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A friend just lost her full-term baby

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Love my girls!

Member since 8/07

1155 total posts


A friend just lost her full-term baby

I thought this would be the best place to post this. A very close friend of DH and myself was due with her second child on the 16th. We were anxiously awaiting the news of the birth. Yesterday we got an email saying they had lost the baby. They didn't go into detail, obviously, so I don't know what happened. I'm so distraught over this, especially being 5 months pregnant with my second myself. Her and I went through terrible miscarriages in the same year, gave birth to our first children two months apart, and now this. Why do these things happen? Another friend of mine gave birth to a stillborn baby just last year. It's so rare that you hear of these things happening and now two friends in a matter of a year. We will obviously support them any way we can, but is there anything we can do for them? They live in NJ so we don't see them often but I'd love to even send them something or let them know we are thinking about them. I wish this didn't happen to people. I can't even imagine the pain of losing a child you just carried for 9 months. Chat Icon

Posted 7/21/15 1:34 PM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21539 total posts


A friend just lost her full-term baby

God, I'm so sorry for your friend. These are one of the things in life that I will NEVER understand.
I don't know if I'd call just yet, but maybe send an email or text telling them that you're thinking of them and are here if they need you.

Posted 7/21/15 3:30 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


A friend just lost her full-term baby

I have no words, and I honestly do not even know what you can do for them. I would agree, I don't think I'd call just yet. An email or text, something they can respond to without having to vocalize, or even something they can just read and ignore for now. I am so sorry for your friends.

Posted 7/21/15 4:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09

554 total posts


Re: A friend just lost her full-term baby

I would send flowers with a card saying how sorry you are and that you're there if you need them. And then wait a little while to reach out again and offer them support.

Posted 7/22/15 8:45 AM

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

7364 total posts


Re: A friend just lost her full-term baby

That is just awful. Chat Icon

I honestly wouldn't send anything except a card saying you are there for them. You never know how people are going to feel. When I had my MC, I didn't want to talk to anyone or have any reminders, so I would give them some time. I am so sorry for your friends.

Posted 7/22/15 12:18 PM

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