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Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

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Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

dd has been getting up at 10:30 and crying for 2 hours or more. Sometimes I try to let her CIO but after 20-30 minutes, I have to go in. I usually go in and lay her down, give her her pacificer and put on her music. Sometimes that settles her down for a few minutes, other times she starts crying as soon as I leave the room. I just don't know what to do anymore. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong physically that is causing her pain...just that she wants someone in the room with her. Could she be having bad dreams that are waking her?

Anyone go through something similar?

Posted 2/23/08 9:32 AM
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Re: Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

Do you see her molars popping through? At that age that caused Kerri to get up at night. I gave her motrin and would lay her back down, didn't talk to her or pick her up. This went on for a few nights then stopped

Message edited 2/23/2008 9:38:49 AM.

Posted 2/23/08 9:36 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

I am sooooo going through the same thing and honestly after almost 2 months I am ready to shoot myself - no joking.

I don't know what to do anymore.
I am losing my mind.

I must say last night was the first night in a long time she CIO for only 20-25 minutes and she fell asleep on her own.

The rest of the nights it has come down to rocking her or letting fall asleep on us and then we have to eventually put her in her crib.

And staying asleep during the night - totally another story.

Sorry I am no help - but I wanted to let you know - I am right there with you Chat Icon

Posted 2/23/08 9:37 AM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

How does she go down for a nap? Maybe talk to your pediatrician about it? I hope she goes to sleep soon for you! Chat Icon

Posted 2/23/08 9:50 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

Posted by Marcie

I am sooooo going through the same thing and honestly after almost 2 months I am ready to shoot myself - no joking.

I don't know what to do anymore.
I am losing my mind.

I must say last night was the first night in a long time she CIO for only 20-25 minutes and she fell asleep on her own.

The rest of the nights it has come down to rocking her or letting fall asleep on us and then we have to eventually put her in her crib.

And staying asleep during the night - totally another story.

Sorry I am no help - but I wanted to let you know - I am right there with you Chat Icon

At least I'm not the only one...sorry Marcie.

Her molars are in and I know her eye teeth are coming in but it's not that. Some nights it is but most nights it isn't. I have used Motrin and that didn't help.

She naps for 1-2 hours a day and she goes to bed just fine...not a peep.

Posted 2/23/08 10:08 AM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

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Re: Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

We've been having tons of sleep issues but ours have been b/c of molars and colds/viruses. could there be something legitimate bothering her? We also only recently started having problems with her having soaking wet diapers in the middle of the night that wake her too and had to start using doublers.

ITA with above poster. Try motrin at bedtime and see if that fixes it if it's a teething issue. Does she have her molars yet?

Message edited 2/23/2008 10:11:19 AM.

Posted 2/23/08 10:10 AM

My lil Princess... ;)

Member since 7/06

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Re: Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

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Sorry no advice, I have the same sleeping problems with my DD, and looking for advice myself.

Posted 2/23/08 10:12 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

Posted by cloddy

We've been having tons of sleep issues but ours have been b/c of molars and colds/viruses. could there be something legitimate bothering her? We also only recently started having problems with her having soaking wet diapers in the middle of the night that wake her too and had to start using doublers.

ITA with above poster. Try motrin at bedtime and see if that fixes it if it's a teething issue. Does she have her molars yet?

Yes, her molars are in.

Funny, we just started having the same issue with her diapers as well. She just started leaking and soaking them too. Maybe this is just a stage.Chat Icon

Posted 2/23/08 10:20 AM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Re: Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

Posted by shamrock124

Posted by cloddy

We've been having tons of sleep issues but ours have been b/c of molars and colds/viruses. could there be something legitimate bothering her? We also only recently started having problems with her having soaking wet diapers in the middle of the night that wake her too and had to start using doublers.

ITA with above poster. Try motrin at bedtime and see if that fixes it if it's a teething issue. Does she have her molars yet?

Yes, her molars are in.

Funny, we just started having the same issue with her diapers as well. She just started leaking and soaking them too. Maybe this is just a stage.Chat Icon

Yeah PIA to only be encountering this at this age but she drinks more oz now then she did before.

Posted 2/23/08 10:27 AM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

Ahhh! Must be the age.

We have been having sleeping issues for about a month now. I have tried everything and the only thing that seems to work at all is either cutting her nap during the day or letting her go without one completely.

My problem was getting her in the crib. The second she felt she was in the crib, she would wake up and scream. When she heard me try to leave the room, she would freak. She actually did better with my dh putting her down for about a week. Ive gone back to doing it and as long as she doesnt sleep over 45 minutes a day, its been getting a little better.

No real advice, just know we are in the same boat as you guys. So frustrating, so tiring. I try to let her cio to a certain point..but she just makes herself a wreck which in turn makes me a wreck. I CANNOT see or hear her like that. Plus, we are attached on one side and I can imagine what the neighbors must think. I hope it gets better for you guys..hopefully one day, we just magically get our sleeping children back! Chat Icon

Posted 2/23/08 10:56 AM

My Boys!

Member since 5/05

5498 total posts


Re: Sleep issues with an 18 month old....

I have never been able to get Charlie to bed before 9:30 - 10:00!

For the past two weeks, he's been waking at 3am and I think it's because of his molars.

Posted 2/23/08 11:37 AM

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