A few questions included.AGGGHHH sleep issues AGAIN and baby #2 due in a month
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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05 6707 total posts
Name: Noel
A few questions included.AGGGHHH sleep issues AGAIN and baby #2 due in a month
I posted last week my dd ( almost 18 months) was woken up by the bad storm we had and me thinking it was 5 am not 3 am took her into bed. Well the next night she woke up at 3 am again, took her in again. The next three nights, thursday friday and saturday she slept fine until her normal 5-530 wake up( which is fine bc we get up for work)
I dont know if its the time change or what but since sunday night into monday and there after she has been up at 3 am SCREAMING. Now personally i would do CIO bc it works with her you do it one or two nights and she is back on track. DH cant take it and just goes and gets her.
Now since sunday she has had a mild fever at night about 100.1-100.3. i have given her tylenol or motrin and she still didnt sleep past 3 am. She doenst have fever when she wkes up in the moring only at nighttime.
1) does the fever at night makes sense?
2) she is 18 months 30 lbs, can i use childrens tylemol/motrin rather than infants? maybe this is why she isnt sleeping through.
3) How can i get her back on track?
Posted 3/12/08 7:54 AM |
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Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: A few questions included.AGGGHHH sleep issues AGAIN and baby #2 due in a month
Sorry you are going through this again
Sounds to me like she wants to be in bed with you, needing some comfort
I think you just have to break her out of cosleeping and if cosleeping isn't working for your family def try to be consistent and not do it at all no matter what. It just confuses her.
My DD went through a stage like that around her age, we wouldn't go in unless she was wide eyed and awake and really crying, and if we did, we would just go int to comfort her and then put her back down and she would either go back to sleep, or cry for a little bit and go to sleep.
Is she wide awake when she's screaming? If she's not all the way up, it could be nighttmares/nightterrors, and going in when she's not up, makes it a whole lot worse. My DD went through that too.
HOpe you figure it out soon, being sleep deprived with a newborn and toddler is not fun, been there done that
Posted 3/12/08 9:22 AM |
I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05 6707 total posts
Name: Noel
Re: A few questions included.AGGGHHH sleep issues AGAIN and baby #2 due in a month
yes she is WIDE awake standing up in crib full blown screaming but as soon as you ick her up she says HI Daddys and then goes rioght to sleep in my bed. We never co slept really on a regular basis just took her in when needed but it hasnt been for a while( well before last week). Dh is tehone that cnat do cio.
When this happened before i did two nights cio and she was fine again.
Posted 3/12/08 10:19 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: A few questions included.AGGGHHH sleep issues AGAIN and baby #2 due in a month
Posted by 04bride
yes she is WIDE awake standing up in crib full blown screaming but as soon as you ick her up she says HI Daddys and then goes rioght to sleep in my bed. We never co slept really on a regular basis just took her in when needed but it hasnt been for a while( well before last week). Dh is tehone that cnat do cio.
When this happened before i did two nights cio and she was fine again.
OMG my older one does the same thing!! Screams and cries, daddy goes in there and tears stop immediately and she says Hi daddy!
My hubby holds her for a little bit, then puts her back in her crib, she'll usually start to fall asleep on him. sometimes she cries, sometimes she doesn't. But in no way for us, does she ever leave her room Plus she shares a room with aher little sister. When she's up, everyone's up.
I think it's just the age, hang in there and i hpe you find something that works.
Sorry i can't be more of help
Posted 3/12/08 10:22 AM |
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