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My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
A weird dream question
Dh and I were talking about dreaming tonight, I guess kind of a weird topic. I was trying to explain to him a few times I have had a horrible dream (I think it was a dream anyway) where I felt like I was half awake where my mind was awake but my body wasn't. I felt like my body was paralyzed and I couldnt breathe either. I would try to yell or kick or do something to get someone's attention for help but couldnt. When I couldnt get anyone's attention, I would tell myself it's ok, just go back to sleep and when you wake up you will be ok. Basically like my mind woke up before the rest of my body. Has anyone else ever had this kind of dream????
I guess what prompted the conversation was talking about DH's mother. If anyone read my post, she is still unconscious 5 days after her seizure and on life support. We were talking about what it may feel like for her and DH said he doesnt want his mom to be a prisoner in her own body, and it reminded me of the dream I had in the past. I hope that she does not feel like my dream b/c it is extremely scary.
Message edited 12/25/2006 10:24:40 PM.
Posted 12/25/06 10:23 PM |
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: A weird dream question
I have had dreams like that - scary. It wasn't when I was pregnant though.
Posted 12/25/06 10:38 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: A weird dream question
I always post and than wind up answering my own questions. This is what I found online:
"When we dream, our bodies actually do become temporarily paralyzed. This is so that we do not "act out" our dreams - actually get up out of bed and start running around our bedrooms. This "REM Paralysis," while functional and necessary for sound sleep, occasionally is responsible for disturbing dreams. For example, I am sure you are familiar with dreams where an attacker is chasing a dreamer and suddenly the dreamer is unable to move. The dreamer tries to run away, but her feet feel like they are stuck in quicksand. Then she tries to throw a punch, but her arms feel like they are underwater. There is a great deal of evidence that suggests these dreams are not really over-meaningful psychologically. For example, when you try to yell for help in a dream but can't - maybe it doesn't reflect a sense of helplessness toward this attacker - or to whatever this attacker represents. Maybe your dream is just representing, accurately, that your vocal cords, mouth and tongue all aren't moving - because you are laying asleep in bed.
Most cases of REM Paralysis involve people who actually awaken consciously from a dream, but whose bodies remain "asleep," as it were. In other words, the mind wakes up before the body, and the body still is in the paralysis mode of REM sleep. When this happens - the body feels like dead weight. People also often experience the sensation that their chest is very heavy. When they try to breath - to take a deep breath - the chest doesn't respond as it normally does. When they try to shout, nothing comes out. These sensations of paralysis often cause the awake/asleep dreamer to panic. Sound familiar?
If you have experienced a bit of this REM Paralysis, just to try relax. REM Paralysis is very common, and in fact can even be a bit enjoyable once you understand what is occurring in the body. No one has ever stayed paralyzed, and usually a mental effort to awaken works well.
Advice: try sleeping with a soft light on somewhere in your room - or with a night light that plugs into the wall. That way you'll always know where you are when you wake up in the night!"
Posted 12/25/06 10:43 PM |
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Member since 7/06 1124 total posts
Name: L
Re: A weird dream question
This happened to me too recently! I thought it was just me but now I'm beginning to wonder if it has something to do with pregnancy, breathing, hormones...not really sure. I semi-woke-up from a dream recently. I could move my body but I could not wake up completely, if that makes any sense. I ran down the hallway panicking and yelled for my DH to help me. I wasn't sure what was going on or how to wake up completely from the dream. I evenutally woke up on my own, but it terrified me.
DH looked up some information for me on this. There is an actual medical term for this believe it or not. I'm not sure what it is, but I know it's not your imagination. I'll try to find out and post it here. I'm just wondering if pregnant women are more susceptible to this.
ETS: Just read your post above on REM Paralysis. Thank you! That's pretty much what I felt too, although I was able to move my body but couldn't wake up. I'll see if I can find anything online about if it is more commmon during pregnancy.
Message edited 12/25/2006 10:52:50 PM.
Posted 12/25/06 10:48 PM |
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