
Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
My 2nd Birth Story--July 2007
My 2nd DD arrived at 9:19am on Friday July 6, 2007 weighing 7lbs 9oz's and 18 inches long via c section.
My pregnancy with DD was nothing like my pg with my 1st, it was easy, no complications, no pre term contractions, just a normal pg. But i was still suffering from fissures from my 1st birth and still suffered my whole pg with DD. By 28 weeks pg, I told my doc, i am not pushing again and for medical reasons he approved my scheduled c section.
The day before DD's c section, I felt off, and was starting to get contractions. Figured they were just BH and blew them off. But they started hurting that day. By the time I got to the hospital for my c section at 7am, I was in early labor and having contractions every 5-6 mins on the monitor. It was meant to be! My little girl wanted to be born on her birthday or maybe i could have held on for 7.7.07 baby! But still I was deathly afraid of pushing. The pain from my fissures hurt more than my DD's birth and any pain i've ever been in or even the contractions from my 1st
I told everyone who had a white coat or scrubs on that I don't do well with narcotics so everyone knew to give me anti nausea meds. I had thm before my spinal, during my c section and after. My doc and anethiaologist also left orders to give me zofran whenever i asked for it after Amelia was born.
I went in at 8:55 into surgery, by 9:05am my mom and DH were in the room with me. My docs think they are comedians, so they had all of us laughing the entire time we were in the ER. My doc told my mom and DH just when he was going to take DD out and they both watched as she was born. My doc showed her to be and off she went to the warmers and my mom followed. I remember thinking she's so small and so beautiful, looks just like her sister. I heard that priceless cry and the tears ran down my face. I had DH stay by me, cause i had some weird pain shoot up my back into my shoulders and neck and with my arms strapped down, i had a bit of a panic attack that i couldn't rub my shoulders. Thank god the doc let me unstrap my arms after she was born cause he was just about to give me meds to calm me down.
I was put back into my room(my hospital as all private rooms you labor, recover in), and was hooked to a morphine pump. OMG i HATE morphine! It made me so dizzy, so groggy and so nauseaus, i will never ever take that again.
My docs ok'd food whenever i wanted, so by 10:30am, i was eating my breakfast very slowly and visitors started coming in. DD came into my room about the same time and I finally got to see her up close and give her kisses and hugs. She was a hungry baby! the nurses kept scolding us that we were letting her finish a 2oz nurser. But the kid was screaming for food, i wasn't going to deny her.
DD had the same buzz cut hair as my DH and blue eyes, just perfect in everyway.
My recovery from the c section was CAKE compared to what i went through with my 1st. I had bad gas pains on Saturday, but the nurses took care of it for me with meds and by 6pm saturday, i had zero pains with gas.
At 9am on saturday after her birth, they took my dressing off, got me up and showered and put me in the chair to eat breakfast. I was also told to stay out of bed, so i walked around my room and walked the halls with DD in the crib, i did that the entire stay in the hospital. I was only taking 1 percoset and motrin 600 in the hospital and went home with motrin. I took my motrin for about 2.5 weeks.
My docs told me to do whatever i wanted and stop when i felt pain. It took me about a week after i was home to pick up my toddler i couldn't deny her any longer. it broke my heart. I did stairs as soon as i got home and took walks immediately. It was great!!! I would do a c section in a heartbeat again! The pain was nothing compared to my 1st birth.
Being a mom to 2 under 2, especially now is the best thing ever. It's double the work, but def double the rewards. I wouldn't have it any other way!
Message edited 3/22/2008 11:50:53 AM.