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Advice needed- with pics

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Love my little boy!

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Re: Advice needed- with pics

Posted by Klomo906

I agree with Christine. I'd tell him you love it, but it doesn't go with any of your outfits.

this is what i would do also

Posted 12/21/06 11:41 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Advice needed- with pics

i need to come work for you lol
it's cute
i don't love it.
if that were me i would just wear it to work a few times just so he knows that you are using it make it your work bag . like if you take lunch or magazines stuff like that .
you need to wear the bag to break it in then it will look real..

Posted 12/22/06 8:55 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Advice needed- with pics

Posted by ChrissynRicky

me no likey either...i would be honest with him and LIE and tell him you love it, but decided to exchange it for another bag that matches more of your clothing.

be honest but lie

Posted 12/22/06 8:57 AM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Advice needed- with pics

Posted by Question

Posted by LRusso

First of all, great boss!

Second, I think you should tell him you loved it, but realized the color was a little hard to work with with some of your clothes so you're getting something different. Unless you could suck it up and keep it? Toughie!

I agree with LRusso and ChrissynRicky

I don't want to say that you kept it...I think that could be more trouble than it's worth. I would def say the color is hard to work with so you are exchanging it.

Posted 12/22/06 11:23 AM

my loves...

Member since 5/05

9129 total posts


Re: Advice needed- with pics

Posted by johnsae

Posted by Question

Posted by LRusso

First of all, great boss!

Second, I think you should tell him you loved it, but realized the color was a little hard to work with with some of your clothes so you're getting something different. Unless you could suck it up and keep it? Toughie!

I agree with LRusso and ChrissynRicky

I don't want to say that you kept it...I think that could be more trouble than it's worth. I would def say the color is hard to work with so you are exchanging it.

I agree too. Nothing worse than worrying about the lie OR getting caught in it.

Good luck with your decision!

Posted 12/22/06 11:35 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Advice needed- with pics

tell him it doesn't match anything, you're afraid the light color will get too dirty, or that DH didn't like it.

Place blame elsewhere!

Posted 12/22/06 12:04 PM


Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Re: Advice needed- with pics

thank you for all the comments!!
kee tphem comnig!

i know my boss is awesome and that I am really lucky to have him spend anything on me- i am good to him too- i bouht him a digital camera :)

but i am kinda going to go with the route of using it a few times in front of him and then returning it.

the good thing is that its pink so i wont be expected to use it every day...

Message edited 12/22/2006 12:59:17 PM.

Posted 12/22/06 12:58 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Advice needed- with pics

I would exchange it and tell your boss that you exchanged it for another more neutral color so you could use it MORE. Chat Icon

Posted 12/22/06 3:07 PM

"I got the Sugar" ..:)

Member since 5/05

1252 total posts


Re: Advice needed- with pics

Hey! How did it all go? What did you end up doing / getting in exchange? :)

Posted 1/10/07 11:20 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Advice needed- with pics

I don't think it looks fake at all...

You have a very generous boss... honestly my first thought to this post was "how ungrateful"... sorry, jmo...

I don't think the "it doesn't match anything" excuse is going to work because the truth is, if he had gotten you a bag you truly LOVED, not having clothes to match would not be a problem because you'd probably be RUNNING out to BUY clothes that match Chat Icon

Anyway, you don't like it... he gave you the receipt for a reason... do what you are comfortable with...

Me personally, I wouldn't exchange for 2 reasons:

1. my BOSS gave it to me...that might count for something (depending on your boss of course
Chat Icon )

2. Because it's suede & pink, you have a great excuse for not using it often. It's certainly not an everyday bag. I would definitely come up with a cute outfit for it and wear it occasionally. Sometimes it's fun having a "that's not the everyday me " piece in your wardrobe.

Good luck with whatever you decide! Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/07 10:28 AM


Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Re: Advice needed- with pics

Posted by BabyAvocado

I don't think it looks fake at all...

You have a very generous boss... honestly my first thought to this post was "how ungrateful"... sorry, jmo...

I don't think the "it doesn't match anything" excuse is going to work because the truth is, if he had gotten you a bag you truly LOVED, not having clothes to match would not be a problem because you'd probably be RUNNING out to BUY clothes that match Chat Icon

Anyway, you don't like it... he gave you the receipt for a reason... do what you are comfortable with...

Me personally, I wouldn't exchange for 2 reasons:

1. my BOSS gave it to me...that might count for something (depending on your boss of course
Chat Icon )

2. Because it's suede & pink, you have a great excuse for not using it often. It's certainly not an everyday bag. I would definitely come up with a cute outfit for it and wear it occasionally. Sometimes it's fun having a "that's not the everyday me " piece in your wardrobe.

Good luck with whatever you decide! Chat Icon

fyi im not being ungrateful - i buy his daughters alot of stuff every year- last year dooney and bourke purses, the year before coach and this year a tremendous gift basket that I made for them from sephora. also i bought him and his wife a digital camera.

i know he meant well but the bag will never get used by me. i dont like it at all.

i still have not decided what to do.

i still may keep it and use it in front of him. also someone offered to buy it from me and I may do that, but I am still undecided.

i bought him a tumi bag last year that he told me he loved, used it once but never used it again. for all i know he could have returned it and i would never ask because if he did I wouldnt care and wouldnt consider him ungrateful.

him and i are always generous with each other. some people dont set that precedent, and you may feel slighted if your boss doesnt buy you a gucci bag but mine and i both exchange very nice gifts, and i spend ALOT of $ on him and often go over my budget. im simply trying to do the right thin to avoid hurting his feelings. why should $500 go to waste?

Message edited 1/11/2007 11:11:31 AM.

Posted 1/11/07 11:05 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Advice needed- with pics

Posted by MrsPorkChop

fyi im not being ungrateful - i buy his daughters alot of stuff every year- last year dooney and bourke purses, the year before coach and this year a tremendous gift basket that I made for them from sephora. also i bought him and his wife a digital camera.

i know he meant well but the bag will never get used by me. i dont like it at all.

i still have not decided what to do.

i still may keep it and use it in front of him. also someone offered to buy it from me and I may do that, but I am still undecided.

i bought him a tumi bag last year that he told me he loved, used it once but never used it again. for all i know he could have returned it and i would never ask because if he did I wouldnt care and wouldnt consider him ungrateful.

him and i are always generous with each other. some people dont set that precedent, and you may feel slighted if your boss doesnt buy you a gucci bag but mine and i both exchange very nice gifts, and i spend ALOT of $ on him and often go over my budget. im simply trying to do the right thin to avoid hurting his feelings. why should $500 go to waste?

I think it's great that you and your boss are generous with each other - but FYI, telling me that you buy and WHAT you buy for his daughters and wife tells me nothing about how grateful you are. It tells me you are generous and thoughtful gift giver.

Look, like I said, I imagine he gave you the receipt for a reason...and I agree that the money he spent on that gift should not go to waste. So, as I said before, do what you feel comfortable with.

I also think the fact that you are being thoughtful enough to avoid doing something with it that would hurt his feelings shows that you are not ungrateful.

But initially the post came off as ungrateful to me.... I find the gift very generous and thoughtful. But that's just me, I usually don't exchange or return gifts. Not saying that people who DO are ungrateful, it's just not something I often do.

Oh and btw, no I do not feel slighted in the least because your boss buys you Gucci and mine doesn't. Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/07 1:15 PM
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