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Big brother in the making

Member since 7/07 8611 total posts
Name: M
If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Were you right?
Posted 10/11/13 10:27 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 1/12 6105 total posts
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
nope! my gut said dc1 was a boy....i was wrong
Posted 10/11/13 10:40 AM |

Member since 1/10 21015 total posts
Name: Ang
If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Posted 10/11/13 10:41 AM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
hell no!!!!!!!!
i thought tiny tot was going to be a boy and poo a girl
Posted 10/11/13 10:48 AM |
Time for Baby #2!

Member since 8/10 4194 total posts
Name: M
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Yes. Everyone in my family and DH's family has had boys first. So I just figured it would be a boy.
Posted 10/11/13 10:49 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Nope! Gut said boy. Only had boy names in my head because I was SURE it was a boy. Dumb Intelligender waste of money said boy Carried very "boy like" according to the old wives tales. No morning sickness. Had a girl. I almost fainted when the nurse told me the amnio said it was a girl. I asked her to look again! She actually showed me the two X's written on the report!
Message edited 10/11/2013 12:05:12 PM.
Posted 10/11/13 10:50 AM |
Baby no. 3 coming soon!

Member since 6/09 5738 total posts
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
With DD1, I was so sure it was a boy for much of pregnancy. I think that was also because most people said I was "carrying like a boy." It wasn't until I was in labor that I started to have strong feelings that it was a girl. I spent most of my labor thinking about how I was going to girly up her gender neutral bedroom. I was right.
This time around, I just don't know. I feel like it's a boy but since that was my instinct for 9 months last time and I was wrong, I'm just not sure. I guess I'll have to wait for those labor feelings again.
Posted 10/11/13 11:12 AM |

Member since 5/05 2133 total posts
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
I was right with my first two. I knew right away they were both boys and I was right. I'm now pregnant with my third and I have a gut feeling it's a girl. We'll know for sure in a few weeks.
Posted 10/11/13 11:12 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 8/10 279 total posts
If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
yep... always knew my little peanut was a baby girl : )
Posted 10/11/13 11:13 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/11 702 total posts
Name: Kati
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
I was right about my little girl. My entire family said girl and DH's family swore she was a boy. For the record, before we even announced we were pregnant we had two different people tell us they had dreams about us having a girl. These two women didn't even know each other.
This time around I had boy feelings from the start and both of my parents have had dreams it is a boy. I'm not putting as much trust in my instinct this time but I've got a 50% chance of being right!
Posted 10/11/13 11:19 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/11 4798 total posts
Name: Pomegranate5
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
I was wrong.
I have a strong gut feeling about this one, but I won't say a word to anyone about it (except DH) because I felt silly being wrong the first time after telling everyone I was sure of the gender.
Posted 10/11/13 11:20 AM |
Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12 14481 total posts
Name: Me
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
I was right. It was a girl. Every single person was saying boy and I just knew that wasn't right.
Posted 10/11/13 11:27 AM |
2 Princesses coming soon!

Member since 12/12 1539 total posts
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
My two dreams before we found out this week were right on! Two girls on board!
Posted 10/11/13 11:29 AM |

Member since 7/10 8027 total posts
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Posted 10/11/13 11:30 AM |
We made a wish & you came true

Member since 2/10 2695 total posts
Name: Me
If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Yes. I *knew* I was having a boy pretty much the second I fund out and I was right.
Posted 10/11/13 12:27 PM |
My Princess is Here!
Member since 11/11 1131 total posts
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
nope! ha
Posted 10/11/13 12:27 PM |
Happy Family of 4

Member since 5/08 5654 total posts
If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Yes both times.
Posted 10/11/13 12:34 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3034 total posts
Name: V
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Yup, both times!
Posted 10/11/13 1:07 PM |
2 boys 2 girls!!!!
Member since 7/08 3324 total posts
Name: M
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
I was right for my first two, and this third baby i didnt have a feeling either way until they told me it was a boy, i had a weird feeling about it, which was right since its a girl lol
Posted 10/11/13 1:14 PM |
If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Yep. I knew the second I found out I was PG with #1 it was a boy.
This time I wanted a girl SO BAD because I always wanted 1 of each but I always knew in the back of my mind it'd be another boy. Though I should add the feeling wasn't nearly as strong this time as with #1. I think because I was trying to convince myself it'd be a girl.
Posted 10/11/13 1:35 PM |
Big brother in the making

Member since 7/07 8611 total posts
Name: M
If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Interesting responses. For DS I had no idea up until the day before I had my ultrasound. I had a dream I was having a boy and sure enough thats what he was. This time around Im team green so I wont be finding out but I have no gut feeling on what it might be,
Posted 10/11/13 3:17 PM |
My Loves :)

Member since 1/09 4980 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Nope wrong
Posted 10/11/13 3:39 PM |
blessed <3

Member since 10/09 2113 total posts
Name: M
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Posted 10/11/13 3:56 PM |
I need a clone

Member since 12/09 1143 total posts
Name: Dianne
If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
Nope! Thought DD #1 was a boy! This time I think they're 2 boys.. We'll see, I find out Monday.
Posted 10/11/13 4:29 PM |
Loving my girls

Member since 7/09 2533 total posts
Name: Fergie
Re: If you had a gut feeling about the gender of your baby...
first time yes second time no.
Posted 10/11/13 4:48 PM |
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