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5th grade graduation party at school
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LIF Adult
Member since 1/07 1687 total posts
5th grade graduation party at school
Looking for fun and special ideas for a 5th grade class graduation party at school. It's usually held during a morning at the end of June, usually outdoors unless the weather is bad.
Since the 5th grade class has missed out on every single typical 5th grade event this year, we want to do something really special for them, but are limited by budget and social distancing. =( We'd probably normally do a DJ / karaoke / dancing, photo booth, etc.
Any suggestions for reasonably priced but super fun entertainers / entertainment?
We're throwing around the idea of a bubble show or hoola hooper (kids could sit apart, we could give hoola hoop or bubbles as favor, etc.)...but pricing may be out of our budget.
Posted 3/19/21 10:26 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/15 1068 total posts
5th grade graduation party at school
Could you still do a DJ and dancing? If they'll be outside, they can dance 6-feet apart. With the karaoke, maybe a parent would have to spray the mic with Lysol in between people. But, I think it can still be done, if it's outside. If it rains, then it's a problem. Could you have a rain date?
Posted 3/22/21 8:57 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
5th grade graduation party at school
I'm not sure if he travels to Long Island (we're in NJ...) But my kid's school every single year at field day has DJ Reggie come and do a thing at the end of the day. Hes super interactive and great with the kids!!! they always have a blast and my kids talk about him more than all of the other fun field day games HAHA
Posted 3/23/21 8:00 AM |
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