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Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

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LIF Infant

Member since 2/09

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Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

A doorbell rang this morning and the mailman asked me to sign for a letter. It turned out to be a notice of public hearing from our neighbor's lawyer in connection with our neighbors' application for a variance / special exception to the Town of Hempstead to build a new garage. The neighbor's house is right behind ours, and the new garage will completely block the view we now have from the kitchen and den windows. Instead of seeing pretty trees we will be seeing a wall from these two windows.

Is there anything we can do about it? If we go to the public hearing and voice our objections, will be be able to do anything about this or will it be waste of time?

Posted 11/5/16 11:50 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

I'd think long and hard about it. Is this really something that is going to ruin your life? You have to live behind these people for the forceable future. Maybe plant some trees so you won't see the garage.

Message edited 11/6/2016 6:56:38 AM.

Posted 11/5/16 12:41 PM


Member since 8/05

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Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

double post

Message edited 11/5/2016 12:42:23 PM.

Posted 11/5/16 12:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/11

1254 total posts


Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

I don't know what you could do about it but personally I would not do anything. Think about it from their perspective, it's their property and maybe they really need a garage. How would you like it if someone tried to stop you from doing something you need on your property? Our neighbors fight us over everything we do on our property even though it has nothing to do with them and all legal and it's a trrrible situation to be in.

Posted 11/5/16 1:49 PM


Member since 1/14

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Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

I think its important to attend and find out how high they plan on building. It does not matter its their property, on LI people don't care about the quality of life for others. If this building will really bother you, your quality of life will go to shit and then what, you move. If they are having it go before the board then they are at least going about it in the right way.

Posted 11/5/16 2:26 PM

My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11

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Re: Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

I think this is unfortunately just another thing we all have to deal with sometimes.
I would plant trees if you can to cover the new garage.

If you fight it publically, whether they win or lose, it'll be quite uncomfortable living behind them. It's their house, they are looking to legally expand on it. If it was something illegal, yea you'd have a fight there. But a legal addition? Your view doesn't trump their need for more space on their own property.

Like I said - if they build it, just plant some trees to hide it

Posted 11/5/16 3:48 PM


Member since 1/14

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Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

why do they need an atty??? to that means they are asking to go higher then town code allows. It would be important for you to find out the legal height your town code allows.

i just want to add, its not about telling someone what they can or cant do, but sometimes what others do really has an impact on your quality of life.

People are talking about legal addition. How does everyone know its legal?? which is why I asked why do they have an Atty?

Message edited 11/5/2016 5:28:37 PM.

Posted 11/5/16 5:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

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Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

I'm not gonna tell people what they can or can't do on their propert u less it's illegal, dangerous or some kind of hazard. I don't think you have a right to tell to them what to do.

Posted 11/5/16 5:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

Posted by Kitten1929

I'm not gonna tell people what they can or can't do on their propert u less it's illegal, dangerous or some kind of hazard. I don't think you have a right to tell to them what to do.

They do have a right though, that's why there are building codes and a board. The neighbors are seeking a variance, which means what they are attempting to do is not in accordance with the current code. The codes in my town are very strict and they tell people what they can and can't do all the time. Your home is probably your largest investment, you need to protect that investment.

I would absolutely go to the hearing if you are not comfortable talking to them about it in person. There is a reason why you are given the opportunity to attend and voice your concern. When we were seeking a variance for our house we had 3 neighbors come to the hearing, one that voiced strongly against us (but only because he was not granted his). There are no hard feelings now.

Posted 11/5/16 6:06 PM


Member since 3/07

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Re: Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

Posted by lululu

Posted by Kitten1929

I'm not gonna tell people what they can or can't do on their propert u less it's illegal, dangerous or some kind of hazard. I don't think you have a right to tell to them what to do.

They do have a right though, that's why there are building codes and a board. The neighbors are seeking a variance, which means what they are attempting to do is not in accordance with the current code. The codes in my town are very strict and they tell people what they can and can't do all the time. Your home is probably your largest investment, you need to protect that investment.

I would absolutely go to the hearing if you are not comfortable talking to them about it in person. There is a reason why you are given the opportunity to attend and voice your concern. When we were seeking a variance for our house we had 3 neighbors come to the hearing, one that voiced strongly against us (but only because he was not granted his). There are no hard feelings now.

All of this!

Posted 11/5/16 6:15 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

I too would go to the hearing. As others have said they want a variance so it's important to find out the specifics. It might be a good idea to read through minutes of prior meetings of your town board just to get a feel for the kinds of things people ask for. Also, just because you attend doesn't mean you have to speak though you may need to put your name down first if you want to.

Posted 11/5/16 6:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/12

2912 total posts


Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

I'm not understanding whose trees will be blocked- trees on this same neighbors property?
I have no idea if objecting would help. I would first understand what the variance is for- they might still be able to put up a garage without one. If the difference between what they can do with or without the varince doesn't affect you, no reason to object.

Posted 11/5/16 7:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/15

1068 total posts


Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

Yes, you should go to the hearing and/or submit a letter stating your preference. Our back neighbors wanted to expand their house and it would have been really close to our property. My husband went to the hearing and also submitted information regarding the size of houses in the area, etc. The town actually told them they had to revise their plans and make it smaller. They still did it, but at least it wasn't as big as they originally wanted (as least from what I know).

Posted 11/5/16 7:36 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

Posted by lululu

Posted by Kitten1929

I'm not gonna tell people what they can or can't do on their propert u less it's illegal, dangerous or some kind of hazard. I don't think you have a right to tell to them what to do.

They do have a right though, that's why there are building codes and a board. The neighbors are seeking a variance, which means what they are attempting to do is not in accordance with the current code. The codes in my town are very strict and they tell people what they can and can't do all the time. Your home is probably your largest investment, you need to protect that investment.

I would absolutely go to the hearing if you are not comfortable talking to them about it in person. There is a reason why you are given the opportunity to attend and voice your concern. When we were seeking a variance for our house we had 3 neighbors come to the hearing, one that voiced strongly against us (but only because he was not granted his). There are no hard feelings now.

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Posted 11/6/16 12:30 AM

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Re: Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

Posted by lululu

Posted by Kitten1929

I'm not gonna tell people what they can or can't do on their propert u less it's illegal, dangerous or some kind of hazard. I don't think you have a right to tell to them what to do.

They do have a right though, that's why there are building codes and a board. The neighbors are seeking a variance, which means what they are attempting to do is not in accordance with the current code. The codes in my town are very strict and they tell people what they can and can't do all the time. Your home is probably your largest investment, you need to protect that investment.

I would absolutely go to the hearing if you are not comfortable talking to them about it in person. There is a reason why you are given the opportunity to attend and voice your concern. When we were seeking a variance for our house we had 3 neighbors come to the hearing, one that voiced strongly against us (but only because he was not granted his). There are no hard feelings now.

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I would definitely go to the meeting to see why a variance is needed. I would voice my opinion as well, but realize that if your only issue is that it'll block your view of trees, they probably aren't going to care.

Posted 11/6/16 10:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

929 total posts


Re: Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

i wish I had gotten a notice when my neighbor was building. I live in a ranch house and it is set up driveway to driveway. well an older couple moved in and put a separate garage in the back next to my property line but the thing that got me was now there is a driveway along my bedroom and my DD bedroom. Thing is they continued to use the original driveway until years later there son got divorced and moved in now I have exhaust by our bedrooms and a very noisy neighbor that leaves at 6am.

Posted 11/6/16 11:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/10

5092 total posts


Re: Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

Posted by lululu

Posted by Kitten1929

I'm not gonna tell people what they can or can't do on their propert u less it's illegal, dangerous or some kind of hazard. I don't think you have a right to tell to them what to do.

They do have a right though, that's why there are building codes and a board. The neighbors are seeking a variance, which means what they are attempting to do is not in accordance with the current code. The codes in my town are very strict and they tell people what they can and can't do all the time. Your home is probably your largest investment, you need to protect that investment.

I would absolutely go to the hearing if you are not comfortable talking to them about it in person. There is a reason why you are given the opportunity to attend and voice your concern. When we were seeking a variance for our house we had 3 neighbors come to the hearing, one that voiced strongly against us (but only because he was not granted his). There are no hard feelings now.

This! 1000% !

Posted 11/6/16 11:43 AM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

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Neighbor building new garage that will block my view

You should absolutely go to the hearing and voice your objections. It's called a variance for a reason -they want to do something that varies from the zoning laws and need special permission to do it. If you don't show up and oppose, the application is virtually guaranteed to be approved.

Posted 11/6/16 2:27 PM

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