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6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

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6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

Hi ladies,

I feel like Matteo is eating less now. Now, as you can see from the other pics I post, he is by no means wasting away! He's tall and a good weight.

Here's what he eats usually:

4 bottles of formula, about 7 oz each time, sometimes an oz. less

Cereal 2x but he seems not too interested

1 jar fruit (same with that, lately doesn't seem all that interested)

1 jar veggies (but hasn't been finishing)

I'm just confused b/c I feel like that shouldn't be too much for him at this point.

I'll ask my pediatrician next week but wanted to also ask you guys too what you're schedules were like.

Not sure if teething has anything to do with it...he just got two teeth but seems like he's still teething. He's been a bit on the cranky side this week again.

If you got this far, thank you for reading!


Posted 11/8/06 3:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1204 total posts


Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

DS is eating 4 bottles of 6.5 ounces each of BM, plus sometimes 2-4 ounces more.

He is eating 3 TB of cereal 2x a day and 1/2 jar of fruit and 1/2 a jar of veggies.

He is finishing everything completely. I guess I can start feeding him more.

I had this question on my list of things for the ped next week also.

Posted 11/8/06 4:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1494 total posts


Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

Posted by jrbaby

DS is eating 4 bottles of 6.5 ounces each of BM, plus sometimes 2-4 ounces more.

He is eating 3 TB of cereal 2x a day and 1/2 jar of fruit and 1/2 a jar of veggies.

He is finishing everything completely. I guess I can start feeding him more.

I had this question on my list of things for the ped next week also.

Another silly question--with formula you aren't supposed to use it if they ate from it already....does the same apply for fruit and veggies. I feel like I'm being overly cautious. For instance, if he doesn't finish a jar that I am feeding him from, is it okay to feed him from that same jar that I had the spoon in already?

Posted 11/8/06 4:04 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

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Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

Jackson takes about 4 bottles a day at 7 oz each. I try to give him a little cereal and fruit in the morning and evening, but he's not really interested. I've only been trying the solids for about a week and a half.

I pour the food out of the jar and into his bowl. I don't feed from the jar. Bacteria from the saliva gets in the jar, so you're right.

Posted 11/8/06 4:19 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

8:30 breakfast- BM straight from the carton Chat Icon

12:00- bottle of BM at daycare

2:30- cereal

4:30- bottle of BM at daycare

6:00: veggies

8:00 BM nursing

10:00: BM nursing

Posted 11/8/06 4:31 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

DD hasn't had much solids at all.

She takes about 6oz bottles about 5 times a day, sometimes 1 more if she's extra hungry.

2tbs of cereal at night.

Our ped though doesn't want her on solids til she was 6 months, so we are just starting out now.

Posted 11/8/06 7:00 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

Carolyn, My DD is eating almost exactly the same as your DS. Except Katie isn't dealing well with veggies so Ive been staying away from them for a little longer. My ped said she is doing great and gaining weight just fine.

Posted 11/8/06 8:22 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

PS I spoon out the fruit/veggies from the jap into a small bowl and feed her. I put what ever is left back in the fridge for next time. The saliva makes teh food turn weird and its not goot for bacteria.

Posted 11/8/06 8:24 PM

Love my boys...

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Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

My DS is a pig...he eats so much!!

Breakfast: 9 oz bottle with 3 tbs of cereal in it

Mid morning: full jar of fruit

Lunch: full jar of veggies, 4-6 oz bottle

Mid afternoon: occasionally another 4-6 oz bottle

Dinner: full jar of veggies with 2 tsp cereal, 4-6 oz bottle

Mid evening: 4-6 oz bottle

Posted 11/8/06 10:10 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

Damn Kerri eats nothing compared to the other babiesChat Icon

She has 5 6oz bottles
Cereal 2x a day...2 tbsp each time
Veggies 1/2 a jar at dinner

Posted 11/8/06 10:17 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

Here's our schedule roughly. We will start veggies in a week or so. At that point I'll probably add another solids feeding and that will probably eliminate a bottle.

6:30am 6oz bottle
8:30am 2 Tbs cereal & Stage 2 fruit
10:30am 6 oz bottle
1:30pm 6 oz bottle
4:30pm 6 oz bottle
6:00pm 2 Tbs cereal & Stage 2 fruit
7:30-8:00pm 6 oz bottle

Posted 11/8/06 10:17 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

Posted by Moehick

Damn Kerri eats nothing compared to the other babiesChat Icon

She has 5 6oz bottles
Cereal 2x a day...2 tbsp each time
Veggies 1/2 a jar at dinner

Uh, I'm lucky if I can get Ava to drink 24oz. of formula a day!Chat Icon She does, however, eat two entire jars of sweet potatoes a day. We need to start her on peas tomorrow before she turns orangeChat Icon

Posted 11/8/06 10:22 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

Lauren just turned 6 months, here's her schedule:

8:30 - wake and 5 oz bottle

9:30 - oatmeal cereal (I never measure!) with 1/2 jar stage 2 fruit

11 a.m. - nap

1 p.m. - 5 ounce bottle

3 p.m. - nap

5:30-6 p.m. - 5 ounce bottle

7 p.m. - rice cereal with 1/2 veggie. Tonight I gave her a half a jar of Gerber Simple recipe "Chicken with Apples", so we officially started meat (I am just going ahead based on my experiences with my first).

8:30-9 p.m. 6 ounce bottle and to bed.

ETA: I will start to give her an afternoon "lunch" of veggies or fruit in a few weeks. Maybe give it to her around 2 p.m. or so.

Message edited 11/8/2006 10:36:33 PM.

Posted 11/8/06 10:34 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

am I the only one that never goes by a schedule ? Chat Icon
the kids hungry, he eats.
if the kid's content, hes content.
can ya tell im on # 3 Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/06 10:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1494 total posts


Re: 6 month old Moms....what are your feeding schedules like?

Thanks ladies, always so kind to answer my new mom questions.

Have a great weekend!!!

Posted 11/10/06 2:39 PM

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