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Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Past my due date... so now what do I do?
Okay so I went to see the Doc yesterday - still ZERO dilation and about 50% effaced but the cervix is not ripened at all -- and these are my three options:
1. Wait. Wait until early next week at best to see if labor begins on it's own. My fluid levels are already a little on the low side so I would have to go for at least two more u/s between now and then to keep an eye on the baby 2. Induce on Friday. Use Cervidil to try and ripen the cervix (12 hour wait in the hospital) and hopefully labor will start on it's own. If not, Pitocin is administered after the 12 hr period and it would hopefully start labor.
3. Schedule a c-section for Friday.
Each one has a whole list of pros and cons so it's really a tough decision to make. I know it's a personal decision - I'm not asking you guys to tell me what to do but I'd appreciate any input from people who plan to wait, have been induced, have had c-sections, etc.
Right now, I'm very much leaning toward a c-section. I'm more than a little dissappointed but it just doesn't seem like a good idea to wait for nature to take it's course at this point. It seems that all other options will likely end in a c-section for me anyway so it's like I might as well skip all the extra steps and cut to the chase. It's really better for the baby anyway.
My best case scenario at this point is that I'll go into labor naturally between now and friday...
Input, anyone?
Posted 6/29/05 7:54 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 5/05 4457 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
If this is your 1st pregnancy, I'd wait! Pitocin is no picnic, a section is no picnic, I wait to worse case scenario to do any of the induction methods. But you never know, you may go within the next 24 hrs.
Posted 6/29/05 8:09 AM |
Member since 5/05 6297 total posts
Name: Tracey - brideinapril
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
I was a week late with my first pregnancy, its hard but nature eventually took its course and I delivered naturally. I would always want to avoid a c-section if possible.
Posted 6/29/05 8:15 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 633 total posts
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
I feel for you! I will tell you that one of my friends was in a similar situation and opted to wait one week past her due date, nature did not take its course and then went the cervadil route. While it was no picnic, she wound up getting pitocin and giving birth about 12 hours later. Her recovery was MUCH easier than friends who had a c-section.
There is no telling if you will wind up having a c-section in the end anyways, but if you'd prefer to try for a natural birth, I'd wait and then be induced. But if you're concerned about the fluid levels and don't want to try the induction, schedule the c-section. I know, I'm no help - sorry.
Posted 6/29/05 9:00 AM |
My love.

Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
As far as I know it is fairly common to be up to two weeks late with your first. If I were you - I would let nature take its course as long as possible, there is no reason to induce unless the baby is getting too big - that is another story.
Posted 6/29/05 9:01 AM |
life moves fast

Member since 5/05 4225 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
I would wait...... Cervadil is not fun! The baby will come when it's ready!
Posted 6/29/05 9:27 AM |
Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05 24460 total posts
Name: Tania
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
Oh Sandra, I feel for you girl. I would just wait until nature takes its course. I will be sending labor vibes your way.
Posted 6/29/05 9:33 AM |
Member since 5/05 2314 total posts
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
I was 8 days late with Claire and they estimated her to be big (she wasn't, but thats another story) so I knew I might end up with a c-section, which I did in the end. But I think it is much better for your body, the baby and everything else to wait and let nature take its course. If the fluid levels become too concerning Im sure your Dr. will make the decisions needed, but until then try to hang in there and let it happen it on its own. A c-section has extra risks and should only be the last option. I had one and it had complications that I WISH I could have avoided. On a more positive note, I had gone to the Dr on a Thursday and he said there is no way you will have the baby this weekend, there was no progress. Saturday night I started labor and Sunday night she was here! Good Luck and hang in there!!
Posted 6/29/05 9:58 AM |
Member since 5/05 10425 total posts
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
Hi Sandra,
Okay, I have no experience in this area, but I jsut wanted to ask. . Didn't they change your due date? Wasn't it orignally July? Maybe that is the real due date & maybe you should wait?
Good luck whatever you decide.
Posted 6/29/05 9:58 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
Posted by tourist
Hi Sandra,
Okay, I have no experience in this area, but I jsut wanted to ask. . Didn't they change your due date? Wasn't it orignally July? Maybe that is the real due date & maybe you should wait?
Good luck whatever you decide.
YES!! And this is why I'm so hesitant about inducing! My original due date - going by my LMP, and probable date of conception was July 5. After my first u/s, they moved it up to 6/27 due to what the baby was measuring (one week ahead).
But the baby is getting big... very big. I really don't think I want to try and push out a nine pounder and that's what he will probably be if I hold off until next week!!
Posted 6/29/05 10:04 AM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
It sounds like you are leaning toward a C-section and I think if you're OK with that then go for it. A lot of times induction does end in a c-section, but not always. If you're fluid wasn't looking a little low already I would say wait it out but if it gets lower they'll probably take him by c section anyway. The nice thing about the c-section is that you have a date, a time and you know exactly when it's all coming so your wait will be over.
Good Luck whatever you decide! We can't wait to see your little boy. I am so jealous that you get to deliver already.
Posted 6/29/05 10:09 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
Also - can I ask - how come so many of you are more for a c-section only as a last resort?
I know the recovery is harder for mom but there are so many pros - it's easier on the baby, it's faster, no tearing, no pushing (therefore no pooping on the table ) no potential residual incontinence problems from labor, and the baby comes out looking nicer (no conehead) - I know that's superficial, I just threw that in as a bonus .
Are there risks I'm not taking into account? How awful is the recovery from a c-section really?
Posted 6/29/05 10:11 AM |
My love.

Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
I learned in Lamaze that a c-section isn't always best for the baby. there are certain benefits to the baby coming out of the birth canal - for example - the tightness "jump starts" the baby's lungs - so it breathes better on it's own when it is born - with a c section they often have to help the baby start breathing - or breathe better.
ETA: Sandra - I am just curious - did your doctor go over these options with you? In other words are they willing to do a c-section on request?
Message edited 6/29/2005 10:20:27 AM.
Posted 6/29/05 10:16 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
Posted by MrsR
I learned in Lamaze that a c-section isn't always best for the baby. there are certain benefits to the baby coming out of the birth canal - for example - the tightness "jump starts" the baby's lungs - so it breathes better on it's own when it is born - with a c section they often have to help the baby start breathing - or breathe better.
ETA: Sandra - I am just curious - did your doctor go over these options with you? In other words are they willing to do a c-section on request?
Makes sense about the breathing...
Yes, they are willing to do a c-section on request.
Posted 6/29/05 10:25 AM |
Member since 5/05 2314 total posts
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
In my case, I tried for a v-delivery pushing for 2 hours with an epidural, but she just would not come down. When I went for the c-section they changed the epidural to a spinal and started the surgery, unfortunately it didn't work correctly and I felt everything, it was VERY painful. They told me they could not give me anything else until the baby was out since the medication was too strong, that took a while!. I wont even continue, you can get the idea. My physical recovery was not as bad as I assumed it would be, However the emotional recovery took a long time, especially since I was not able to hold her for 3 hours after the birth since I was in so much pain and needed extra pain medication. For most people a c/s goes smoothly and everything is fine, but you can not forget that it is a major surgery and has more risks that a v-delivery.
Posted 6/29/05 10:31 AM |

Member since 5/05 3753 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
Honestly I would wait - I was 3 days late with Ava and the day before I had her I had NOTHING going on and I mean NOTHING. I was a fingertip dilated. If I didn't have her within the next week they were going to induce me b/c she was already almost 9 pounds.
I ended up having my water break in the middle of the night and had a v-birth and she was 8 pounds 12 the sono tech was right on the money.
Its not uncommon for your first to be late and I think in your situation I would wait until your original due date unless your doctor is strongly against it. Try to wait until your body goes into labor - just because you are only 1 day late doesn't mean it won't happen later today or tomorrow.
I would try to avoid a c-section if possible - recovery is tough b/c it is surgery and you're in the hospital for 4-5 days. However, if that is what you end up with b/c its best for baby then so be it but I wouldn't just go for it.
Posted 6/29/05 10:57 AM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
I would wait. I don't know your ethnicity, but statistically white women deliver their first baby 2 weeks later than the "due date".
Next time I will wait it out, but I was induced the week of my due date (2/22) b/c I had issues with health insurance. Mine was going to end at the end of February, and I couldn't be added to DH's until the baby was born, so I was concerned that I'd be on the hook for the medical bills incurred before the baby was born. I got Cervidil at about 7:30pm on Monday and Pitocin at about 10am on Tuesday and delivered my daughter naturally at 5pm Tuesday. BTW - she didn't have a conehead. Everyone thought she was a section. Here's her picture from the hospital.
Posted 6/29/05 11:04 AM |
what what!?

Member since 5/05 4206 total posts
Name: Lissette
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
I think two things:
1-Do the c-section. If all the other options might end in a c-section, anyway, you might as well go to it with ease knowing when you'll have your baby.
2-You should post one last belly pic... I'm sure mini-avocado is waiting because he wants one last pic before his debut! (I had to try! )
Posted 6/29/05 11:34 AM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 15697 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
I have no children, but I've been told every gory detail from my girlfriends who ALL have kids...
Two of my girlfriends who each have 2 - both went natural with one child and were induced with the other. Both said that being induced felt 100x worse than going natural. One of them did it without an epidural (both times and will do it again this fall when she has #3 ).
I only have one friend who had a c-section and she thought it was the best thing ever because she didn't have to push, but it made breast feeding a challenge (I don't know if you plan to breast feed, but in case you are).
Good luck with whatever you decide!
Posted 6/29/05 11:46 AM |
Stop 2 smell the roses

Member since 5/05 2048 total posts
Name: Maxine
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
I don't know what to say.
Personally I am not a fan of C-sections but that is my own personal opinion and obviously sometimes there is nothing you can do about it ( I was about a min. away from having a c-section with Anthony due to complications)
And I have no experiance with waiting as I went into labor on my due date.
Personally I would probably wait but again its a really personally decision that only you can make
Posted 6/29/05 12:02 PM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
16 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing and a vaccum extraction and no conehead!
I would wait the two weeks! I don't trust the doctors when they try to predict weights!
Best of Luck!
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Message edited 6/29/2005 12:07:09 PM.
Posted 6/29/05 12:06 PM |
I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
My best friend was induced on Monday. They broke her water and she pushed for literally 10 minutes and out came her baby boy! This was her 2nd baby - maybe that has something to do with it.
Posted 6/29/05 12:10 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 5/05 158 total posts
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
My brother's fiance is a resident at LIJ and we have discussed C-Section v. Natural Birth at length. She tells me that a natural birth is much better for the baby and the mother for a number of reasons. They try to simulate a natural birth with the c-section so the baby gets the same benefits but, it isn't the same. Your situation definitely makes a natural birth less appealing though so, I don't have any input there - sorry! Good luck with your decision!
Posted 6/29/05 12:31 PM |
2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05 4377 total posts
Name: MaMMa
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
Just wanted to say good luck - your baby will be here soon!!!
Posted 6/29/05 2:15 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Past my due date... so now what do I do?
Posted by AnnBrunoXO
Just wanted to say good luck - your baby will be here soon!!!
Same here! As long as he arrives safey and healthy, that's all that matters in the end 
(I know - easy for me to say huh.. I'm not the one PG and ready to pop!! )
Posted 6/29/05 2:17 PM |
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