re: 504 plan
Posted by phoenix913
I should have mentioned he's only in 1st grade. So we're not really up to long term assignments or testing yet.
His main areas of trouble are at carpet/circle time. He just can't stay still. And that becomes a distraction for the other kids. He also has trouble in the hallway because he can't just walk. He has to bounce, spin around, jump etc. His teacher has also mentioned that when he has trouble staying on task when doing work at his desk (sometimes) and that when he finishes work quickly he tends to distract his peers. Lastly, she says that he reads ahead on tests (because they're still at the point where the teacher reads the tests to them) so he makes careless mistakes because he's rushing just to prove he can finish first.
I'm just wondering if a 504 is necessary and helpful or is it overkill and going to give teachers a bad impression of him?
We must've posted around the same time- I didn't see this when I started writing my response. I don't think a 504 plan will give teachers a bad impression of your son. I think it actually does the opposite- explains that there is a reason for his behavior and gives them strategies for how to manage it. It also sounds like some of it might be boredom if he's really bright.
Posted 12/12/17 8:19 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Re: 504 plan
Posted by DaisyGirl
Posted by phoenix913
I should have mentioned he's only in 1st grade. So we're not really up to long term assignments or testing yet.
His main areas of trouble are at carpet/circle time. He just can't stay still. And that becomes a distraction for the other kids. He also has trouble in the hallway because he can't just walk. He has to bounce, spin around, jump etc. His teacher has also mentioned that when he has trouble staying on task when doing work at his desk (sometimes) and that when he finishes work quickly he tends to distract his peers. Lastly, she says that he reads ahead on tests (because they're still at the point where the teacher reads the tests to them) so he makes careless mistakes because he's rushing just to prove he can finish first.
I'm just wondering if a 504 is necessary and helpful or is it overkill and going to give teachers a bad impression of him?
We must've posted around the same time- I didn't see this when I started writing my response. I don't think a 504 plan will give teachers a bad impression of your son. I think it actually does the opposite- explains that there is a reason for his behavior and gives them strategies for how to manage it. It also sounds like some of it might be boredom if he's really bright.
I agree. I never have a bad impression of a kid when they have a 504. I would assume all teachers use them to better teach those specific students based on their needs.
Posted 12/12/17 8:30 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: 504 plan
My son has a 504 plan and gets OT. He does not have an IEP
Message edited 12/13/2017 6:54:15 AM.
Posted 12/13/17 6:53 AM |
My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10 2943 total posts
Re: 504 plan
My son has an IEP and gets OT. He is also in a gifted class. They put this rubber band thing around the 4 legs of his chair at the bottom to help him with restless feet. When he finishes his work he is always squirming around so it has been so helpful.
Last year a child in another class had a ball seat he used part of the time in class because he was unable to sit still. His mom said it helped tremendously. He was actually able to pay attention and engage in the lesson and he came home and said mom I don’t get in trouble anymore.
Posted 12/17/17 12:08 AM |