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My Birth Story- Indentical Twins May 4, 2015
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We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06 14887 total posts
Name: J9
My Birth Story- Indentical Twins May 4, 2015
I was high risk since I was 21 weeks so I was told each week to be prepared to go early. I had some complications with one baby so once I hit 24 weeks, my high risk doctor would tell me each week before I left..."we made it another week!". I was told that I had til my 24th week to decide if I wanted to "seal" the cord on one baby (babyB) to avoid a possible risk to the other baby if something happened to B. Baby B was measuring small but still growing. She had a two vessel cord which was a velamentous cord as well. Each week was scary but seeing them on the sonos every Friday, just make me so happy! Once I hit 30 weeks they scheduled me. I had a scheduled C section for May 4th. My due date was May 27th. Both babies were doing great so i had no worries.
The morning of May 4th my husband and I grabbed our hospital bags and headed out to LIJ Katz to meet our daughters! I was completely calm until they walked me into the OR. There had to be close to 20 people in there. Or in my head...that's how it seemed. I understood that becuase it was twins, they had more people on hand but man, seeing them ALL scared me! They were all talking about everyday things. Vacations, reality TV. It freaked me out! LOL. I get it though. Its no different to them than me discussing my weekend with my coworker on Monday morning. I was extremely nervous and it caught me off guard.
They sat me on the edge of the table and showed me how to hunch over in preparation for a spinal tap. I'll never forget that feeling. They didn't get in the right space at first so had to do it again...then I felt the heat in my legs as they swung them on to the table and got me all set up for surgery. Once the sheet was up my husband came in and I felt a little better. I remember looking at the clock while lying there. It was 9:05am. I remember thinking "what are they doing? Where are the babies?" LOL. Then I remembered the video I saw on sections and the process it was to cut through all the layers. 10:22am.. Baby A comes out wailing!! One minute later, Baby B. My little miracle baby. Her cry was strong but sounded little compared to Baby A. Baby A: Charlotte Olivia- 5lbs 12oz Baby B: Sophia Elizabeth- 4lbs 11oz
I couldn't believe how perfect they were! I was amazed that they were mine!! The nurses brought them over to my husband to hold and we took our first family photo. Then they took Sophia to the NICU and Charlotte they would take to the recovery room so i could nurse. Once I got to the recovery room they plopped her right on me and she knew exactly what to do! It was incredible! I felt bad I didn't have my peanut though. :( I didn't nurse for long becasue I couldn't stop shaking. Like I had intense chills. I was convulsing almost. Made it hard to hold the baby. So they took her to the nursery. About three hours later I went up to my room.
LIJ Katz is amazing! I had a private room which was awesome! I only wish they would have thought to give me the bigger room since I had two bassinets in there but it was just fine!
All the nurses on the floor knew my girls. They would stop in the visit and knew them by name. I loved how much they were loved! :)
I couldn't have asked for a better delivery. I felt taken care of as well as my girls and very comfortable. Overall, i don't think it could have gone any better!
Here are some pics! :)
Message edited 8/19/2015 2:00:26 PM.
Posted 8/19/15 1:56 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 7/15 65 total posts
My Birth Story- Indentical Twins May 4, 2015
Adorable!!! And I love their names, congrats!!
Posted 8/20/15 5:22 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07 677 total posts
Re: My Birth Story- Indentical Twins May 4, 2015
Adorable! God bless!!
Posted 8/20/15 10:54 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/11 1254 total posts
My Birth Story- Indentical Twins May 4, 2015
They're so precious! What a great story!
Posted 8/20/15 11:36 AM |
We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06 14887 total posts
Name: J9
Re: My Birth Story- Indentical Twins May 4, 2015
Thanks so much! I can't believe they're almost 4 months. Time is flying by!
Posted 8/28/15 7:44 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/12 3656 total posts
My Birth Story- Indentical Twins May 4, 2015
Adorable! Congrats!
Posted 9/7/15 11:31 PM |
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