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LIF Adult

Member since 12/11 6163 total posts
Name: Momma Bear
6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
What can I get my DD for xmas? She is 6 months old so this is her first xmas. Am I supposed to get a keepsake? Just toys that are age appropriate? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Posted 12/13/12 2:41 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
I only got DD a few things since she has so much and will get too much from family. I got some bath toys and her big gift in the laugh and learn home. I would get things she can play with sitting up since I remember needed new things at that time. A music table, stacking rings/cups, books. As far as a keepsake, my MIL gives her that type of stuff so I'll probably do an ornament and that's it. I'm waiting until after christmas for that since I have a feeling we'll get a few as gifts.
Posted 12/13/12 3:07 PM |
* Lovin my baby girl!!! *

Member since 2/09 6243 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: 6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
mine will be 7 months at xmas ... i didnt go crazy bc honestly, shes more interested in a piece of paper or cup than a real toy
But i got these toys... okay.. so maybe i did go overboard 
Bright starts around we go
Fisher price walker to wagon
Lamaze octivity time
Lamaze book
Lamaze mermaid

bright starts remote
Message edited 12/13/2012 3:22:37 PM.
Posted 12/13/12 3:17 PM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: 6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
ours will be 5months at xmas. we will get her whatever cause and effect toys we think she might like. our budget is $250.
Posted 12/13/12 3:28 PM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
My DD is 7 months. I didn't get her any keepsake because I figured either someone in my family or a friend would get them and I didn't want to have too many (now watch I get none). I did get her a bunch of age appropriate toys. I got her the Lamaze Octopus that Mazz posted, a baby Einstein 9 pc. set, an activity center, a cell phone, a remote, a ball that helps them learn how to crawl, and the Fisher Price puppy thingy.
Posted 12/13/12 3:29 PM |
aries+cancer= pisces&gemini

Member since 3/06 4268 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: 6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
I bought DS clothes, 2 dvd's for the car player, the Disney choo-choo train, Little Nemo bath toys, and soft plastic trucks.
We already have bigger items from when dd was little so we didnt go too crazy.
Posted 12/13/12 4:03 PM |
Re: 6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
Last year my DD was 6 months for Christmas and we got her the Fisher Price Learn Play house and we love it. I wanted to get her something that would grow with her b/c she had a ton of little baby toys. It has features that seem enticing for 6 mos-3 years...there is even a clock feature for when its time to learn time. I highly recommend it.
We also got her a few small things and a few keepsake ornaments as well.
Posted 12/13/12 4:10 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/11 702 total posts
Name: Kati
Re: 6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
Dd will be 8mos old the day after Christmas and we kept things very small and simple. She's getting Minnetonka moccasins, the Classical Baby Dance DVD by HBO, a KidKraft bead maze, and the Plan Toys Dancing Alligator pull toy.
Posted 12/13/12 4:28 PM |
Graceyn=My World <3

Member since 10/08 4173 total posts
Name: Kimberly
Re: 6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
DD will be 7 months and we got her:
Plus clothes and books.
Yes we went overboard.
Posted 12/13/12 5:39 PM |
* Lovin my baby girl!!! *

Member since 2/09 6243 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: 6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
Posted by KimberlyScott
DD will be 7 months and we got her:
Plus clothes and books.
Yes we went overboard.
love the cube! thx for posting!
Message edited 12/13/2012 5:50:03 PM.
Posted 12/13/12 5:49 PM |
Graceyn=My World <3

Member since 10/08 4173 total posts
Name: Kimberly
Re: 6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
Posted by MaZz
Posted by KimberlyScott
DD will be 7 months and we got her:
Plus clothes and books.
Yes we went overboard.
love the cube! thx for posting!
The Zany Zoo is awesome and on sale at Target tight now!!!
Posted 12/13/12 6:06 PM |
Member since 5/05 18919 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: 6 Month Old 1st Xmas- Present Ideas
For Chanukah we bought DD (who will be 6 months old tomorrow):
An alphabet floor mat The Fisher Price Peek a Blocks Shape Sorter Infantino Activity Triangle V Tech move n crawl ball a toy bar for her carrier/stroller Lamaze Mermaid ...and a few other small things.
Posted 12/13/12 6:12 PM |