Antonio Josephs birth story
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LIF Toddler
Member since 4/10 407 total posts
Name: Tricia
Antonio Josephs birth story
I was induced at 39 weeks and two days because I was not dilating or effacing and the baby was already big. After three months on bed rest, I was ready for him to come out. Dh and I went to good Sam to get induced on June 22 Nd St 7:30 a.m. The l&d nurses were priceless, they did anything and everything for me. Well hours went by and I started contracting thanks to the piton. I got an epidural at about 3:00 and that was heaven! I had complete back labor and was dying. I still wasn't really progressing. By nighttime I had a fever and needed a stinger bolster shot in my epi for the back pain. Slept a bit and was checked at 3 a.m. I was 6 cm but felt like a truck hit me. I had nothing in me, was dying of thirst...and really screw those ice chips after awhile you want a drink. By 4 I was 9 cm and stayed that way until 10:30. Finally my doctor said let's do a section, your body can't handle it, you have a fever and he's been in there too long. So scary but within minutes I had a spinal and was wheeled to the or. I was so drugged I just rremember them saying happy birthday and holding up my son. I saw him quickly and they took him to nicu. I just passed out and woke up hours later in recovery. He has been in nicu all week bc I had a fever at delivery and they are giving him antibiotics and meds for low glucose he is perfection though and mynheart has grown 100 times since having him. Recovery is tough vc of csection staples, very swollenlegs an d trying to breastfeed in the nicu but I love him so it doesn't matter. Antonio Joseph 6/22/11 8 pounds 6 1/2 ounces 19 inches long
Posted 6/26/11 7:04 AM |
Re: Antonio Josephs birth story
Congrats!! I remember you fro the IF board!!
Posted 6/26/11 10:06 PM |
2 little ladies

Member since 1/11 2918 total posts
Name: Rose
Re: Antonio Josephs birth story
Posted 7/1/11 8:59 AM |
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