
Member since 7/09 9209 total posts
Name: Shana
Noah's Birth Story 3-11-10
Reading other's stories gave me so much insight and strength with regards to my pregnancy. I hope in sharing mine I do the same. So please excuse if this is also a little bit of pregnancy story.
We weren't completely prepared for a new baby, so the fear set in really fast. I was extremely anxious about everything, especially the labor. I had major insomnia all throughout the pregnancy, it was taking a huge toll. Someone had suggested hypnobirthing program, and then I ran into a few posts here from women who were using it. So I started the home based hypnobabies program. Immediately, I was much calmer and sleeping better. I was able to use to manage my hip pain, and any other ache and annoyance in pregnancy. I was also convinced it would help me easily have less pain during a drug free birth.
I had a very typical pregnancy. The only thing that really caused me discomfort was the hip pain, which started at 12 weeks. I went to 3 different OBs, none had anything better to say than "take tylenol" the pain was making it impossible to stand or lay down, even sitting for too long was brutal. I finally found a physical therapist who knew exactly what it was, Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. And yes, it can start even before you start to show, but typically occurs late in 3rd tri. She gave me instant relief, and taught me techniques to maintain it. She told me that it is likely to vanish after birth, and she was absolutely right.
At 39 weeks, I had some dilation, some effacement, station -3, but I was progressing so slowly and baby was growing. Doctor estimated that at 40 weeks baby would be 9 lbs. She was scared that due to my frame I would have a hard time vaginally, and an impossible time drug free. She was really trying to be supportive of my decision.
I was really hesitant but at 40 weeks 4 days, decided to induce. I wasn't uncomfortable or anything, just really anxious about doctors worries that baby would have potential problems coming out which would cause neurological damage.
They started me on pitocin at a low level at around 8pm on day 1, it was no big deal, I was having really mild contractions for about 5 hours. Very slow to progress they upped my dose. I was trying to go without epidural, so doc took it easy on me. The worst pain was the stupid medical resident that did internals. I was damn near ready file report on him. My contractions felt nothing as bad as what he was doing, and to make it worse my doctor examine me right after and said he measured my dilation wrong. After about 2 hours of the higher dose, contractions were coming every 1.5 min and lasting 1.5 min. I was coping fairly well, but most frustrating was that I was strapped in with so many wires and tubes, I could even sit up or stand. Around 1 am, doctor came in and asked how I was doing. I asked her how much longer she thinks I'll be, she said it could be 5-15 hours, it depends. She wanted to break my water in the morning, but wanted me to get some rest until them. I agreed and told her that I may reconsider pain management if this keeps for 10 more hours. She said anytime I need it, she'll send the anesthesia.
I couldn't sleep, at 3am, I was still contracting like crazy, and then I started shaking really really bad. They examined me, I was only 6 cm dilated and baby was still too high. I was so exhausted and just felt like I would have no energy for when it really mattered. So at that point I opted for the epi. I was a little disappointed, but I knew you cant control everything.
Morning came doctor broke my water, I slept for a bit. Around 11am, my epi ran out, it wasn't too tragic, but got uncomfortable. They replaced it around 1pm, at 2pm they asked how I felt, I said that I didn't think it was working. They did some tests and said it was, 30 minutes I started shaking uncontrollably, pain and pressure got intense and I was ready to deliver. I don't remember pushing for 2 hours, but they said I did. I ruptured vessels tore, they cut me, you name it, my entire area was "crushed" (doctors words). Baby was slim and long 8lbs, but I guess my vaginal wall was even slimmer and didn't stretch well. My mother was there, she was pretty horrified. My husband, a physician has seen it all, so he wasn't phased. Doctor used nothing but baby oil and her hands to pull baby out. I was really afraid of vacuum and forceps.
One last big push the head finally came out and the rest of the body slivered out. Noah came out perfect. I was so relived. They put him on my chest immediately and I cried. I was so out of it and so much pain from all the "crushed" stuff, I didn't want the baby to feel my tension. So I asked that he be cleaned and brought back to breast feed later.
They spent a good long time sewing me up, I'm still feeling the pain of stitches. She tried to calm me down during the repair, and joke, told me she was giving me a great plastic surgery and I'll be like a virgin when they are done.
Anyway, as time goes by, I start to forget all the trauma and only remember the sheer joy. Noah is the most incredible human being I have ever met, even for an infant. I can't wait to watch him grow. My husband and I are so overjoyed and in love.
Message edited 3/19/2010 6:13:24 PM.