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Nicholas James Birth story - July 24, 2010

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My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

17826 total posts


Nicholas James Birth story - July 24, 2010

I can't even believe I am writing my second son's birth story considering he should still be cooking inside my belly Chat Icon

It all started on Saturday July 24th at 2:30am when I woke up with severe Braxton Hicks contractions & feeling like I had a stomach bug. I didn't think much of it at first since it had been a brutally hot week. I got up & spent sometime in the bathroom hoping that the stomach pains would subside. I was drinking bottles of water & sitting up in bed trying to get as much rest as possible. Around 3:30ish, I fell asleep for about 45 minutes. I woke up with a strong contractions & I woke DH to tell him I thought I was in labor. Of course he shhh'ed me Chat Icon bc there was no way I could be in labor 7 weeks early!

At around 5am, I decided to call my OB bc my contractions were now 5 minutes apart & lasting anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute. Also I knew these were not braxton hicks & had the urge to go to the bathroom (exactly as my labor started with DS). My OB called back & said to get to Mercy immediately so they could stop my labor. We had to wait until my IL's got to the house to care for DS. The ride to the hospital was painful with contractions coming every 5 minutes & DH hitting every pothole possible Chat Icon

We got to Mercy & they were waiting for us. I got hooked up to the monitors & indeed I was having contractions every 3 minutes. I was given a shot of Terbutaline to stop the contractions & that started to work immediately. My OB then ordered another shot which completely stopped my contractions. I had an internal exam & I was 3cm dilated & 90% effaced. I was told as long as my contractions stopped completely, I would be given the steroid shot & remain their for 24 hours but then when I was released I would be on complete bedrest. My OB decided that it was best to give me the steroid shot in a 12 hour interval just in case. They prepped me & wheeled me to a L&D room where I would remain until Sunday. Within 15 minutes of moving, the nurse went to get the steroid shot & I told DH to get my OB bc something was not right. She came in immediately to find my water broke & I was 7cm. So now they prep the operating room & call the NICU team.

The 30 minutes from my water breaking until they got me into the operating room seemed like an eternity! I was in so much pain with contractions (I give all you "natural" mom's credit). They wheeled me down & I got my wonderful spinal! I was in such a daze bc i had no clue what the heck was happening & still in shock I was delivering my second son at 7 weeks premature.

The section went very smoothly & at 8:24am, Nicholas James entered into the world. I went into panic mode bc I didn't not hear him cry & I kept asking what was going on. Since he was a preemie, the NICU team was right in there & finally they allowed DH to see Nicholas & I was rest assured he was AOK! Finally I heard a nice cry & was told he scored 8,9 on his apgar. They wisked him away to the NICU for further examinations.

I got into recovery still in shock that I had my baby & never seeing him or knowing how much he weighed. My OB called up to the NICU to find out he was 5lbs 3.6oz & 18.5 inches long. Everyone was amazed at his size & told me that if he would have remained til term, he would have been a 10lbs.

Since Nicholas was 7 weeks premature, he needed assistance with breathing. If I would have gotten the steroid shot, he would not have needed as much. When they wheeled me into the NICU to see him, I lost it. The tubes were so scary but everyone told me it was normal. The care Nicholas received was amazing. He made daily strides to get off the oxygen & then off the feeding tube. It was so hard to leave him there but I knew that it was the best place for him & that he would receive the care he needed. Nicholas was released 1 day shy of being there 4 weeks.

Mercy NICU was truly a lifesaver & I could not say one bad thing about them. The Maternity ward was another story. I was so disappointed & upset that I was there bc I had my heart set on South Nassau again. Mercy was dirty & the staff was just horrific. I could not wait to get out of there.

So without further ado, here is Nicholas James
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Coming home
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Posted 8/25/10 9:39 PM


Member since 8/06

8652 total posts


Re: Nicholas James Birth story - July 24, 2010

Congrats! He is such a cutie. Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/26/10 7:54 AM

sometimes 1+1= 4 <3

Member since 8/09

3869 total posts

the lucky one

Re: Nicholas James Birth story - July 24, 2010

wow! congratulations again kristen!!! nicholas is adorable! if you need anything let me know!

Posted 8/26/10 8:44 AM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: Nicholas James Birth story - July 24, 2010

He is absolutely perfect!!!!! Amazing size! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/26/10 9:06 AM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: Nicholas James Birth story - July 24, 2010

Wow. What a stressful birth story. But, in the end it worked out and you have a beautiful boy. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/26/10 9:09 AM

She's here :)

Member since 4/07

3238 total posts

Mrs. Yank

Re: Nicholas James Birth story - July 24, 2010

Wow! Thanks for sharing- that must have been very scary for you. Welcome to the world Nicholas! He is adorable!

Posted 8/26/10 9:11 AM

Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06

3627 total posts


Re: Nicholas James Birth story - July 24, 2010

Wow... sorry for your experience in the maternity ward! Thank goodness your little one is OK... SO CUTE!!

Oh, and just wanted to add... my DS name is Nicholas James as well!!

Posted 8/26/10 11:41 AM

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