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7-8 month old mommies

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Little Angel

Member since 10/05

1745 total posts


7-8 month old mommies

What is your feeding schedule like? What types of foods is your DC eating? I'm trying to get some new ideas for DD.


Posted 3/19/07 8:18 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Little Angel

Member since 10/05

1745 total posts


Re: 7-8 month old mommies

Bump. Anyone?

Posted 3/19/07 5:21 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: 7-8 month old mommies

Jiavana will be 7 mths wed.

Her schedule is

7 am - 4oz bottle
830 am - stage 2 fruit & 2 tblespoons cereal

10 am - 4 oz bottle

12 ish - stage 2 veggie & a snack (cherrios or puffs) 4 oz juice

230 ish - 4 oz bottle

5 ish - meat & veggie

7 30 ish - 4 -6 oz bottle

She may snack at other times depending on how hungry she is.

She eats Puffs, cherrios, american cheese, gerber desserts/pudding, yogurt, cut up penne & sauce, pancakes, inside of a bagel, scrambled eggs

i am very liberal with letting her try things when she shows interest. she handles food and feeding herself very well.

Posted 3/19/07 5:27 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: 7-8 month old mommies

Im VERY easy going with EVERYTHING..... *EXCEPT* for food.
Im VERY nervous on feeding them solids (other than jars), so we're quite happy with jars right now.
Stage 2 and the puree stage 3 (none of the chunky 3's).

My schedule depends on the day, but it's pretty simple.
cereal/fruit for breakfast
veggie and fruit for lunch
veggie/meat for dinner

and bottles in between.

I never measure or count what he has, sorry I cant be much help there.

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Posted 3/19/07 5:34 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: 7-8 month old mommies

I am interested in knowing this also.

Are they getting full jars at each feeding now?

Did they try ALL vegetables already?

Did you start meats yet?

Megan will be 7 months in a couple of days and I think we are ready to move from only fruits and veggies. When can she start with cheerios, heels of bread etc?

Posted 3/19/07 5:52 PM

Little Angel

Member since 10/05

1745 total posts


Re: 7-8 month old mommies

I def think you could move on to meat and other items. Parker feeds herself really well and I started off by giving her small pieces of Banana to try and moved on from there.

Parker's schedule is something like this:

8am - 4-6oz bottle
9am- either cereal/fruit or mixed jar
11:30 - 4-6oz bottle
12-12:30 - yogurt or mixed jar with meat
2:30 - 4-6oz bottle
5-5:30 - 4-6oz bottle
6 - cereal/veggie or mixed jar with meat
8 - 5 oz bottle

She gets puffs and cherrios as a snack and I've also given her the crust to my pizza to suck on. She's had chick peas, avocado, corn, strawberries and I just bought Pastina which I'm going to try this week. I also give her alot of non-jarred food like pototoes, peaches, bananas, mango etc.

I haven't given her cheese or eggs yet and was wondering when I should introduce. My ped is very vague when it comes to when to given certain foods.

Posted 3/19/07 6:16 PM

Train Ride

Member since 5/05

3127 total posts


Re: 7-8 month old mommies

DS is 7 1/2 months old

Only started Cereal at 5 months, he had a full month of the three different cereals than started to add the cans of veggies and fruits

7:30 4 oz. bottle
9:30 6 oz. bottle
11:30 food
12:30 6 oz. bottle
4:00 7 pz. bottle
6:30 food
8:30 8 oz bed time bottle

Food is any of the stage 1 or 2 mixed with a little cereal.
Just started to use that self-feeding food bag with cold pears and stuff like that.

I want to go and get those puff things to have DS try

Posted 3/19/07 9:04 PM

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