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I don't think we have done this in awhile

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can't wait to meet Sophia!

Member since 6/10

1441 total posts


I don't think we have done this in awhile

There are a ton of newer moms to be. So let's introduce/reintroduce ourselves. Tell us a little bit about you and your DH/SO

Me: Danielle 24; Supervisor at doctors office
DH: Stuart 26; Business owner/mechanic
Married: August 2009
Is this your first LO: yes!
EDD: 8.28.11 (8 days after my birthday, 6 days after our 2 year anniversary)
Currently 14 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I really love being pregnant, it has been easy for me so far. The only negative so far is that I have been exhausted.

Posted 2/24/11 8:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Chat Icon Jess, 27 - SAHM
Chat Icon Carmine, 29 Sales Supervisor
Married - September 17th 2005
Is this your first? No, we have a 2.5 year old Chat Icon
EDD - April 25th, Scheduled c-section April 18th
Currently: 31 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy: somehow even though its multiples this pregnancy has been easier than when I was pregnant with DS. However, I am starting to feel large and in charge, so I am eager to meet the two little princesses!

Posted 2/24/11 8:24 PM

Baby's First Christmas

Member since 7/09

3541 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Kim, 28
DH: Bill, 33
Married: Sept 17, 2006
First? Yes!! Chat Icon
Currently: 36 weeks
Positives/Negatives: I love being pregnant. For the first time in my life I'm so happy and proud of all my curves and cellulite and stretchmarks! The only negative is that now I am really starting to get tired and I wish I didn't have to work still.

Posted 2/24/11 8:33 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/09

511 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Kerri 31; Physician Assistant
DH: Sean 36; NYPD
Married: June 2004
Is this your first LO: nope... Chat Icon Riley will be 5 in March Chat Icon Braydan is 3.5
EDD: 5/1 but I will be induced mid April because my labors move very quickly (DD#2 was born in 2.5 hours) and we are all kind of afraid of me delivering at home or in the car.
Currently: 31 weeks pregnant ( I think... I lose track all the time Chat Icon )
Positives/negatives: So far pretty positive. This pregnancy has been just as easy as my other 2... It's a little tougher running around with my 2 girls to school and all the activites, but still very tolerable.

Posted 2/24/11 8:35 PM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: E 31 - attorney
DH: M 31 - NCPD
Married: May 2010
Is this your first LO: ya
EDD: 10/18
Currently: 6w2d
Positives/negatives: i feel like poop (-)
i have an excuse for feeling like poop (+)

Posted 2/24/11 8:39 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/09

189 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Bridget, 29, Teacher
DH: Michael, 29, Tax Consultant
Married: February 19, 2005
Is this your first LO: Yes :)
EDD: July 9th, 2011
Currently: 20.5 weeks
Positives/negatives: I felt really tired in the beginning but honestly have been feeling great these past few weeks! I'm just feeling so excited/anxious for the next 4.5 months to go by...I want it to be July already so I can meet my baby!!!

Posted 2/24/11 8:50 PM


Member since 3/09

1042 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me:Vicki 36 - Asst. Comptroller
DH: Joe 37 - Business owner/NYPD 2nd Grade Detective
Married: February 14th 2009
Is this your first LO: yes!
EDD: 8.8.11
Currently 17 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Negative - after have 2 m/cs i was put on semi-bedrest. Therefore for me it means no running. Thats terribly hard as i am an avid runner of long distances. But for our LO im down with it. : )
Positive - Overall i ve had a good pregnancy thus far. 1st tri i was exhausted all of the time. But 2nd tri is great! Of course im always praying for a healthy pregnancy. Chat Icon

Posted 2/24/11 8:55 PM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21539 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Stacey 36-admin asst.
DH: Will 33-porter and bouncer (his 2nd job)
Married: May 15, 2010
Is this your first LO: Yes, but I have two beautiful step daughters
EDD: 9/22/11
Currently 9 weeks preggo
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Positive: I'm finally going to be a mommy!!
Negative: I'm worried about being a mommy!!

Posted 2/24/11 8:57 PM

Year for change!

Member since 1/09

6017 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Taryn 27; Stay at home mom
DH: Jake 29; Master mechanic
Married: May 25, 2007
Is this your first LO: No, 2nd. DD is 18 months
EDD: 8.31.11
Currently: 13 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I love being pregnant, especially when the baby moves around, such an amazing feeling. Negatives would be the exhaustion and the morning sickness which has finally gone away.

Posted 2/24/11 8:57 PM

Life's Beachy <3

Member since 2/08

6765 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Heather 28; Defense Contract Support
DH: John 30; Dept of Defense Eng Tech
Married: Aug 30, 2008
Is this your first LO: Yep! :)
EDD: 09/03/11
Currently: 12w5d
Positives/negatives: I get killer headaches twice a week; I have wanted this for a long time and Im thrilled to be at this pointChat Icon

Posted 2/24/11 9:02 PM

Mommy of two!

Member since 5/10

2202 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

hey everyone!

Me: Jill 28 (Social Worker)
DH: Joe 29 (Auto Damage Adjuster)
Married: Jan 9 2010
Is this your first LO: yes!
EDD: 4/28, but currently scheduled for csecition the week of 4/18
Currently 31 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Positives- I love my baby belly
Neg- I have gestational diabetes and the diet s*cks.

Posted 2/24/11 9:08 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/10

256 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Will be revealed soon....29
DH: will be revealed soon....30
Married: June 08
Is this your first LO: yes!
EDD: 9/9/11...dh's birthay!
Currently 12 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy: So far so good...Just dislike the nervousness before each appointment. I Chat Icon for this little on everyday!

**If somehow you figured me out, nothing on fb please** Chat Icon

Posted 2/24/11 9:09 PM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

8423 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: 29
DH: 31
Married: September 2007
Is this your first LO: yes!
EDD: 7.1.11
Currently 21 (almost 22) weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I couldn't possibly be more grateful to be pregnant!! I waited a long time, and so far it's been an uneventful pregnancy, and I Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon it stays that way til Chat Icon arrives!!

Posted 2/24/11 9:13 PM

Thank you St. Gerard!

Member since 8/09

6631 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Meghan 33
DH: James 33
Married: July 18, 2009
Is this your first LO: yes!
EDD: 10/13
Currently 7 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Positives- I love my baby already!!!
Neg-The constant nausea and vomiting. Not funChat Icon

Posted 2/24/11 9:18 PM

Alyssa Rose is here!!!

Member since 9/10

3288 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Jessica 29; Paralegal
DH: Chris; Chef
Married: August 15, 2009
Is this your first LO: yes!
EDD: June 25, 2011
Currently 23 1/2 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy: Besides the rest of my body getting huge, i am really enjoying being pregnant!! only bad parts is the headaches, sometimes that annoying, but def barable!

Posted 2/24/11 9:20 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/11

222 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Catie 33
DH: Matt 34
Married: June 13, 2007
Is this your first LO: No.Chat Iconis 19 months
Currently 27 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Positives- Having a easier pregnancy than last time.
Neg-Feeling like a big fat whale but I think that comes with pregnancy.

Message edited 2/24/2011 9:23:02 PM.

Posted 2/24/11 9:21 PM

Naterade is Thirstade!

Member since 6/10

3002 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Ha... why not!

Me: Danielle 31 SAHW
DH: Josh 30 Architect
Married: March 6, 2010
Is this your first LO: yes
EDD: Saturday!
Currently 39w5d
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Positives- I still can't believe we created a human being.
Neg- My baby is not here yet. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 2/24/2011 9:26:37 PM.

Posted 2/24/11 9:24 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 9/10

395 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Jennifer 28; School Social Worker
DH: Michael 32; FDNY
Married: Sept. 2009
Is this your first LO: yes
EDD: 5.28.11
Currently 26 weeks 5 days pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I love being pregnant especially feeling the movements of LO
Chat Icon The negatives are the anxiety I feel about hoping everything is okay, as well as seeing myself getting larger by the day and feeling more and more uncomfortable!

Posted 2/24/11 9:45 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/11

274 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Stephanie 33; Speech Pathologist
DH: Nick, 38; Nassau Supreme Court
Married: September 2007
Is this your first LO: Yes :)
EDD: 8/6/2011
Currently 16 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy: so far so good :) no complaints just exhausted by the end of the day, and usually never make it through a full TV show with my DH LOL!! Thank goodness for the DVR

Posted 2/24/11 9:52 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/09

200 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Wendy 30; MRI Technologist
DH: Hector 36; Pension Administrator
Married: July 2007
Is this your first LO: No... Our DD is 2
DD: 7-11--11
Currently 20 weeks 3 days pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
Well the Positive is feeling Him move around in there.. Its such an Amazing Feeling!!!
And I have to agree with a PP The negatives are the anxiety I feel about hoping everything is okay.

Posted 2/24/11 9:58 PM

Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/08

2830 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Jennette, 31, SAHM
DH: Dan, 32, Assistant Principle
Married: Dec 2007
Is this your first LO: no, Connor will be 2 in August
EDD: 8.13.2011
Currently 17 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I can't wait to have a full baby bump, now I just feel chubby!!

Posted 2/24/11 10:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/10

2561 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Heather, 38, was an educational consultant/trainer but now SAHM for a little and then career change TBD!!!
DH: Mitch, 39, Organizational psych
Married: June 2009
Is this your first LO: YES YES IF HE EVER GETS HERE!!!
EDD: 2.25.2011
Currently COOKED - 40 weeks!

Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I can't wait to meet my little guy- I have LOVED having him grow inside me, it really does feel like a miracle. .
Negative = well now I am just feeling done- SO huge and starting to have a hard time sleeping and such but it's unfair to do negatives at 40 weeks. .

Posted 2/24/11 10:38 PM

Life is Good!

Member since 7/07

7979 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Michelle 28;Substitute Teacher
DH: Ed 30; Radio Production
Married: June 2007
Is this your first LO: yes!
EDD: 7-21-11 (although the sono techs think it's a week earlier)
Currently 19-20 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I have felt great this entire pregnancy. Unfortunately about two weeks ago I had some bleeding. Everything turned out to be okay but now I'm an emotional mess thinking every ache and pain is an issue. I just want this baby to be healthy.

Message edited 2/24/2011 10:58:46 PM.

Posted 2/24/11 10:57 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/10

264 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

ME: Michelle, 28, Autism Consultant
DH: Anthony, 37, Hertz corporation - driver at laguardia
Married: 10-16-10
First: YES !
EDD: May 1, 2011
Currently: 30 weeks pregnant
Positives: Feeling Chat Icon kick and move
Negatives: stretch marks and exhaustion

Message edited 2/25/2011 9:48:34 AM.

Posted 2/24/11 11:23 PM

Lucky 7 <3

Member since 9/08

1213 total posts


Re: I don't think we have done this in awhile

Me: Ashley 26; SAHM
DH: Eric 29; Plumber
Married: March 23, 2007
Is this your first LO: No, we have a 3 year old DD
EDD: 4.6.11
Currently 34 weeks pregnant
Positives/Negatives about your pregnancy:
I love being pregnant, and this pregnancy is definitely better than my first but I do have upper back pain from my pelvis shifting and I'm tired a lot.

Posted 2/24/11 11:56 PM
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